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Dardo Ferreiro 11 months ago
1 changed files with 675 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 675 0

+ 675 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+clear all
+close all 
+% % %% loading the processed data files (takes a while, its big)
+team2start = 3;
+%% removing the values for which there is no brier (because of minimum requirements from previous script, like minimum amount of answers)
+for team=1:size(forecast_time2close_all,1)
+    for question=1:491
+        N = numel(group_briers_all {team,question});
+        if numel(group_briers_all {team,question}) == 0
+            group_forecasts_all{team,question} = [] ;
+            group_members_all{team,question} = [] ;
+            group_timestamps_all{team,question} = [] ;
+            forecast_time2close_all{team,question} = [] ;
+        end
+    end
+%% creating the variables for the data table
+for t=team2start:90
+    team4table{1,t} = repmat(t, numel(cat(2,group_briers_all{t,:})) ,1);
+    question4table = [];
+    for q = 1:size(questions2analyze_all{t},1)
+        question4table = vertcat(question4table, repmat(questions2analyze_all{t}(q), numel(group_briers_all{t,q}) ,1));
+    end
+    question4table_all{1,t} = question4table;
+    member4table{1,t} = cat(1,group_members_all{t,:});
+    fcast4table{1,t} =  cat(1,group_forecasts_all{t,:});
+    brier4table{1,t} = cat(2,group_briers_all{t,:})';
+    timestamp4table{1,t} = cat(1,group_timestamps_all{t,:});
+    time2close4table {1,t} = cat(2,forecast_time2close_all{t,:})';
+%% creating the data table
+team = cat(1,team4table{1,:});
+question_code = cat(1,question4table_all{1,:});
+question_n = nan(numel(question_code),1);
+unique_questions = unique(question_code);
+for i = 1:numel(unique_questions)
+        question_n (ismember(question_code, unique_questions{i} )) = i;
+member = cat(1,member4table{1,:});
+fcast = cat(1,fcast4table{1,:});
+brier = cat(1,brier4table{1,:});
+timestamp = cat(1,timestamp4table{1,:});
+time2close = cat(1,time2close4table{1,:});
+Data  = table(team,member,question_code,question_n,fcast,brier,timestamp,time2close);
+%%%%%% here i randomize the team vector, comment if i want real teams.
+Data(<team2start,:) = [];
+% =;
+% = Data.fcast(randperm(length(;
+% Data.timestamp = Data.timestamp(randperm(length(;
+% b =;
+%% calculating the actual mean brier and standard error for the team and each team member, and testing each tream member against the whole team.
+for t=team2start:90
+    membs = unique(Data.member(;
+    membersperteam_n (t) = numel(unique(Data.member(;
+    team_avg_brier(t) = mean(Data.brier(;
+    team_se_brier(t) = std(Data.brier( / sqrt(numel(  Data.brier(  ));
+    clear m_avg_brier m_se_brier Wilcoxon WilcoxonPerformance
+    for m = 1:numel(membs)
+        m_avg_brier(m) = mean(Data.brier( & Data.member == membs(m)));
+        m_se_brier(m) = std(Data.brier( & Data.member == membs(m))) / sqrt(numel(   Data.brier( & Data.member == membs(m))    ));
+        member_avg_brier{t} = m_avg_brier;
+        member_se_brier{t} = m_se_brier;
+        Wilcoxon(m) = ranksum (Data.brier(,Data.brier( & Data.member == membs(m)));
+        if Wilcoxon (m) <= 0.05/2479 && m_avg_brier(m) < team_avg_brier(t)
+            WilcoxonPerformance(m) = -1; %%% if member is better than team
+        elseif Wilcoxon (m) <= 0.05/2479 && m_avg_brier(m) > team_avg_brier(t)
+            WilcoxonPerformance (m) = 1; %%% if member is worse than team
