Code and data files corresponding to the manuscript 'Compromising improves forecasting'

Dardo Ferreiro 1c33f29bc0 Update '' 11 months ago
data b309c53caf Upload files to '' 1 year ago
BrierScoreCalc.m b309c53caf Upload files to '' 1 year ago
GJP_analysis_forpaper3.m b309c53caf Upload files to '' 1 year ago
GJP_analysis_forpaper_3afterrevision.m 40147ed134 Upload files to '' 11 months ago
GJP_data_initial_processing1.m b309c53caf Upload files to '' 1 year ago
GJP_processing_for_paper2.m b309c53caf Upload files to '' 1 year ago
Inverse_BrierScoreCalc.m b309c53caf Upload files to '' 1 year ago
LICENSE 92846c310b Initial commit 1 year ago 1c33f29bc0 Update '' 11 months ago
median_ci.m b309c53caf Upload files to '' 1 year ago


Code and data files corresponding to the manuscript 'Compromising improves forecasting'.

Ferreiro DN, Deroy O, Bahrami B. 2023. Compromising improves forecasting. R. Soc. Open Sci. 10:221216.

The matlab .m files include the 3 main scripts needed for processing the original God Judgment Project Data and plotting the results of our manuscript (scripts with suffix 1, 2 and 3), and necessary functions for them to run (e.g. to calculate Brier scores).

The data files include the processed data, as well as the original GJP data which can be found here: