
add chromatic integration analysis function and few example cells for visualizing data

MHK 3 年之前

+ 649 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+function Analyze_Chromatic_Integration_Stimulus(varargin)
+%%% Analyze_Chromatic_Integration_Stimulus %%%
+% This function analyzes the response of the ganglion cells to the chromatic
+% integration stimulus. This is a supplement code for the Khani & Gollisch
+% (2021) study of chromatic integration in the mouse retina.
+% This function first loads the data in a format that is provided in by the
+% supplementary database of the study. It then generate rasters and PSTHs for
+% all the 22 contrast combinations that was shown to each retina. The order
+% of the contrasts were randomized and it is recreated using Fisher-Yates
+% random permutation algorithem. Check fisher_Yates_shuffle_order and
+% reorder_contrast_spikes functions below for more information.
+% The contrast values of both colors range from -20 to 20 in steps of 2% change.
+% They are categorized in two groups of Green-On-UV-Off and Green-Off-UV-On.
+% Green =>  20    18    16    14    12    10     8     6     4     2     0
+% UV    =>   0    -2    -4    -6    -8   -10   -12   -14   -16   -18   -20
+% Green => -20   -18   -16   -14   -12   -10    -8    -6    -4    -2     0
+% UV    =>   0     2     4     6     8    10    12    14    16    18    20
+% ===============================Inputs====================================
+%   datapath        :   path to the folder in the database.
+%   stimulusnumber  :   number to select correct stimulus.
+%   cellnumber      :   an example cell number from the list of good cells.
+%   clusternumber   :   a cluster number for the selected cell.
+%   chromatic integration curves and PSTHs for the selected cell.
+% written by Mohammad, 12.02.2021
+%----------                              main-function                                   ----------%
+% first load the data for an example cell
+[dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber] = select_example_cell(varargin{:});
+% get the parameters for the selected example cell
+expdata     =       ci_parameters(dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber);
+% calculate the rasters and PSTH for the stimulus and the gray frame before the stimulus
+ci_data     =       ci_analysis(expdata);
+% plot chromatic integration curves and all the psths
+plot_chromatic_integration(ci_data, cellnumber, clusternumber, expdata.stimpara);
+%----------                               sub-functions                                  ----------%
+function expdata = ci_parameters(dp, stimulusnum, cellnum, clusternum,varargin)
+expdata         =       load_data_for_selected_cell(dp, stimulusnum, cellnum, clusternum);
+para            =       expdata.stimpara;
+% loading clusters and frametimings
+ft              =       expdata.frametimes;    % work in seconds
+% getting contrasts of the experiment (-20:2:20)
+contgr  =   round([para.mincontrast:para.contrastdiff:0,0:para.contrastdiff:para.maxcontrast]*100);
+contuv  =   round([0:para.contrastdiff:para.maxcontrast,para.mincontrast:para.contrastdiff:0]*100);
+% re-ordering stimulus for plotting and presentation purpose, here we start
+% with on green and reverse off green instead of off to on green as in stimulus program.
+para.contrastIdx        =       [length(contgr) : -1 : 1 + length(contgr)/2, 1 : length(contuv)/2];
+para.contrastgreen      =       contgr(para.contrastIdx);
+para.contrastuv         =       contuv(para.contrastIdx);
+% generating contrast values
+para.numtrials          =       floor( length( ft(2 : 2 : end)) / length(contgr) );
+seed                    =       para.seed;
+stimorder               =       nan(para.numtrials,length(contgr));
+% getting the order and location of each contrast from the psudo random sequence
+for ii      =   1 : para.numtrials
+    [stimorder(ii,:),seed,~]    =   fisher_Yates_shuffle_order(seed,contgr);
+% experiment parameters
+refreshrate             =       60;
+para.binlength          =       10 / 1e3;         % 10 ms each bin
+para.delay              =       0;                % 0 ms delay
+para.activeregion       =       [0.025, 0.25];    % region used to measure response (50 to 250 ms)
+para.refreshrate        =       refreshrate;
+% make a bin vector for stimulus, used for making PSTH
+para.stimduration       =       (para.stimduration / refreshrate); % in sec
+stimBin                 =       linspace(0, para.stimduration, (para.stimduration / para.binlength)+1);   % +1 here to avoid issues with histc last bin.