+        elseif Wilcoxon (m) > 0.05/2479
+            WilcoxonPerformance (m) = 0; %%% if member is same than team
+        end
+    end
+    Wilcoxon_team_vs_members_pvalues{t} = Wilcoxon;
+    Wilcoxon_team_vs_members_performance{t} = WilcoxonPerformance;
+subplot 121
+plot (1:10,membersperteam_n(1:10),'s-')
+ylabel('# of members')
+subplot 122
+plot (11:90,membersperteam_n(11:90),'s-')
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w')
+semilogy (1:90,membersperteam_n,'.-', 'linewidth' , 2,'markersize',15)
+hold on
+plot ([1 90],[70 70], 'linewidth' , 2)
+xlim([0 91])
+set(gca,'XTick',[10:10: 90])
+xlim ([0.5 90.5])
+ylabel('# members')
+for i = team2start:90
+    t_perf = Wilcoxon_team_vs_members_performance{i};
+    t_better(i) = sum (t_perf == -1) / numel(t_perf);
+    t_worse(i) = sum (t_perf == 1)/ numel(t_perf);
+    %     t_better(i) = sum (t_perf == -1);
+    %     t_worse(i) = sum (t_perf == 1);
+    t_diff(i) = t_better(i) + t_worse(i);
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w');
+plot (1:90,t_better,1:90,t_worse)
+legend('Better than team average','Worse than team average','location','northeast')
+xlim([0 91])
+set(gca,'XTick',[10:10: 90])
+xlim ([0.5 90.5])
+ylabel('Proportion of team members')
+concatenated_wilcoxonperfs = cat(2,Wilcoxon_team_vs_members_performance{1,:});
+disp([ 'Check that the N for the pvalue is = ' num2str(numel(cat(2,Wilcoxon_team_vs_members_performance{1,:})))] )
+Nbetter = sum(concatenated_wilcoxonperfs == -1);
+Nworse = sum(concatenated_wilcoxonperfs == 1);
+Nequal = sum(concatenated_wilcoxonperfs == 0);
+disp(['N members better than their team = ' num2str(Nbetter)])
+disp(['N members worse than their team = ' num2str(Nworse)])
+disp(['N members equal than their team = ' num2str(Nequal)])
+%% creating the new variables to analyze
+%  confidence and absolute performance
+% confidence4table = nan(size(Data,1),1);
+abs_performance4table = nan(size(Data,1),1);
+confidence4table = abs(Data.fcast-0.5);
+abs_performance4table (Data.brier < 0.5) = 1;
+abs_performance4table (Data.brier > 0.5) = 0;
+abs_performance4table (Data.brier == 0.5) = -1;
+Data.confidence = confidence4table;
+Data.abs_performance = abs_performance4table;
+%% calculating correct outcomes for later. vector with 1 if q outcome 1, 0 if 0. Corresponding to the probability forecast.
+outcome_vector = nan(size(Data,1),1);
+outcome_vector(Data.fcast==0.5) = -1;
+outcome_vector(Data.abs_performance==1 & Data.fcast<0.5) = 0;
+outcome_vector(Data.abs_performance==0 & Data.fcast<0.5) = 1;
+outcome_vector(Data.abs_performance==0 & Data.fcast>0.5) = 0;
+outcome_vector(Data.abs_performance==1 & Data.fcast>0.5) = 1;
+Data.q_outcome = outcome_vector;
+%% descriptive histograms. Sanity check. should be histograms with -1 0 1 for performance and values between 0 and 0.5 for confidence
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w');
+subplot 121
+histogram (Data.abs_performance,'normalization','cdf')
+xlabel ('forecast absolute performance')
+ylabel ('Cumulative Probability')
+subplot 122
+xlabel ('Forecast Confidence')
+%% windowing confidence and absolute performance
+tw_start = 110:-10:30;
+tw_end = 80:-10:0;
+for tw = 1:numel(tw_start)
+    clear time_index
+    time_index = Data.time2close < tw_start(tw) & Data.time2close > tw_end(tw);
+    abs_perf_window(tw) = mean(Data.abs_performance(time_index & Data.fcast ~= 0.5));
+    confidence_mean_window(tw) = mean(Data.confidence(time_index));
