
gin commit from retina-05-17

Modified files: 1
ycanerol 3 年 前
1 ファイル変更7 行追加2 行削除
  1. 7 2

+ 7 - 2

@@ -21,9 +21,14 @@ Ganglion unit spike train data recorded from marmoset retina. Focus on stimulati
 `spike_sorting_ks.ods` contains only the metadata and is there for backward compatibility purposes.
 ### frametimes
-contains the pulses for each stimulus e.g. 1.npz
-both onsets and offsets
+Synchronization of stimulus and recorded data.
+There is a delay between a pulse being recorded and the screen actually updating. This is the monitor_delay cell in the `spike_sorting_ks.ods` file.
+This value is already added when saving `.npz` files. They already contain the correction, in contrast to the `.mat` files that most people use in the lab, which do not have it.
+The npz files contain two arrays, f_on and f_off, respectively for the onsets and the offsets of the square-wave pulse. For more information, check the code `pymer/modules/analysis_scripts.py:extractframetimes`
 ### ks_sorted