+% make a bin vector for preframe, used for making PSTH
+para.pfrduration        =       (para.preframes / refreshrate); % in sec
+pfrBin                  =       linspace(0, para.pfrduration,(para.pfrduration / para.binlength) + 1);
+% seting output
+expdata.stimorder               =       stimorder;
+expdata.stimulusbinvector       =       stimBin;
+expdata.preframebinvector       =       pfrBin;
+expdata.stimpara                =       para;
+function ci_data = ci_analysis(expdata)
+ft          =       expdata.frametimes;
+spks        =       expdata.spiketimes;
+para        =       expdata.stimpara;
+% for whole experiment generally has 2000 ms preframe and 500 ms stimulus
+[~, allpreframespikes] = spikes_per_frametimes(ft, spks, para.stimduration, para.pfrduration,para);
+% this is to get rasters and psth for the graybackground before the stimulus
+[ci_data.preframe.allpfrRasters, ci_data.preframe.allpfrPSTH] = reorder_contrast_spikes(allpreframespikes,...
+    expdata.stimorder,expdata.preframebinvector,para);
+%%% for 500 ms before and after stimulus
+[stimulusspikes, preframespikes] = spikes_per_frametimes(ft,spks,para.stimduration,para.stimduration,para);
+% rasters and pstrh for the 500 ms stimulus
+[ci_data.stimulusRasters, ci_data.stimulusPSTH] = reorder_contrast_spikes(stimulusspikes,...
+    expdata.stimorder,expdata.stimulusbinvector,para);
+% rasters and pstrh for the 500 ms gray background before the onset of the stimulus
+[ci_data.preframe.preframeRasters, ci_data.preframe.preframePSTH] = reorder_contrast_spikes(preframespikes,...
+    expdata.stimorder,expdata.stimulusbinvector,para);
+ci_data.preframePSTH = ci_data.preframe.preframePSTH;
+function varargout = fisher_Yates_shuffle_order(seed,inputVec,varargin)
+%%% fisher_Yates_shuffle_order %%%
+% This function generate psudorandom permution similar to randperm in MATLAB
+% but works with psudorandom number generator ran1. It also gives back the
+% most recent seed value to continue the permuation in case of repeated trials.
+% note that the direction of permutation is along x-axix or for columns of
+% MATALB not for the rows.
+% ===============================Inputs====================================
+%   seed : seed value for random number generation.
+%   inputVec : input vector used for permutation.
+%   testOrder : vector of permuted indices for the inputVec.
+%   newSeed : the recent seed that used in the ran1 function.
+%   outputVec : the permuted input vector along x-axis
+% Note that the permution algorithem is based on Fisher-Yates shuffle
+% algorithem identical to what is used in the stimulus program.
+% for more info check :
+% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle
+% written by Mohammad, 01.02.2016
+newSeed         =   seed;
+testOrder       =   zeros(1,size(inputVec,2));
+testOrder(1)    =   1;
+for i   =   2:length(inputVec)-1
+    [randVal,newSeed] = ran1(newSeed);
+    j               =   ceil(i*randVal);    % based on Fischer-Yates algorithem
+    testOrder(i)    =   testOrder(j);
+    testOrder(j)    =   i;
+testOrder           =   [testOrder(end),testOrder(1:end-1)]+1;   % to match MATLAB indexing
+varargout{1}        =   testOrder;
+varargout{2}        =   newSeed;
+for j   =   1:size(inputVec,1)
+    varargout{3}(j,:)   =   inputVec(j,testOrder);
+function [stimSpk, pfrSpk] = spikes_per_frametimes(ft,spk,stimdur,pfrdur,para,varargin)
+delay               =           para.delay / 1e3;    % change delay time to second to match ft and spk
+[stimSpk,pfrSpk]    =           deal( cell( ceil( numel( ft )/ 2), 1));
+iter                =           1;
+for ii   =   2:2:numel(ft)
+    stimSpk{iter}   = spk(and(spk > ft(ii)+delay,spk <= ft(ii)+(stimdur+delay))) - (ft(ii)+delay);
+    % before stimulus onset to get preframe
+    pfrSpk{iter}    = spk(and(spk > ft(ii)-(pfrdur+delay),spk <= ft(ii))) - (ft(ii)-(pfrdur+delay));
+    if isempty(stimSpk{iter}),  stimSpk{iter}    =       NaN;        end
+    if isempty(pfrSpk{iter}),   pfrSpk{iter}     =       NaN;        end
+    iter            =           iter+1;
+function varargout = reorder_contrast_spikes(spk,order,binVec,para,varargin)
+neworder        =       reshape(order',1,[]);       % reshape stimulus order
+spk             =       spk(1:length(neworder))';   % cutting the last unfinished stimulus series
+% pre-allocating memory
+spkorder        =       cell(size(order));
+contspk         =       cell(1,max(neworder));
+psth            =       nan(length(binVec),max(neworder));
+for ii    =  1 : max(neworder)
+    thisorder       =   neworder == ii;       % indexing the orders from 1 to end
+    spkorder(:,ii)  =   spk( thisorder );     % sorting spikes based on previous order
+    contspk{ii}     =   CelltoMatUE( spkorder(:,ii));
+    if size(contspk{ii},2)  <  2
+        psth(:,ii)  =   (histc(contspk{ii}',binVec)/size(contspk{ii},1))*(1/para.binlength);  %#ok to fix situation with 1 spike
+    else
+        psth(:,ii)  =   mean(histc(contspk{ii}',binVec),2)*(1/para.binlength);   %#ok must transpose contspk for histc to work properly.
