Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 3.8 KB

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import numpy as np
  3. import cvxpy as cp
  4. from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
  5. from typing import Union
  6. class ConsumptionModel:
  7. def __init__(self):
  8. pass
  9. def get(self):
  10. pass
  11. class ThermoModel(ConsumptionModel):
  12. def __init__(self):
  13. pass
  14. def get(temperatures: np.ndarray):
  15. pass
  16. class FittedConsumptionModel(ConsumptionModel):
  17. def __init__(self, yearly_total: float):
  18. self.yearly_total = yearly_total
  20. def get(self, times: Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray]):
  21. # compute the load for the desired timestamps
  22. times = pd.DataFrame({'time': times}).set_index("time")
  23. times.index = pd.to_datetime(times.index, utc=True)
  24. times['h'] = ((times.index - self.time_reference
  25. ).total_seconds()/3600).astype(int)
  26. times['Y'] = 1
  27. for i, f in enumerate(self.frequencies):
  28. times[f'c_{i+1}'] = (times['h']*f*2*np.pi).apply(np.cos)
  29. times[f's_{i+1}'] = (times['h']*f*2*np.pi).apply(np.sin)
  30. curve = self.fit_results.predict(times).values
  31. return curve
  32. def fit(self):
  33. consumption = pd.read_csv("data/consommation-quotidienne-brute.csv", sep=";")
  34. consumption['time'] = pd.to_datetime(
  35. consumption["Date - Heure"].str.replace(":", ""), format="%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%z", utc=True)
  36. consumption.set_index("time", inplace=True)
  37. hourly = consumption.resample('1H').mean()
  38. self.time_reference = hourly.index.min()
  39. hourly['h'] = ((hourly.index - self.time_reference
  40. ).total_seconds()/3600).astype(int)
  41. hourly['Y'] = hourly.index.year-hourly.index.year.min()
  42. # generate fourier components
  43. self.frequencies = list((1/(365.25*24))*np.arange(1, 13)) + \
  44. list((1/(24*7)) * np.arange(1, 7)) + \
  45. list((1/24) * np.arange(1, 12))
  46. components = []
  47. for i, f in enumerate(self.frequencies):
  48. hourly[f'c_{i+1}'] = (hourly['h']*f*2*np.pi).apply(np.cos)
  49. hourly[f's_{i+1}'] = (hourly['h']*f*2*np.pi).apply(np.sin)
  50. components += [f'c_{i+1}', f's_{i+1}']
  51. hourly.rename(
  52. columns={'Consommation brute électricité (MW) - RTE': 'conso'}, inplace=True)
  53. hourly["conso"] /= 1000
  54. # fit load curve to fourier components
  55. model = ols("conso ~ " + " + ".join(components)+" + C(Y)", data=hourly)
  56. self.fit_results =
  57. # normalize according to the desired total yearly consumption
  58. intercept = self.fit_results.params[0]+self.fit_results.params[1]
  59. self.fit_results.params *= self.yearly_total/(intercept*365.25*24)
  60. class ConsumptionFlexibilityModel:
  61. def __init__(self, flexibility_power: float, flexibility_time: int):
  62. self.flexibility_power = flexibility_power
  63. self.flexibility_time = flexibility_time
  64. def run(self, load: np.ndarray, supply: np.ndarray):
  65. from functools import reduce
  66. T = len(supply)
  67. tau = self.flexibility_time
  68. h = cp.Variable((T, tau+1))
  69. constraints = [
  70. h >= 0,
  71. h <= 1,
  72. h[:, 0] >= 1-self.flexibility_power/load, # bound on the fraction of the demand at any time that can be postponed
  73. cp.multiply(load, cp.sum(h, axis=1))-load <= self.flexibility_power,
  74. ] + [
  75. reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [h[t-l, l] for l in range(tau)]) == 1 # total demand conservation
  76. for t in np.arange(tau, T)
  77. ]
  78. prob = cp.Problem(
  79. cp.Minimize(
  80. cp.sum(cp.pos(cp.multiply(load, cp.sum(h, axis=1))-supply))
  81. ),
  82. constraints
  83. )
  84. prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cp.ECOS, max_iters=300)
  85. hb = np.array(h.value)
  86. return load*np.sum(hb, axis=1)