potential_duplicates.txt 785 B

  1. 02202 - There was already a note that I tried and couldn't split this one, definitely two different units
  2. 03602, 04402 - These have very similar spike shapes but don't seem to have the characteristic dip in the cross-correlation that indicates they should be merged. 03602 is simply too noisy, maybe best to exclude it from the analysis.
  3. 01801,03401 - yep, duplicates! latter is the axon. There are many spikes that are captured only by one of them, but I was not able to clean them up enough. Merging them leads to a lot of refractory period violations, which suggests there are some noise is mixed in. Easiest would be to use only the soma 01801.
  4. 00602, 04401 - Both are axons of the same cell and the latter is very noisy therefore not possible to merge. Best to use only 00602.