+    confidence_se_window(tw) = std(Data.confidence(time_index)) / sqrt(numel(Data.confidence(time_index)));
+    brier_mean_window(tw) = mean(Data.brier(time_index));
+    brier_se_window(tw) = std(Data.brier(time_index)) / sqrt(numel(Data.brier(time_index)));
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w');
+subplot 211
+xlim ([0.5 9.5])
+xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+ylabel('Proportion of correct absolute forecasts')
+subplot 212
+ylim([0.28 0.4])
+xlim ([0.5 9.5])
+xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+ylabel('Confidence Score')
+% subplot 313
+% errorbar(1:9,brier_mean_window,brier_se_window)
+% xlim ([0.5 9.5])
+% set(gca,'XTick',[1:9])
+% set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'110-80','100-70','90-60','80-50','70-40','60-30','50-20','40-10','30-0'})
+% xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+% ylabel('Brier Score')
+%% calculating the two performances per team per window
+min_answers = 5;
+for tw = 1:numel(tw_start)
+    time_index = Data.time2close < tw_start(tw) & Data.time2close > tw_end(tw);
+    Performance1_window_raw = nan(90,382);
+    Performance2_window_raw = nan(90,382);
+    Consensus_fcast_window_raw = nan(90,382);
+%     outcomes=nan(382,1);
+    for t = team2start:90
+        for q = 1:max(Data.question_n)
+            clear values valuesP1 tans_val
+            values = Data.brier( == t & Data.question_n == q & time_index);
+            valuesP1 = Data.fcast( == t & Data.question_n == q & time_index);
+            if numel(values) >= min_answers
+                Performance2_window_raw(t,q) = nanmean(values);
+                outcome4briercalc = max(  unique(Data.q_outcome(Data.question_n==q))  );
+                Performance1_window_raw(t,q) = BrierScoreCalc(nanmean(valuesP1),outcome4briercalc);
+                Consensus_fcast_window_raw(t,q) = nanmean(valuesP1);
+            end
+%             outcomes(q) = outcome4briercalc;
+        end
+    end
+    %%%performances by team to plot one line per team instead of the grand
+    %%%average
+    Perf1_groupmean_tw (:,tw) = nanmean(Performance1_window_raw,2);
+    Perf2_groupmean_tw (:,tw) = nanmean(Performance2_window_raw,2);
+    Perf1_questionmean_tw (:,tw) = nanmean(Performance1_window_raw,1);
+    Perf2_questionmean_tw (:,tw) = nanmean(Performance2_window_raw,1);
+    Consensus_groupmean_tw (:,tw) =  nanmean(Consensus_fcast_window_raw,2);
+    Consensus_questionmean_tw (:,tw) = nanmean(Consensus_fcast_window_raw,1);
+    %%%%% 
+    Performance1_window_mean (tw) = nanmean(Performance1_window_raw(:));
+    Performance1_window_se (tw) = nanstd(Performance1_window_raw(:)) / sqrt(numel(Performance1_window_raw(~isnan(Performance1_window_raw))));
+    Performance2_window_mean (tw) = nanmean(Performance2_window_raw(:));
+    Performance2_window_se (tw) = nanstd(Performance2_window_raw(:)) / sqrt(numel(Performance2_window_raw(~isnan(Performance2_window_raw))));
+    Performance2_window_mean (tw) = nanmean(Performance2_window_raw(:));
+    Performance2_window_se (tw) = nanstd(Performance2_window_raw(:)) / sqrt(numel(Performance2_window_raw(~isnan(Performance2_window_raw))));
+    clear Performance_diff Performance_sum MI
+    Performance_diff = Performance2_window_raw - Performance1_window_raw;
+    Performance_sum = Performance2_window_raw + Performance1_window_raw;
+    Perf2_KW {tw} = Performance2_window_raw(:);
+    Perf1_KW {tw} = Performance1_window_raw(:);
+    MI = Performance_diff./Performance_sum;
