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gin commit from retina-05-17

New files: 1
Modified files: 1
ycanerol 3 роки тому
2 змінених файлів з 2783 додано та 0 видалено
  1. 57 0
  2. 2726 0

+ 57 - 0

@@ -67,3 +67,60 @@ with IGOR-style analyses.
 ### stimuli
 Contains the parameters that were used in the experiment, one file per stimulus.
+## Loading and working with the texture stimulus
+The texture stimulus is referred to as OMB (objects moving background) since this was the original
+name of the stimulus.
+To use the functions already present in the pymer package, it needs to be first set up. Follow
+the instructions [here](https://github.com/ycanerol/pymer).
+In order to start working with the OMB stimulus, an instance of the OMB object needs to be instantiated.
+from omb import OMB
+st = OMB('20180710', 8)
+This object contains the basic information that might be needed to analyze the texture stimulus.
+>>> spikes = st.allspikes()  # Load binned spikes for all units into the variable spikes
+>>> spikes.shape
+(96, 54000)  # 96 units, 54000 time bins
+>>> st.texturebasic.shape # The texture that is moved around to generate the stimulus
+(200, 200)
+### Documentation
+You can see how all the attributes and functions are defined in `classes/omb.py` and `classes/stimulus.py` in pymer.
+`OMB` is child class of the more general `Stimulus`, so it contains everything in `Stimulus` plus those that are defined
+in `omb.py`
+### Interactive demo
+To explore the functionality of the pymer OMB class, you can run the `pymer_omb_examples.ipynb` notebook.
+For this jupyter notebook should be installed, you can do so by running
+conda install jupyter
+**Note**: jupyter can be installed to your base environment (as opposed to pymer environment), this would
+make it easier to access jupyter with other environments you might have.
+Start a notebook server by running
+jupyter notebook

Різницю між файлами не показано, бо вона завелика
+ 2726 - 0