+    end
+psth                =   psth(1:length(binVec)-1,:);  % delete last zero bin.
+% Here we reorder the psth and spikes in a way that the opposing stimuli
+% face each other. the indices 22:-1:11 are set to 1:11, these are green on
+% to uv off. The indices 1:1:11 are set to 12 to 22, these are green off uv
+% on. for the rest of the function no index correction is made.
+% the idices for -20:2:20 are as follows
+% for first 11 or Green-ON, UV-OFF
+% Green =>  20    18    16    14    12    10     8     6     4     2     0
+% UV    =>   0    -2    -4    -6    -8   -10   -12   -14   -16   -18   -20
+% for second 11 or UV-ON, Green-OFF
+% Green => -20   -18   -16   -14   -12   -10    -8    -6    -4    -2     0
+% UV    =>   0     2     4     6     8    10    12    14    16    18    20
+contidx             =   [length(para.contrastgreen) : -1:1 + length(para.contrastgreen)/2, 1: length(para.contrastuv)/2];
+varargout{1}        =       contspk(contidx);
+varargout{2}        =       psth(:,contidx);
+varargout{3}        =       spkorder(:,contidx);
+function [ci, ciang] = chromatic_integration_curves(stimpsth, pfrpsth, para, varargin)
+contnum         =   size(stimpsth, 2) / 2;
+timevec         =   linspace(0, para.stimduration, para.stimduration / para.binlength);
+activtime       =   timevec >= para.activeregion(1) & timevec <= para.activeregion(2);
+% only between 50-250 ms is counted!
+spkdiff         =   stimpsth(activtime,:) - pfrpsth(1+end-sum(activtime):end,:);
+respdiff        =   mean(spkdiff,1);    % difference in response
+respsem         =   nan_sem(spkdiff);   % standard error of mean
+grONuvOFF       =   respdiff(1 : contnum);
+grOFFuvON       =   respdiff(1 + contnum : contnum*2);
+grONuvOFFsem    =   respsem(1 : contnum);
+grOFFuvONsem    =   respsem(1 + contnum : contnum*2);
+gNuFspk         =   spkdiff(:, 1:contnum);
+gFuNspk         =   spkdiff(:, 1+contnum : contnum*2);
+ci.grONuvOFF            =       grONuvOFF;
+ci.grONuvOFFsem         =       grONuvOFFsem;
+ci.grONuvOFFspkdiff     =       gNuFspk;
+ci.grOFFuvON            =       grOFFuvON;
+ci.grOFFuvONsem         =       grOFFuvONsem;
+ci.grOFFuvONspkdiff     =       gFuNspk;
+if nargout > 1
+    gNuFangles  =   [para.contrastgreen(1:contnum);para.contrastuv(1:contnum)];
+    gFuNangles  =   [para.contrastgreen(1 + contnum:contnum*2); para.contrastuv(1 + contnum:contnum*2)];
+    ciang.gNuFangles    =       gNuFangles;
+    ciang.gFuNangles    =       gFuNangles;
+function [dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber] = select_example_cell(varargin)
+% first parse the user inputs
+p = inputParser();      % check the user options.
