123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114 |
- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- import cvxpy as cp
- from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
- from typing import Union
- class ConsumptionModel:
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def get(self):
- pass
- class ThermoModel(ConsumptionModel):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def get(temperatures: np.ndarray):
- pass
- class FittedConsumptionModel(ConsumptionModel):
- def __init__(self, yearly_total: float):
- self.yearly_total = yearly_total
- self.fit()
- def get(self, times: Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray]):
- # compute the load for the desired timestamps
- times = pd.DataFrame({'time': times}).set_index("time")
- times.index = pd.to_datetime(times.index, utc=True)
- times['h'] = ((times.index - self.time_reference
- ).total_seconds()/3600).astype(int)
- times['Y'] = 1
- for i, f in enumerate(self.frequencies):
- times[f'c_{i+1}'] = (times['h']*f*2*np.pi).apply(np.cos)
- times[f's_{i+1}'] = (times['h']*f*2*np.pi).apply(np.sin)
- curve = self.fit_results.predict(times).values
- return curve
- def fit(self):
- consumption = pd.read_csv("data/consommation-quotidienne-brute.csv", sep=";")
- consumption['time'] = pd.to_datetime(
- consumption["Date - Heure"].str.replace(":", ""), format="%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%z", utc=True)
- consumption.set_index("time", inplace=True)
- hourly = consumption.resample('1H').mean()
- self.time_reference = hourly.index.min()
- hourly['h'] = ((hourly.index - self.time_reference
- ).total_seconds()/3600).astype(int)
- hourly['Y'] = hourly.index.year-hourly.index.year.min()
- # generate fourier components
- self.frequencies = list((1/(365.25*24))*np.arange(1, 13)) + \
- list((1/(24*7)) * np.arange(1, 7)) + \
- list((1/24) * np.arange(1, 12))
- components = []
- for i, f in enumerate(self.frequencies):
- hourly[f'c_{i+1}'] = (hourly['h']*f*2*np.pi).apply(np.cos)
- hourly[f's_{i+1}'] = (hourly['h']*f*2*np.pi).apply(np.sin)
- components += [f'c_{i+1}', f's_{i+1}']
- hourly.rename(
- columns={'Consommation brute électricité (MW) - RTE': 'conso'}, inplace=True)
- hourly["conso"] /= 1000
- # fit load curve to fourier components
- model = ols("conso ~ " + " + ".join(components)+" + C(Y)", data=hourly)
- self.fit_results = model.fit()
- # normalize according to the desired total yearly consumption
- intercept = self.fit_results.params[0]+self.fit_results.params[1]
- self.fit_results.params *= self.yearly_total/(intercept*365.25*24)
- class ConsumptionFlexibilityModel:
- def __init__(self, flexibility_power: float, flexibility_time: int):
- self.flexibility_power = flexibility_power
- self.flexibility_time = flexibility_time
- def run(self, load: np.ndarray, supply: np.ndarray):
- from functools import reduce
- T = len(supply)
- tau = self.flexibility_time
- h = cp.Variable((T, tau+1))
- constraints = [
- h >= 0,
- h <= 1,
- h[:, 0] >= 1-self.flexibility_power/load, # bound on the fraction of the demand at any time that can be postponed
- cp.multiply(load, cp.sum(h, axis=1))-load <= self.flexibility_power,
- ] + [
- reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [h[t-l, l] for l in range(tau)]) == 1 # total demand conservation
- for t in np.arange(tau, T)
- ]
- prob = cp.Problem(
- cp.Minimize(
- cp.sum(cp.pos(cp.multiply(load, cp.sum(h, axis=1))-supply))
- ),
- constraints
- )
- prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=cp.ECOS, max_iters=300)
- hb = np.array(h.value)
- return load*np.sum(hb, axis=1)