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Christian Olaf Häusler 6 years ago
1 changed files with 134 additions and 87 deletions
  1. 134 87

+ 134 - 87

@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 created on Wed Jan 30 2018
 author: Christian Olaf Haeusler
 To Do:
+    Erzaehler Filtern wennn MOVIE = True
-from __future__ import print_function
 from collections import defaultdict
 import os
 from os.path import basename
@@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ import sys
 import pandas as pd
-# constants #
-MOVIE = True
-CROPPED = 0 # in sec; is a concatenated time series with cropped volumes used?
-INPUT_FILES = sys.argv[1:]
-OUT_DIR = 'segments'
     (0.00, 0.00),
     (886.00, 0.00),
@@ -34,6 +28,39 @@ SEGMENTS_OFFSETS = (
     (6410.44, 0.44),  # last segment's start
     (7086.00, 0.00))  # movie's last time point
+# dictionaries with paired touples containing time (2sec steps) and offset
+# in respect to the audiovisual movie (forrestgump_researchcut_ger_mono.mkv)
+    0: {  0:  21.33},
+    1: {  0:  37.33,
+        408:  21.33},
+    2: {  0:  69.33,
+        199:  61.33},
+    3: {  0:  93.33,
+        320: 101.33},
+    4: {  0: 109.33,
+        401: 101.33},
+    5: {  0: 141.33},
+    6: {  0: 189.31,
+         61: 181.31},
+    7: {  0: 205.33}}
+    0: {  0:  47.02},
+    1: {  0:  36.35,
+        203:  47.02},
+    2: {  0:  87.02,
+        199:  92.35},
+    3: {  0: 124.35,
+        320: 132.35},
+    4: {  0: 105.69,
+        401:  92.35},
+    5: {  0: 137.69,
+        364: 167.02},
+    6: {  0: 201.67,
+         61: 543.00},
+    7: {  0:-1422.31}}
 def time_stamp_to_msec(t_stamp='01:50:34:01'):
@@ -84,60 +111,47 @@ def get_run_number(starts, onset):
     return run
-def fix_segment_shift(timing_in_anno, cropped_time):
+def whole_anno_to_segments(seg_starts, run_nr, anno_time):
-    the function is not necessary anymore since the correction
-    is implicitly done by additionally given offsets in SEGMENTS_OFFSETS
-    fixes the timing of the 8 stimulus movie sigments
+    "The position of an event from a movie annotation with respect to the
+    cropped fMRI time series can now be determined by substracting the
+    start time of the respective segment as listed in Table 1"
-    # regular case which will be kept in runs 1 and 2
-    timing_in_segment = timing_in_anno
-    # correct for the accumulating offsets in segments 3 to 8
-    for segment_start, offset in sorted(SEGMENTS_OFFSETS, reverse = True):
-        # if timing is in a critical segment, correct the timing
-        if timing_in_anno >= segment_start + cropped_time:
-            timing_in_segment = round(timing_in_anno - offset, 3)
-            break
+    seg_time = anno_time - seg_starts[run_nr]
-    return timing_in_segment
+    return seg_time
-def fix_audio_timing(uncorrected_audio):
-    '''the movie's audiotrack lacks behind the visual frames
-    there is an slightly increasing offset (but problably no continuous drift)
-    over the movie segments
+def fix_audio_movie_segments(AUDIO_AV_OFFSETS, run, uncorrected):
+    '''corrects the segments' audio offsets
+    in respect to the unsegmented movie
-    corrected_audio = uncorrected_audio
-    return corrected_audio
+    critical_time_points = sorted(AUDIO_AV_OFFSETS[run].keys(), reverse=True)
+    for crit in critical_time_points:
+       if uncorrected >= crit * 2.0:
+           corrected = uncorrected + (AUDIO_AV_OFFSETS[run][crit] / 1000.0)
+           break
+    return corrected
-def anno_time_to_seg_time(seg_starts, run_nr, anno_time, cropped_time):
-    '''
-    "The position of an event from a movie annotation with respect to the
-    cropped fMRI time series can now be determined by substracting the
-    start time of the respective segment as listed in Table 1"
-    events occur earlier in the cropped stimulus segments.