+p.addParameter('datapath', [],  @(x) ischar(x) || isstring(x));
+p.addParameter('stimulusnumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('cellnumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('clusternumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('help', false,  @(x) islogical(x) || (isnumeric(x) && ismember(x,[0,1])));
+% defualt parameters
+defpara     =    p.Results;
+if isempty(defpara.datapath)
+    dp                  =       uigetdir('Select an experiment folder:');
+    dp                  =       defpara.datapath;
+if isempty(defpara.cellnumber) || isempty(defpara.clusternumber)
+    listofgoodcells     =       load([dp,filesep,'list_of_good_cells.txt'],'-ascii');
+    cellabels   =   sprintfc('cell %g, cluster %g',listofgoodcells);
+    if numel(cellabels) > 1
+        idx         =   listdlg('PromptString',{'Select an example ganglion cell:'},...
+            'SelectionMode','single','ListString',cellabels,'listsize',[250 250]);
+    else
+        idx         =   1;
+    end
+    cellnumber          =       listofgoodcells(idx,1);
+    clusternumber       =       listofgoodcells(idx,2);
+    cellnumber      =   defpara.cellnumber;
+    clusternumber   =   defpara.clusternumber;
+if isempty(defpara.stimulusnumber)
+    stimnames           =       importdata([dp,filesep,'stimuli_names.txt']);
+    cinames     =   stimnames(~(cellfun('isempty',(strfind(stimnames,'_Chromatic_Integration_')))));
+    cinames     =   cinames((cellfun('isempty',(strfind(cinames,'Local')))));
+    cinames     =   cinames((cellfun('isempty',(strfind(cinames,'Grating')))));
+    if numel(cinames) > 1
+        idx     = listdlg('PromptString',{'Select an example dataset:'},...
+            'SelectionMode','single','ListString',cinames,'listsize',[450 100]);
+        cinames     =   cinames{idx};
+    end
+    stimulusnumber      =       str2double(extractBefore(cinames,'_Chromatic'));
+    stimulusnumber  =       defpara.stimulusnumber;
+function expdata = load_data_for_selected_cell(dp, stimnum, cellnum, clusternum)
+ftfolder        =       [dp,filesep,'frametimes'];
+if ~exist(ftfolder,'dir'),      ftfolder    =   dp;     end
+rasfolder       =       [dp,filesep,'spiketimes'];
+if ~exist(rasfolder,'dir'),      rasfolder    =   dp;     end
+paramfolder     =       [dp,filesep,'stimulusparameters'];
+if ~exist(paramfolder,'dir'),      paramfolder    =   dp;     end
+ftnames         =       dir([ftfolder, filesep, num2str(stimnum,'%02g'),'*_frametimings.txt']);
+rastername      =       [rasfolder, filesep, sprintf('%d_SP_C%d%02d.txt', stimnum, cellnum, clusternum)];
+warning('off','all');   % this is supress the warning about long names, hopefully nothing happen in between these lines!
+expdata.spiketimes      =       load(rastername, '-ascii');
+expdata.frametimes      =       load([ftfolder,filesep,ftnames.name], '-ascii');
+stimpath                =       dir([paramfolder,filesep,num2str(stimnum,'%02g'),'*_parameters.txt']);
+% now reading the txt file with parameters
+fid             =       fopen([paramfolder,filesep,stimpath.name]);
+tline           =       fgetl(fid);
+while ischar(tline)
+    tline       =       fgetl(fid);
+    if tline    ==      -1,     break;      end
+    fn          =       extractBefore(tline,' = ');
+    if isempty(fn),     continue;           end
+    val         =       extractAfter(tline,' = ');
+    % to convert to double
+    if ~isnan(str2double(val))
+        val     =       str2double(val);
+    end
+    % to convert to logical
+    if strcmp(val,'true'),        val = true;           end
+    if strcmp(val,'false'),       val = false;          end
+    % store the values in a structure
+    stimpara.(fn)       =       val;
+expdata.stimpara    =       stimpara;
+expdata.name        =       extractBefore(ftnames.name,'_frametimings.txt');
+expdata.paraname    =       extractBefore(stimpath.name,'_parameters.txt');
+if strcmp(expdata.name , expdata.paraname)
+    expdata         =       rmfield(expdata,'paraname');
+function y = nan_sem(x,dim)
+if isempty(x),      y = NaN;	return;     end
+if nargin < 2,      dim = find(size(x)~=1, 1 );	if isempty(dim),    dim = 1; 	end; end
+% Find NaNs in x and nanmean(x)
+nans        =       isnan(x);
+count       =       size(x,dim) - sum(nans,dim);
+% Protect against a  all NaNs in one dimension
+i           =       find(count==0);
+count(i)    =       1;
+y           =       nanstd(x,[],dim)./sqrt(count);
+y(i)        =       i + NaN;
+function OutputMat = CelltoMatUE (input_cell)
+inptsize        =       size(input_cell);
+maxLength       =       max(cellfun('length',input_cell));
+if inptsize(2)  >       inptsize(1)
+    OutputMat   = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)cat(1,x,nan(maxLength-length(x),1)),input_cell,'un',0));
+    OutputMat   = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)cat(2,x',nan(1,maxLength-length(x))),input_cell,'un',0));
+%----------                             plotting modules                                 ----------%
+function plot_chromatic_integration(ci_data, cellnum, clusternum, para)
+figure('pos',[400 150 1100 750],'color','w');
+% first plot chromatic integration curve
+plot_chromatic_integration_curves(ci_data, para);
+% then plot the psths
+sp              =   subplot(1,2,2);
+plot_chromatic_integration_psths(ci_data, para);
+% massive title for both subplots
+annotation('textbox', [0.1, 0.95, 0.8, 0], 'string', ['Chromatic integration responses for cell ',...
