@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+function varargout = Chromatic_Integration_Contrast_Order(pulsenumbers, varargin)
+%%% Chromatic_Integration_Contrast_Order %%%
+% This function returns the stimulus order and contrast values for the defined
+% numbers of input pluses. It uses Fisher-Yates random permutation to set the
+% stimulus order. For more info, see the function fisher_Yates_shuffle_order
+% below.
+% ===============================Inputs====================================
+% pulsenumbers : number of stimulus pulses.
+% =========================Optional Inputs=================================
+% selecttextfile false Browse prompt to select the parameters text file
+% stimduration 30 Stimulus presentation duration screen refresh rate unit (30 = 0.5 sec)
+% preframes 120 Duration of background light presented in between the stimulus flashes
+% maxcontrast 0.2 Maximum Weber contrast value (ranges from -1 to 1)
+% mincontrast -0.2 Minimum Weber contrast value (ranges from -1 to 1)
+% contrastdiff 0.02 Contrast steps from mincontrast to maxcontrast e.g. -20 : 2 : 20
+% seed -1000 Starting value for random number generator (should be always negative)
+% redmeanintensity 0 Mean intensity for red gun of the screen
+% greenmeanintensity 0.5 Mean intensity for green gun of the screen
+% bluemeanintensity 0.5 Mean intensity for blue gun of the screen
+% help false Option to check the list of available parameters
+% varargout{1} : stimulus order, green contrasts and blue contrasts.
+% varargout{2} : stimulus order.
+% written by Mohammad, 12.02.2021
+para = read_stimulus_parameters(varargin{:});
+if para.help, return; end
+offcontrasts = fliplr(0:-para.contrastdiff:para.mincontrast);
+oncontrasts = 0:para.contrastdiff:para.maxcontrast;
+numcontrasts = length(oncontrasts)*2;
+% generating contrast values
+if numel(pulsenumbers) > 1
+ para.numtrials = floor( length( pulsenumbers(2 : 2 : numel(pulsenumbers))) / numcontrasts );
+ para.numtrials = floor( pulsenumbers/2 / numcontrasts ); % 1 pulse for stimulus, one for preframe
+seed = para.seed;
+stimorder = nan(para.numtrials, numcontrasts);
+% getting the order and location of each contrast from the psudo random sequence
+for ii = 1 : para.numtrials
+ [stimorder(ii,:),seed,~] = fisher_Yates_shuffle_order(seed, 1:numcontrasts);
+% setting up output to get the stimulus order contrast orders
+stimorder = stimorder'; % transposing to make vectorization (:) easier
+stimorder = stimorder(:);
+% out.numberContrastsShown = floor((framecounter-1)/(para.stimduration+para.preframes));
+% stimorder = stimorder(1:out.numberContrastsShown);
+out.stimulusOrder = transpose(stimorder);
+% to get contrasts between input values
+greencontrasts = [offcontrasts,oncontrasts];
+bluecontrasts = [oncontrasts,offcontrasts];
+% convert to weber contrast (mean+(contrast*mean))
+greencontrasts = para.greenmeanintensity + (greencontrasts * para.greenmeanintensity);
+bluecontrasts = para.bluemeanintensity + (bluecontrasts * para.bluemeanintensity);
+% set the contrast output
+out.greenContrasts = greencontrasts(stimorder);
+out.blueContrasts = bluecontrasts(stimorder);
+out.trialnumbers = para.numtrials;
+varargout{1} = out;
+varargout{2} = stimorder;
+%---------- sub-functions ----------%
+function varargout = fisher_Yates_shuffle_order(seed,inputVec,varargin)
+%%% fisher_Yates_shuffle_order %%%
+% This function generate psudorandom permution similar to randperm in MATLAB
+% but works with psudorandom number generator ran1. It also gives back the
+% most recent seed value to continue the permuation in case of repeated trials.
+% note that the direction of permutation is along x-axix or for columns of
+% MATALB not for the rows.
+% ===============================Inputs====================================
+% seed : seed value for random number generation.
+% inputVec : input vector used for permutation.
+% testOrder : vector of permuted indices for the inputVec.
+% newSeed : the recent seed that used in the ran1 function.
+% outputVec : the permuted input vector along x-axis
+% Note that the permution algorithem is based on Fisher-Yates shuffle
+% algorithem identical to what is used in the stimulus program.
+% for more info check :
+% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle
+% written by Mohammad, 01.02.2016
+newSeed = seed;
+testOrder = zeros(1,size(inputVec,2));
+testOrder(1) = 1;
+for i = 2:length(inputVec)-1
+ [randVal,newSeed] = ran1(newSeed);
+ j = ceil(i*randVal); % based on Fischer-Yates algorithem
+ testOrder(i) = testOrder(j);
+ testOrder(j) = i;
+testOrder = [testOrder(end),testOrder(1:end-1)]+1; % to match MATLAB indexing
+varargout{1} = testOrder;
+varargout{2} = newSeed;
+for j = 1:size(inputVec,1)
+ varargout{3}(j,:) = inputVec(j,testOrder);
+function paraout = read_stimulus_parameters(varargin)
+% first parse the user inputs
+p = inputParser(); % check the user options.
+p.addParameter('selecttextfile', false, @(x) islogical(x) || (isnumeric(x) && ismember(x,[0,1])));
+p.addParameter('stimduration', 30, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('preframes', 120, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('contrastdiff', 0.02, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('mincontrast',-0.2, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('maxcontrast', 0.2, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('seed', -1000, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('redmeanintensity', 0, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('greenmeanintensity', 0.5, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('bluemeanintensity', 0.5, @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('help', false, @(x) islogical(x) || (isnumeric(x) && ismember(x,[0,1])));
+% defualt parameters
+defpara = p.Results;
+if defpara.help
+ help_info_for_parameters(defpara);
+ paraout = defpara;
+ return;
+if defpara.selecttextfile
+ % now read the text files
+ [stimfile, stimpath] = uigetfile('*.txt','Select a chromatic integration stimulus parameter file','chromatic_integration.txt');
+ fid = fopen([stimpath,filesep,stimfile]);
+ tline = fgetl(fid);
+ while ischar(tline)
+ tline = fgetl(fid);
+ if tline == -1, break; end
+ fn = extractBefore(tline,' = ');
+ if isempty(fn), continue; end
+ val = extractAfter(tline,' = ');
+ % to convert to double
+ if ~isnan(str2double(val))
+ val = str2double(val);
+ end
+ % to convert to logical
+ if strcmp(val,'true'), val = true; end
+ if strcmp(val,'false'), val = false; end
+ % store the values in a structure
+ stimpara.(fn) = val;
+ end
+ fclose(fid);
+ % compare the text file to the defualt values and fill the missing parameters
+ fn = fieldnames(defpara);
+ for ii = 1:numel(fn)
+ if isfield(stimpara,fn{ii})
+ paraout.(fn{ii}) = stimpara.(fn{ii});
+ else
+ paraout.(fn{ii}) = defpara.(fn{ii});
+ end
+ end
+ paraout = defpara;
+function help_info_for_parameters(defpara)
+fn = fieldnames(defpara);
+fprintf([repmat(' ',1,35),'List of Stimulus Parameters\r\n']);
+maxtxtlen = max(cellfun(@numel,fn))+10;
+for ii = 1:numel(fn)
+ g = repmat(' ',1,maxtxtlen - numel(fn{ii}));
+ fprintf(['\t-- \t%s',g,':',repmat(' ',1,10),'%s\n'],fn{ii},num2str(defpara.(fn{ii})));