-    hence the cropped ammount is additionally substracted from the anno timing
+def fix_audio_descr_segments(AUDIO_AO_OFFSETS, run, uncorrected):
+    '''corrects the segments' audio offsets
+    in respect to the unsegmented audiobook
-    seg_time = round(anno_time - (seg_starts[run_nr] + cropped_time), 2)
+    critical_time_points = sorted(AUDIO_AO_OFFSETS[run].keys(), reverse=True)
+    for crit in critical_time_points:
+       if uncorrected >= crit * 2.0:
+           corrected = uncorrected + (AUDIO_AO_OFFSETS[run][crit] / 1000.0)
+           break
-    return seg_time
+    return corrected
-def write_segmented_annos(infilename, movie, cropped, run_dict, out_dir, ):
+def write_segmented_annos(infilename, stimulus, run_dict, out_dir):
-    if MOVIE is True:
-        stimulus = 'avmovie'
-    else:
-        stimulus = 'aomovie'
     basefilename = basename(infilename)[:-4]
     outdir = opj(out_dir, stimulus)
     if not exists(outdir):
@@ -153,49 +167,82 @@ def write_segmented_annos(infilename, movie, cropped, run_dict, out_dir, ):
-                index=False)
+                index=False,
+                encoding='utf-8')
 #### main program #####
 if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # constants #
+    infile = sys.argv[1]
+    annotated_time = sys.argv[2]
+    target_time = sys.argv[3]
+    outdir = sys.argv[4]
+#     with launch_ipdb_on_exception():
     # read the annotation file
-    for input_file in INPUT_FILES[:1]:
-        anno = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep='\t').to_records(index=False)
-        segment_starts = [start for start, offset in SEGMENTS_OFFSETS]
-        run_events = defaultdict(list)
-        for row in anno:
-            # get the run number
-            run = get_run_number(segment_starts, row['onset'])
-            # SEGMENT SHIFT correction
-            # is now implicitly done by func 'anno_time_to_seg_time'
-            # using the adjusted segment starts (s. SEGMENTS_OFFSETS)
-#             row[0] = fix_segment_shift(row[0], CROPPED)
-#             if type(row[1]) == float:
-#                 row[1] = fix_segment_shift(row[1], CROPPED)
-            # finally convert the timings of the continouos annotation
-            # to timings in respect to the start of the corresponding segment
-            onset = anno_time_to_seg_time(
-                segment_starts,
-                run,
-                float(row['onset']),
-                CROPPED)
-            row['onset'] = onset
-            # AUDIO TIMING (MOVIE) correction
-            # Dialoge im Film kommen 1/2 frame spater als das Hoerspiel,
-            # das einem frame (40ms) nach vorn gezogen wurde
-            if MOVIE is True:
-                pass
-            # AUDIO TIMING (AUDIOBOOK) correction
-            if MOVIE is False:
-                pass
-            # append that shit
-            run_events[run].append(row)
-        write_segmented_annos(input_file, MOVIE, CROPPED, run_events, OUT_DIR)
+    anno = pd.read_csv(infile, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8').to_records(index=False)
+    segment_starts = [start for start, offset in SEGMENTS_OFFSETS]
+    run_events = defaultdict(list)
+    for row in anno:
+        # get the run number
+        run = get_run_number(segment_starts, row['onset'])
+        # convert the timings of a continuous annotation
+        # to timings in respect to the start of the corresponding segment
+        onset_in_seg = whole_anno_to_segments(
+            segment_starts,
+            run,
+            float(row['onset']))
+        # correct for the stimulus used to annotate the audiotrack
+        if annotated_time == 'aomovie':
+            # the files
+            # forrestgump_researchcut_ad_ger.flac and
+            # german_dvd_5.1_48000hz_488kb_research_cut_aligned_cutted_narrator_muted_48000Hz.flac
+            # (that contain the audio description) were originally lagging
+            # behind for XYZ msec and were shiftet forward
+            # by one frame (40ms) in respect to the reference file
+            # forrestgump_researchcut_ger.mkv
+            # 1st, correct for shifting the narrator (incl. dialogue) 40ms
+            # to the front before annotating the narrator/dialogue
+            onset_in_seg += 0.040
+            # 2nd, correct for the offset between the (unshifted) audio
+            # description and the audiovisual movie
+            # -> the offset is varying +/- one frame (40 ms) around 0
+            onset_in_seg -= 0.000
+            # 3rd, correct for the offset between whole stimulus
+            # (audiovisual or audio-only) and its segments
+            if target_time == 'avmovie':
+                onset_in_seg = fix_audio_movie_segments(
+                    AUDIO_AV_OFFSETS,
+                    run,
+                    onset_in_seg)
+            elif target_time == 'aomovie':
+                onset_in_seg = fix_audio_descr_segments(
+                    AUDIO_AO_OFFSETS,
+                    run,
+                    onset_in_seg)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError('Unknown time label %s', target_time)
+        elif annotated_time == 'avmovie':
+            # all splendid for now
+            pass
+        else:
+            raise ValueError('%s is an unknown annotation', basename(input_file))
+        row['onset'] = round(onset_in_seg, 3)
+        # append that shit
+        run_events[run].append(row)
+    write_segmented_annos(infile, target_time, run_events, outdir)