+    num2str(cellnum),', cluster ',num2str(clusternum)],'FontSize',16,'EdgeColor','none',...
+    'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','middle');
+% stretch the second plot a bit.
+sp.Position     =       [sp.Position(1)-0.05, sp.Position(2)-0.07 sp.Position(3:4)+0.05];
+%annotation('textbox', [0.5, 0.06, 0, 0.8], 'string',sprintf('%2g\t\n\n',1:11),'VerticalAlignment','cap');
+function [ci, datplt]= plot_chromatic_integration_curves(ci_data, para)
+stimpsth        =       ci_data.stimulusPSTH;
+pfrpsth         =       ci_data.preframePSTH;
+ptch        =   @(x,y,ysem,col)(patch([x,fliplr(x)],[y-ysem,fliplr(y+ysem)],1,...
+    'facecolor',col,'edgecolor','none','facealpha',0.3));
+pltline     =   @(x,y,col)plot(x, y,'-o','color',col,'markerfacecolor',col,...
+    'markeredgecolor',col,'markersize',7,'linewidth',2);
+gNuFcol         =       [1 0.0781 0.5742];  % green on, uv off color
+gFuNcol         =       [0 0.7461 1];       % green off, uv on color
+noaxis          =       false;
+contnum         =       size(stimpsth,2)/2;
+ci              =       chromatic_integration_curves(stimpsth, pfrpsth, para);
+% plotting...plotting...plotting
+hold on;
+ptch(1 : contnum, ci.grONuvOFF, ci.grONuvOFFsem, gNuFcol);
+ptch(1 : contnum, ci.grOFFuvON, ci.grOFFuvONsem, gFuNcol);
+respdiff        =       [ci.grONuvOFF+ci.grONuvOFFsem, ci.grONuvOFF-ci.grONuvOFFsem, ...
