Transient developmental increase of prefrontal activity alters network maturation and causes cognitive dysfunction in adult mice
This repository contains the ephys data related to the article " Transient developmental increase of prefrontal activity alters network maturation and causes cognitive dysfunction in adult mice". We provide 239 optogenetic in vivo recordings of non-anesthetized and urethane-anesthetized mice of control and early stimulated (ES) mice expressing ChR2(ET/TC) in a subset of L2/3 pyramidal neurons in the right hemisphere of the prefrontal cortex achieved by in utero electroporation. Following the structure of the article, the dataset contains recordings of:
72 electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex of non-anesthetized mice (Ephys_not-anesthetized):
- 11x P11-12 control recordings
- 10x P11-12 ES recordings
- 13x P23-26 control recordings
- 14x P23-26 ES recordings
- 12x P38-40 control recordings
- 12x P38-40 ES recordings
62 electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex of urethane anesthetized mice (Ephys_anesthetized)
- 10x P11-12 control recordings
- 10x P11-12 ES recordings
- 10x P23-25 control recordings
- 11x P23-25 ES recordings
- 9x P38-40 control recordings
- 12x P38-40 ES recordings
21 electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex with transcranial stimulations (Transcranial_recordings):
- 13x P7-11 recordings
- 8x P12-16 recordings
8 electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex in PV cre-mice (PV_Photo-tagging):
- 3x P26 recordings
- 5x P37-40 recordings
25 electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex and Hippocampus of non-anesthetized mice (ES_non-anesthetized_HPstim):
- 13x P38-40 control recordings
- 12x P38-40 ES recordings
23 electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex of non-anesthetized mice (oldES_non-anesthetized):
- 11x P38-40 control recordings
- 12x P38-40 old ES recordings
28 electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex during social preference task (ES_social_preference):
- 15x P38-40 control recordings
- 13x P38-40 ES recordings
For detailed information of group generation and recording protocol refer to the article.
LFP:The group folders contain LFP.dat files with the signal traces of the corresponding recording with a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz recorded in L2/3 of the right hemisphere of the prelimbic subdivision of the prefrontal cortex. Experiments in non-anesthetized mice with acute hippocampus stimulation include further LFP signal traces of the intermediate CA1 and folders of experiments in urethane anesthetized mice include further LFP signal traces of L2/3 and 5/6 of both hemispheres. All recorded mice, except PV cre-mice used for PV photo-tagging, express ChR2(ET/TC) in a subset of L2/3 pyramidal neurons in the right hemisphere of the prefrontal cortex.
Each recording contains a baseline period followed by optogenetic stimulations according following protocol:
- 3 s long, 596 nm stimulations (ramps)
- 3 s long, 473 nm stimulations (ramps)
- 3 ms long, 473 nm stimulations (square pulses)
- 3 ms long, 596 nm stimulations (square pulses)
For each recording a Matlab structure is provided containing the timestamps and kind of stimulation. Please consider that stimulation timestamps and detection of unit action potentials have a higher sampling frequency of 32000 Hz
SUA:The group folders also contain SUA.mat files with information about manually sorted single units of the corresponding recording. According to the article single unit information is provided for following datasets: Non-anesthetized ES and control mice of all three age groups, recordings with transcranial stimulations and optogenetic recordings in PV cre-mice. Spike sorting has been done using klusta (, and manually curated with Phy ( For every recording, a Matlab structure is present which provides following information for every sorted unit (Unit_Info):
- ClusterID: ID of the unit
- Channel: The channel on which the unit has been detected
- Timestamps: Timestamps of detected action potential with a sampling frequency of 32000 Hz
- Waveform: the average waveform of the unit
All non-anesthetized recordings were recorded with a 16 channel Neuronexus 1x16 1-shank electrode with a channel interspace of 100 µm. Channel 1 is the most superficial (closer to brain surface), and 16 the deepest. The position of electrodes has been post-mortem histologycally reconstructed.
All anesthetized recordings were recorded with two contralateral inserted Neuronexus 4x4 4-shank electrodes. The position of electrodes has been post-mortem histologycally reconstructed.
For every question and/or further data request, please don't hesitate in contacting me.