Dockerfile 2.2 KB

  1. FROM jupyter/scipy-notebook:ubuntu-20.04
  2. # install netbase
  3. USER root
  4. RUN apt update -y \
  5. && apt install -y netbase \
  6. && apt-get clean \
  7. && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
  8. # mamba installを使いたかったがdatalad pushに失敗するため
  9. # conda installを利用している(2/2時点)
  10. RUN conda install --quiet --yes git-annex==8.20210903 \
  11. && conda install --quiet --yes git==2.35.0 \
  12. && conda install --quiet --yes datalad==0.15.4 \
  13. && conda clean -i -t -y
  14. # install the notebook package etc.
  15. RUN pip install --no-cache --upgrade pip \
  16. && pip install --no-cache notebook \
  17. && pip install --no-cache jupyter_contrib_nbextensions \
  18. && pip install --no-cache git+ \
  19. && pip install --no-cache git+ \
  20. && pip install --no-cache datalad==0.15.4 \
  21. && pip install --no-cache lxml==4.7.1 \
  22. && pip install --no-cache blockdiag==3.0.0 \
  23. && pip install --no-cache -U nbformat==5.2.0 \
  24. && pip install --no-cache papermill==2.3.3 \
  25. && pip install --no-cache black==21.12b0
  26. RUN jupyter contrib nbextension install --user \
  27. && jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable --user \
  28. && jupyter run-through quick-setup --user \
  29. && jupyter nbextension install --py lc_multi_outputs --user \
  30. && jupyter nbextension enable --py lc_multi_outputs --user
  31. # install Japanese-font (for blockdiag)
  32. ARG font_deb=fonts-ipafont-gothic_00303-18ubuntu1_all.deb
  33. RUN mkdir ${HOME}/.fonts \
  34. && wget -P ${HOME}/.fonts${font_deb} \
  35. && dpkg-deb -x ${HOME}/.fonts/${font_deb} ~/.fonts \
  36. && cp ~/.fonts/usr/share/fonts/opentype/ipafont-gothic/ipag.ttf ~/.fonts/ipag.ttf \
  37. && rm ${HOME}/.fonts/${font_deb} \
  38. && rm -rf ${HOME}/.fonts/etc ${HOME}/.fonts/usr \
  39. && rm .wget-hsts
  40. ARG NB_USER=jovyan
  41. ARG NB_UID=1000
  42. RUN rm -rf ${HOME}/work
  43. # prepare datalad procedure dir
  44. RUN mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/datalad/procedures
  46. COPY . ${HOME}
  47. USER root
  48. RUN chown -R ${NB_UID} ${HOME}
  49. USER ${NB_USER}
  50. # Specify the default command to run
  51. CMD ["jupyter", "notebook", "--ip", ""]