+    ci.grOFFuvON+ci.grOFFuvONsem, ci.grOFFuvON-ci.grOFFuvONsem];
+datplt.plot1    =   pltline(1:contnum, ci.grONuvOFF,gNuFcol);
+datplt.plot2    =   pltline(1:contnum, ci.grOFFuvON,gFuNcol);
+datplt.zeroline =   plot(linspace(0.5,contnum + 0.5,contnum),zeros(1,contnum),'--k','linewidth',0.5);
+yAx     =       round(linspace(floor(min(respdiff)/2)*2,ceil(max(respdiff)/2)*2, 4));
+if all(yAx == 0),    yAx    =   [0,10];                     end
+if all(yAx >  0),    yAx    =   [0,yAx];                    end
+if any(yAx <= 0),    yAx    =   unique(sort([0,yAx]));      end
+axis([0, 1+contnum, yAx(1)-1, yAx(end)+1]);      axis square;     box off;
+yAxneg      =       yAx(yAx<0);    yAxpos   =   yAx(yAx>0);
+if not(isempty(yAxneg))
+    yAxneg      =   [ceil(yAxneg(1)/5)*5, floor(yAxneg(2:end)/5)*5];
+    if all(yAxneg == 0), yAxneg     =   yAx(1);             end
+yAxpos          =   floor(yAxpos/5)*5;  yAxpos          =       yAxpos(yAxpos~=0);
+ylab            =   unique([yAxneg,0,yAxpos]);
+xticks(1 : 1 : contnum);        yticks(ylab);
+ax = gca;                       ax.TickDir = 'out';
+if noaxis
+    yrn         =   (yAx(end)+1)- (yAx(1)-1);  %#ok
+    yrn         =   ceil((yrn/10)/5)*5;
+    if not(ishold),         hold on;            end
+    plot([1,1],[ylab(end)/4, yrn + ylab(end)/4],'k','linewidth',1);
+    text(1.2, ylab(end)/4 + yrn/2, [num2str(yrn),' Hz'], 'fontsize', 8);
+    box off;            ax.YTick  =  [];          ax.YColor  =  'w';
+xlabel('Stimulus index');
+ylabel('Rate (Hz)');
+title('Chromatic Integration Curve');
+legend([datplt.plot1, datplt.plot2],'Green-On-UV-Off','Green-Off-UV-On','location','southoutside');
+legend boxoff;
+function plot_chromatic_integration_psths(ci_data, para)
+stimpsth        =       ci_data.stimulusPSTH;
+pfrpsth         =       ci_data.preframePSTH;
+gNuFcol         =       [1 0.0781 0.5742];  % green on, uv off color
+gFuNcol         =       [0 0.7461 1];       % green off, uv on color
+contnum         =       size(stimpsth,2)/2;
+ygap            =       1.15;
+xgap            =       0.2;
+pfrcol          =       0.75*[1 1 1]; % silver gray color for preframes
+% re-arrange input data
+cipsth          =       ([pfrpsth(:,1:contnum);stimpsth(:,1:contnum);...
+                        pfrpsth(:,1+contnum:2*contnum);stimpsth(:,1+contnum:2*contnum)]);
+para.pfrduration    =   para.stimduration;
+pfrnumbin           =   para.pfrduration  / para.binlength;
+stimnumbin          =   para.stimduration / para.binlength;
+timevec             =   [linspace(0,para.pfrduration,pfrnumbin);...
+    linspace(para.pfrduration,para.pfrduration+para.stimduration,stimnumbin);...
+    linspace(para.pfrduration+para.stimduration,2*para.pfrduration+para.stimduration,pfrnumbin);...
+    linspace(2*para.pfrduration+para.stimduration,2*(para.pfrduration+para.stimduration),stimnumbin)];
+tIdx                =   reshape(1:length(timevec(:)),[],4)';
+ygap                =   ceil((max(cipsth(:))* ygap)/10)*10;
+if (ygap == 0),     ygap    =   10;         end
+axis([-xgap, (xgap+para.stimduration+para.pfrduration)*2 ,-ygap/4-15, ygap*contnum]);
+hold on;        box off;
+% add shades
+% draw bars first
+for ii = 1 : contnum % start from below
+    % plotting bars
+    barfun(timevec(1,:), cipsth(tIdx(1,:),ii), ((ii-1)* ygap), pfrcol,0.5/2);
+    barfun(timevec(2,:), cipsth(tIdx(2,:),ii), ((ii-1)* ygap), gNuFcol,0.5);
+    barfun(xgap + timevec(3,:), cipsth(tIdx(3,:),ii), ((ii-1)* ygap),pfrcol,0.5/2);
+    barfun(xgap + timevec(4,:), cipsth(tIdx(4,:),ii), ((ii-1)* ygap),gFuNcol,0.5);
+    scalebarfun(xgap, ygap, para, ii);
+stairsfun([timevec(1,:),timevec(2,:)], cipsth(1:size(cipsth,1)/2,:), ygap, contnum, 0, 0.5);
+stairsfun([xgap + timevec(3,:),xgap + timevec(4,:)],cipsth(1+size(cipsth,1)/2:size(cipsth,1),:),...
