#4 Fully functioning system, with proper documentation for others to use

seharak3 년 전을 오픈 · 4개의 코멘트
Keisuke Sehara 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

Referee 1 (part 3 of 3)

In a revision I would expect the authors to provide links to acquisition code and analysis code so that this potentially could be repeated and benefit others. The text mentions requests can be made, but it is unlcear that is a fully functioning system with proper documentation for others to use.

I am writing documentation for the program, and try to re-organize its repository for the others to be useful.

Referee 1 (part 3 of 3) > In a revision I would expect the authors to provide links to acquisition code and analysis code so that this potentially could be repeated and benefit others. The text mentions requests can be made, but it is unlcear that is a fully functioning system with proper documentation for others to use. I am writing documentation for the program, and try to re-organize [its repository](https://gin.g-node.org/larkumlab/RealtimeDeepLabCut_PoseTrigger/src/dev) for the others to be useful.
julien colomb 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

I think the reviewer is also thinking about documenting the hardware.

I think the reviewer is also thinking about documenting the hardware.
Keisuke Sehara 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

All the hardware that we used is already described on the manuscript. I am also trying to describe hardware requirements in the documentation.


All the hardware that we used is already described on the manuscript. I am also trying to describe hardware requirements in the documentation. https://gin.g-node.org/larkumlab/RealtimeDeepLabCut_PoseTrigger/src/dev/README.adoc
Keisuke Sehara 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

Commit 8c051e9aa3 : added the libraries directory in the Pose-Trigger repository so that the users do not have to download/build/install from a number of repositories separately.

Documentation on installing these libraries are separated to its README

Commit https://gin.g-node.org/larkumlab/RealtimeDeepLabCut_PoseTrigger/commit/8c051e9aa39353c83569a003a459177b560eda48 : added the `libraries` directory in the Pose-Trigger repository so that the users do not have to download/build/install from a number of repositories separately. Documentation on installing these libraries are separated to [its README](https://gin.g-node.org/larkumlab/RealtimeDeepLabCut_PoseTrigger/src/dev/libraries/README.md)
Keisuke Sehara 코멘트됨, 3 년 전

Now it is managed in the docs directory, using Sphinx.

Now it is managed in the [docs](https://gin.g-node.org/larkumlab/RealtimeDeepLabCut_PoseTrigger/src/master/docs) directory, using Sphinx.
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