Single unit data isolated from linear multielectrode arrays while recording in the LGN of awake fixating monkeys and gratings drifted on the screen

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Single unit data isolated from linear multielectrode arrays while recording in awake fixating monkeys and gratings drifted on the screen

Here are important definitions of the variables stored in each file:
Onsets: stimulus onset times from photodiode
offsets: stimulus offset times from photodiode
trstart: trial onset time
trend: trial end time
presnum: stimulus presentation number
trial: trial number
tilt: grating orientation
sf: stimulus spatial frequency
contrast: contrast in dominant eye
fixedc: contrast non dominant eye
diameter: stimulus diameter
eye: dominant eye
oridist: orientation difference of stimuli between eyes
phase: grating phase at stim onset
temporal_freq: grating drifting speed in cyc/sec
xpos: horizontal eye position 
ypos: vertical eye position
photo_on: photodiode onset time
trg_photo: 0
refresh: monitor refresh rate
measured_refresh: empirical monitor refresh rate 
paradigm: paradigm name
sdftr_chan: convolved single unit activity
spk_bin_chan: binary data
wf: waveforms
clust: cluster label from kilosort
norm_autocorr: discretized data
chan: channel label
Title Single unit data isolated from linear multielectrode arrays while recording in awake fixating monkeys and gratings drifted on the screen
Authors Daumail,Loic;Vanderbilt University;ORCID:0000-0002-1887-2574
Carlson,Brock;Vanderbilt University;ORCID:0000-0003-4846-099X
Mitchell,Blake;Vanderbilt University
Cox,Michele;University of Rochester;ORCID:0000-0002-6822-6503
Westerberg,Jacob;Vanderbilt University;ORCID:0000-0001-5331-8707
Johnson,Cortez;Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine in Pasadena
Martin,Paul;The University of Sydney;ORCID:0000-0002-5166-9658
Tong,Frank;Vanderbilt University;ORCID:0000-0002-3437-1331
Maier,Alexander;Vanderbilt University;ORCID:0000-0002-7250-502X
Dougherty,Kacie;Princeton University;ORCID:0000-0001-6295-0026
Description Monkeys fixated on a fixation cross on a stereoscope while monocular or binocular drifting gratings appeared in the neurons receptive fields.
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (
References Dougherty K, Carlson BM, Cox MA, Westerberg JA, Zinke W, Schmid MC, Martin PR, and Maier A. Binocular suppression in the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus reveals early competitive interactions between the eyes. eneuro ENEURO.0364-0320., 2021, 10.1523/eneuro.0364-20.2020. [eneuro.0364-20.2020] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding NEI, 1R01EY027402-03
Keywords Neuroscience
Resource Type Dataset