+    ygap,contnum, 0, 0.5);
+datascalefun(xgap+0.05, ygap, para);
+% getting rid of labels
+set(gca,'xtick', [],'ytick', [],'xcolor', 'w','ycolor', 'w');
+pbaspect([1 1.6 1]);
+function stairsfun(x,y,pltYgap,contnum,drawbaseline,lw)
+gaps        =       0 : pltYgap : pltYgap * (contnum - 1);
+yAx         =       y + repmat(gaps, size(y,1),1);
+yAx         =       [gaps ; yAx ; yAx(end,:); gaps];           % this is to close the ending of stairs function
+xAx         =       [x(1), x ,  x(end), x(end)];               % this is to make x axis match the ending
+stairs( xAx, yAx, 'k', 'linewidth', lw);
+if drawbaseline
+    if ~ishold,     hold on;        end
+    line([xAx(1), xAx(end)],[yAx(1,:) ; yAx(1,:)], 'color', 'k', 'linewidth', lw);
+function b = barfun(x,y,g,col,transP,varargin)
+if iscolumn(y),         y = y';     end
+x       =       [x;x];
+y       =       [y;y];
+xplt    =       x([2:end end]);
+yplt    =       y(1:end);
+b = patch([xplt, fliplr(xplt)],[yplt + g, fliplr( repmat(g, size(yplt)))], 0 ,...
+    'FaceColor', col, 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', transP);
+function shadefun(xgap, shaderegion, col)
+if nargin <2,       shaderegion = [0.55,0.75,1.55,1.75];        end
+if nargin <3,       col = [0.9792 0.9792 0.8203];               end
+patch([shaderegion(1), shaderegion(1), shaderegion(2), shaderegion(2)],...
+    [get(gca,'YLim'), fliplr(get(gca,'YLim'))], col, 'edgecolor','none');
+patch(xgap + [shaderegion(3), shaderegion(3), shaderegion(4),shaderegion(4)],...
+    [get(gca,'YLim'), fliplr(get(gca,'YLim'))], col, 'edgecolor','none');
+function scalebarfun(xgap, ygap, para, iter )
+gr      =       para.contrastgreen;
+uv      =       para.contrastuv;
+grcol   =       [0 0.8008 0];
+uvcol   =       [0.5391 0.1680 0.8828];
+tranp   =       0.5;
+sc      =       (ygap*0.3)/max(gr);     % scaling ratio for scale bars
+tsc     =       (sc*-8)/2;              % text distance from border of each scale bar
+barfun([-0.03,0.015], [sc*gr(iter), sc*gr(iter)], ((iter-1)* ygap) + ygap/2, grcol, tranp);
+barfun([-0.03,0.015], [sc*uv(iter), sc*uv(iter)], (((iter-1)* ygap) + ygap/2), uvcol, tranp);
+text(-0.06,tsc+((((iter-1)* ygap)+ygap/2) + sc*gr(iter)),num2str(gr(iter)),'horiz','right','fontsize',6);
+text(-0.06,((((iter-1)* ygap)+ygap/2) + sc*uv(iter))-tsc,num2str(uv(iter)),'horiz','right','fontsize',6);
+barfun([xgap+(1.1-0.03),xgap+(1.115)],[-sc*gr(iter),-sc*gr(iter)],((iter-1)* ygap)+ygap/2,grcol,tranp);
+barfun([xgap+(1.1-0.03),xgap+(1.115)],[-sc*uv(iter),-sc*uv(iter)],(((iter-1)* ygap)+ygap/2),uvcol,tranp);
+text(xgap+(1.1-0.06),((((iter-1)* ygap)+ygap/2) - sc*gr(iter))-tsc,num2str(-gr(iter)),'horiz','right','fontsize',6);
+text(xgap+(1.1-0.06),tsc+((((iter-1)* ygap)+ygap/2) - sc*uv(iter)),num2str(-uv(iter)),'horiz','right','fontsize',6);
+function datascalefun(xgap, ygap, para)
+% adding scale bar for firing rate
+scalloc         =       -ygap/3.5;
+tvec            =       (para.stimduration + para.pfrduration) * 2;
+scalresp        =       ceil(ygap/50)*10;
+plot(xgap + [(0.1/tvec)+tvec tvec tvec],[scalloc scalloc (scalloc + scalresp)],'k-','linewidth',0.5);
+text(xgap + tvec + (0.05/tvec),scalloc-5,'100 ms','horiz','center','vert','top','fontsize',7);
+text(xgap + tvec - 0.02,(scalloc + scalloc/2)/3,[num2str(scalresp),' spikes'],...
+    'horiz','right','vert','middle','fontsize',7);

Analysis/example cell 1.rar

Analysis/example cell 2.rar

Analysis/example cell 3.rar

Analysis/example cell 4.rar

Analysis/example cell 5.rar

Analysis/example cell 6.rar

Analysis/example cell 7.rar