950 B


Longitudinal MRI (T2-weighted and rs-fMRI) of GFAP-/-/Vim-/- and WT mice; 6 time points over 4 weeks post photothrombotic stroke.


  • MRI_raw_data - contains all raw data in Bruker 2dseq format and the original Bruker folder structure
  • MRI_proc_data - contains all data processed with the AIDAmri pipeline. Processing steps: define stroke masks, convert Bruker to NIfTI-1 data format, image re-orientation, bias-field correction, brain extraction, region-of-interest segmentation, registration with the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas (CCFv3), functional connectivity analysis.


Markus Aswendt, Ulrika Wilhelmsson, Frederique Wieters, Felix Schmitt, Niklas Pallast, Yolanda de Pablo, Lava Mohammed, Mathias Hoehn, Marcela Pekna, Milos Pekny