+    MI_mean(tw) = nanmean(MI(:));
+    MI_se(tw) = nanstd(MI(:)) / sqrt( sum(sum(~isnan(MI))) );
+%     Consensus_sum = Consensus_fcast_window_raw
+%% one more level of aggregation
+for q = 1:size(Consensus_questionmean_tw,1)
+    for tw = 1:9
+        if isnan(Consensus_questionmean_tw (q,tw))
+            Consensus_Brier_tw (q,tw) = nan;
+        elseif ~isnan(Consensus_questionmean_tw (q,tw))
+            Consensus_Brier_tw (q,tw) = BrierScoreCalc(Consensus_questionmean_tw (q,tw), max(  unique(Data.q_outcome(Data.question_n==q))));
+        end
+        Nvalues_for_se(tw) = sum (~isnan(Consensus_questionmean_tw(:,tw)));
+    end
+Consensus_mean_2aggregation_tw = nanmean(Consensus_Brier_tw,1);
+Consensus_se_2aggregation_tw = nanstd(Consensus_Brier_tw,1) ./ sqrt(Nvalues_for_se);
+%% statistical testing
+for window = 1:9
+    mat_testing = nan(90*382,3);
+    mat_testing(:,1) = Perf2_KW{window}; %% blue
+    mat_testing(:,2) = Perf1_KW{window}; %% red
+    index_numel = numel(Consensus_Brier_tw(:,window));
+    mat_testing(1:index_numel,3) = Consensus_Brier_tw(:,window); %% yellow
+%     pKW (window) = kruskalwallis(mat_testing);
+    [pKW(window),tbl{window},stats{window}] = kruskalwallis(mat_testing,[],'off')
+%%% multiple comparisons
+multiple_comparisons = nan(3,11);
+multiple_comparisons(1,10:11)= [1 2];
+multiple_comparisons(2,10:11)= [2 3];
+multiple_comparisons(3,10:11)= [1 3];
+for window = 1:9
+    if pKW(window)*9 < 0.05
+       multiple_comparisons(1,window) = 3*ranksum (Perf2_KW{window},Perf1_KW{window});
+       multiple_comparisons(2,window) = 3*ranksum (Consensus_Brier_tw(:,window),Perf1_KW{window});
+       multiple_comparisons(3,window) = 3*ranksum (Perf2_KW{window},Consensus_Brier_tw(:,window));
+    end
+    multiple_comparisons_dunn{window} = multcompare(stats{window},'CType','dunn-sidak');
+%% %% correcting the KW, multiplying by 9
+% c = multcompare(stats{5})
+%% GLM preparation
+%%%% preparing the data
+clear b_curve r_curve y_curve
+b_curve = Perf2_KW;
+r_curve = Perf1_KW;
+for i = 1:9
+    indb = ~isnan(Perf2_KW{i});
+    b_curve{i} = Perf2_KW{i}(indb);
+    indr = ~isnan(Perf1_KW{i});
+    r_curve{i} = Perf1_KW{i}(indr);
+    indy = ~isnan(Consensus_Brier_tw(:,i));
+    y_curve{i} = Consensus_Brier_tw(indy,i);
+    clear indr indb indy
+    b_timebins{i} = i*ones(numel(b_curve{i}),1);
+    r_timebins{i} = i*ones(numel(r_curve{i}),1);
+    y_timebins{i} = i*ones(numel(y_curve{i}),1);
+%%%% now concatenating and generating the long vector of data and the
+%%%% columns for conditions and time
+b_cat = vertcat(b_curve{:});
+r_cat = vertcat(r_curve{:});
+y_cat = vertcat(y_curve{:});
+briers4glm = vertcat(b_cat,r_cat,y_cat);
+condition4glm(1:numel(b_cat),1) = 1;
+condition4glm((1+numel(b_cat)):(numel(b_cat)+numel(r_cat)),1) = 2;
+condition4glm((1+numel(b_cat)+numel(r_cat)):(numel(b_cat)+numel(r_cat)+numel(y_cat)),1) = 3;
+timebin4glm = vertcat(b_timebins{:},r_timebins{:},y_timebins{:});
+%% running the glm
+Accuracy= briers4glm+eps; % Accuracy
+Timebin = timebin4glm;  % stimuls difficulty
+Condition = condition4glm; % diffrent conditions
+subplot 121
+boxplot (Accuracy,Condition)
+subplot 122
+boxplot (Accuracy,Timebin)
+IntAccTime = Accuracy .* Timebin;
+IntCondTime = Condition .* Timebin;
+%%% you would make a table for these arrays
+MyTable = table(Timebin,Accuracy,Condition,IntAccTime,IntCondTime);
+MyTable = unique(MyTable);
+%%% then, you would run the functcion
+glme = fitglme(MyTable,...
