Stimulus annotations for the movie Forrest Gump
This repository collects stimulus annotations for the research cut of the
"Forrest Gump" movie used in the
project. Annotations are collected from
various contributors and publications.
Annotations are typically provided as plain text tables, using a
tab-separated-value markup with a header row. Table usually contain a onset
and a duration column to indicate the timing of an event. All other columns
contain variables that describe properties of an event.
Repository content
All code necessary to import and convert annotations from the formats they
were originally provided in.
Annotation plain text tables with timing matching the entire "research cut"
as one continuous piece.
Annotation plain text tables with timing matching individual movie segments
used in the project.
Datalad subdatasets referencing repositories with available annotations.
Previously provided, less uniformly structured, annotation. All of these
will eventually be replaced by the format described above. This directory
will be removed in the future
General information
This is a DataLad dataset (id: 45b9ab26
For more information on DataLad and on how to work with its datasets,
see the DataLad documentation at: