Tim Gollisch gollischlab

Spike train data from marmoset retinal ganglion cells under stimulation with Ricker stripes for tomographic subunit detection as well as under spatiotemporal white noise.

最後更新於 3 月之前

Spike train data from marmoset retinal ganglion cells under stimulation with spatiotemporal white noise

最後更新於 10 月之前

Data accompanying the manuscript by Kühn and Gollisch: "Activity correlations between direction-selective retinal ganglion cells synergistically enhance motion decoding from complex visual scenes"

最後更新於 1 年之前

Spike train data from marmoset retinal ganglion cells under stimulation with gratings shifted in saccade-like fashion, as well as light flashed, reversing gratings, and spatiotemporal white noise

最後更新於 1 年之前

Spike train data from salamander retina accompanying the manuscript by Liu and Gollisch

最後更新於 1 年之前

Spike train data from marmoset and mouse retinal ganglion cells under stimulation with natural movies, flashed or flickering gratings, and spatiotemporal white noise

最後更新於 1 年之前

Data sets accompanying Liu et al., Nature Communications 2017: Inference of neuronal functional circuitry with spike-triggered non-negative matrix factorization.

最後更新於 1 年之前

Data sets accompanying Bemme et al., IOVS 2017: Differential effects of HCN channel block on On and Off pathways in the retina as a potential cause for medication-induced phosphene perception.

最後更新於 1 年之前

Data sets accompanying Khani and Gollisch, Journal of Neurophysiology 2017: Diversity in spatial scope of contrast adaptation among mouse retinal ganglion cells.

最後更新於 2 年之前

Spike train data from mouse retinal ganglion cells under stimulation with natural images

最後更新於 3 年之前

Data sets accompanying the paper by Schreyer and Gollisch, 2021. Voltage traces of salamander retinal bipolar cells under visual stimulation.

最後更新於 3 年之前

Ganglion cell spike train data recorded from marmoset retina. Focus on stimulation with random-walk-like motion of a spatial texture.

最後更新於 3 年之前

Data sets accompanying Khani and Gollisch, 2021: Linear and nonlinear chromatic integration in the mouse retina.

最後更新於 3 年之前