+		'Accuracy ~ 1+Condition + Timebin',...
+		'Distribution','inverse gaussian','FitMethod','MPL',... 
+		'DummyVarCoding','effects');
+% %%% then, you would run the functcion
+% glme = fitglme(MyTable,...
+% 		'Accuracy ~ 1+Condition + Timebin',...
+% 		'Distribution','inverse gaussian','FitMethod','MPL',... 
+% 		'DummyVarCoding','effects');
+%%% and creat the table for the results
+Res_ACC = [glme.Coefficients.Estimate(2:end),glme.Coefficients.SE(2:end),...
+    glme.Coefficients.Lower(2:end),glme.Coefficients.Upper(2:end),...
+    glme.Coefficients.tStat(2:end),glme.Coefficients.pValue(2:end)];
+%% plotting the medians
+quantileBS = 0.95;
+for i=1:9
+    medians2plot(1,i) = median(b_curve{i});
+    medians2plot(2,i) = median(r_curve{i});
+    medians2plot(3,i) = median(y_curve{i});
+    means2plot(1,i) = mean(b_curve{i});
+    means2plot(2,i) = mean(r_curve{i});
+    means2plot(3,i) = mean(y_curve{i});
+    CIb(:,i) = median_ci(b_curve{i},nBS,quantileBS); 
+    CIr(:,i) = median_ci(r_curve{i},nBS,quantileBS); 
+    CIy(:,i) = median_ci(y_curve{i},nBS,quantileBS); 
+%% plotting performance across time
+errorbar(-97:10:-17,medians2plot(1,:),abs(  CIb(1,:)-CIb(2,:)),abs(CIb(3,:)-CIb(2,:)),'linewidth',1.5)
+hold on
+errorbar(-95:10:-15,medians2plot(2,:),abs(  CIr(1,:)-CIr(2,:)),abs(CIr(3,:)-CIr(2,:)),'linewidth',1.5)
+errorbar(-93:10:-13,medians2plot(3,:),abs(  CIy(1,:)-CIy(2,:)),abs(CIy(3,:)-CIy(2,:)),'linewidth',1.5)
+xlim([-100 -10])
+xlabel('Days before question closure')
+ylabel('Brier Score')
+legend ({'Individual';'1st order compromise';'2nd order compromise'},'location','southwest')
+%% comparison of specific time windows within a curve.
