#8 update dataset to conform version 0.3.0

Merge realizado
sprenger mesclou 6 commits de LamineCisse/ModifyColname em NeuralEnsemble/master há 2 anos atrás

modification to conform version 0.3.0 BEP:

  • channel_type added in channel.tsv for ephys-nix file

  • add PowerLineFrequencyUnit in ephys-json for ephys_nwb_petersen file

  • add PowerLineFrequency and PowerLineFrequencyUnit in ephys-json for ephys_nix file

  • change task_id to task_name for ephys-nix file

modification to conform version 0.3.0 BEP: - channel_type added in channel.tsv for ephys-nix file - add PowerLineFrequencyUnit in ephys-json for ephys_nwb_petersen file - add PowerLineFrequency and PowerLineFrequencyUnit in ephys-json for ephys_nix file - change task_id to task_name for ephys-nix file

rename tasks_id to task_name in tasks.tsv

rename tasks_id to task_name in tasks.tsv
sprenger comentado há 2 anos atrás

Hi @LamineCisse! You still have an additional 'Unnamed: 27' column header in sub-i_ses-140703_task-r2g_run-001_channels.tsv. Could you remove this?

Hi @LamineCisse! You still have an additional 'Unnamed: 27' column header in `sub-i_ses-140703_task-r2g_run-001_channels.tsv`. Could you remove this?
sprenger comentado há 2 anos atrás

Hi @LamineCisse! Thanks for also adding the PowerLineFrequency information. However, it seems like you unintentionally added some commata in the ephys_nix/*/_ephys.json files. Do see them?

Hi @LamineCisse! Thanks for also adding the PowerLineFrequency information. However, it seems like you unintentionally added some commata in the ephys_nix/**/*_ephys.json files. Do see them?
sprenger comentado há 2 anos atrás

Also it would be good if you could update the name and description of this PR to resemble the current set of changes you propose in here.

Also it would be good if you could update the name and description of this PR to resemble the current set of changes you propose in here.

hi @sprenger, all changes are made now.

hi @sprenger, all changes are made now.

hi @sprenger, all changes are made now.

hi @sprenger, all changes are made now.
sprenger comentado há 2 anos atrás

Hi again @LamineCisse, I can't automatically merge your PR, as for some reason your branch is create on the second-latest commit in the master branch and not the latest one. This means you will need to rebase your branch.

Hi again @LamineCisse, I can't automatically merge your PR, as for some reason your branch is create on the second-latest commit in the master branch and not the latest one. This means you will need to rebase your branch.
sprenger comentado há 2 anos atrás

Thanks for fixing the branch history! I will merge this.

Thanks for fixing the branch history! I will merge this.
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