+%% calculating confidence and absolute performance per time window and per curve of aggregation level
+for tw = 1:9
+        %%% calculate absolute correct
+        b_prop_correct(tw) = 100 * sum(b_curve{tw}<0.5) / numel(b_curve{tw});
+        r_prop_correct(tw) = 100 * sum(r_curve{tw}<0.5) / numel(r_curve{tw});
+        y_prop_correct(tw) = 100 * sum(y_curve{tw}<0.5) / numel(y_curve{tw});
+        %%% calculate absolute confidence
+        for i = 1:numel(b_curve{tw})
+            b_conf_temp(i) =  100 * abs ( Inverse_BrierScoreCalc(b_curve{tw}(i),1) - 0.5) / 0.5;
+        end
+        b_confidence {tw} = b_conf_temp;
+        b_confidence_median(tw) = mean(b_confidence{tw});
+        b_confidence_SE(tw) = std(b_confidence{tw}) / sqrt(numel(b_confidence{tw}));
+        for i = 1:numel(r_curve{tw})
+            r_conf_temp(i) = 100 * abs ( Inverse_BrierScoreCalc(r_curve{tw}(i),1) - 0.5) / 0.5;
+        end
+        r_confidence {tw} = r_conf_temp;
+        r_confidence_median(tw) = mean(r_confidence{tw});
+        r_confidence_SE(tw) = std(r_confidence{tw}) / sqrt(numel(r_confidence{tw}));
+        for i = 1:numel(y_curve{tw})
+            y_conf_temp(i) = 100 * abs ( Inverse_BrierScoreCalc(y_curve{tw}(i),1) - 0.5)/ 0.5;
+        end
+        y_confidence {tw} = y_conf_temp;
+        y_confidence_median(tw) = mean(y_confidence{tw});
+        y_confidence_SE(tw) = std(y_confidence{tw}) / sqrt(numel(y_confidence{tw}));
+        clear b_confiidence_temp r_confiidence_temp y_confiidence_temp
+subplot 211
+% plot(-95:10:-15,b_confidence_median)
+% hold on
+% plot(-95:10:-15,r_confidence_median)
+% plot(-95:10:-15,y_confidence_median)
+hold on
+xlim([-100 -10])
+% xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+ylabel('% of max confidence')
+% legend ({'Average of individual Briers';'Team Consensus 1st order';'Team Consensus 2nd order'},'location','northwest')
+subplot 212
+hold on
+xlim([-100 -10])
+xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+ylabel('% of Correct Forecasts')
+legend ({'Average of individual Briers';'Team Consensus 1st order';'Team Consensus 2nd order'},'location','northwest')
+ylim([70 100])
+%% figure; set(gcf,'color','w'); OF MEAN (instead of median) PERFORMANCES IN TIME WINDOWS
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w');
+errorbar (1:9,Performance2_window_mean,Performance2_window_se,'linewidth',3)
+hold on
+errorbar (1:9,Performance1_window_mean,Performance1_window_se,'linewidth',3)
+errorbar (1:9,Consensus_mean_2aggregation_tw,Consensus_se_2aggregation_tw,'linewidth',3)
+xlim ([0.5 9.5])
+ylim([0.05 0.4])
+xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+ylabel('Brier Score')
+legend ({'Average of individual Briers';'Team Consensus 1st order';'Team Consensus 2nd order'},'location','southwest')
+%% same as above but instead of average, a line per question, averaging only across teams, just a sanity check
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w');
+for g = 11:90
+    subplot 121
+    plot (1:9,Perf1_groupmean_tw (g,:),'b')
+    hold on
+    subplot 122
+    plot (1:9,Perf2_groupmean_tw (g,:) ,'r')
+    hold on
+for s = 1:2
+    subplot(1,2,s)
+xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+ylabel('Brier Score')
+if s==1
+legend ({'Brier of average forecast'})
+elseif s==2
+ legend (   'Average of individual Briers')
+title('one line per team')
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w');
+for g = 1:382
+    plot (1:9,Perf1_questionmean_tw (g,:),'b')
+    hold on
+    plot (1:9,Perf2_questionmean_tw (g,:) ,'r')
+% set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'110-80','100-70','90-60','80-50','70-40','60-30','50-20','40-10','30-0'})
+xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+ylabel('Brier Score')
+legend ({'Brier of average forecast';'Average of individual Briers'})
+title('one line per question')
+%% plot modulation index
+figure; set(gcf,'color','w');
+errorbar (1:9,MI_mean,MI_se,'linewidth',3)
+xlim ([0.5 9.5])
+xlabel('Interval of days before question closure')
+ylabel('Modulation Index')
+% legend ({'Brier of average forecast';'Average of individual Briers'})
+Performance_diff = Performance2_window_raw - Performance1_window_raw;
+Performance_sum = Performance2_window_raw + Performance1_window_raw;
+MI = Performance_diff./Performance_sum;
+%% saving the data table
+% writetable(Data,'D:\Ferreiro\BahramiLab\GoodJudgement\Processed_data\Data4publication.txt','Delimiter',',')
+% save('D:\Ferreiro\BahramiLab\GoodJudgement\Processed_data\Data4publication.mat', 'Data')