
added analysis folder

MHK 2 年 前

+ 384 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+function Analyze_Spatial_Contrast_Adaptation_Stimulus(varargin)
+%%% Analyze_Spatial_Contrast_Adaptation_Stimulus %%%
+% This function analyzes the response of the ganglion cells to the spatial
+% contrast adaptation stimulus. This is a supplement code for the Khani & Gollisch
+% (2017) study about the diversity of spatial contrast adaptation in the mouse retina.
+% This function accompanys dataset of Khani and Gollisch (2017). The dataset is available at:
+% https://gin.g-node.org/gollischlab/Khani_and_Gollisch_2017_RGC_spiketrains_for_spatial_contrast_adaptation
+% This function first loads the data in a format that is provided in by the
+% supplementary database of the study. It then generate PSTHs, spike-triggered
+% average (STA) and nonlinearity functions for the selected cell.
+% ===============================Inputs====================================
+%   datapath        :   path to the folder in the database.
+%   stimulusnumber  :   number to select correct stimulus.
+%   cellnumber      :   an example cell number from the list of good cells.
+%   clusternumber   :   a cluster number for the selected cell.
+%   PSTH, STAs and nonlinearities for the selected cell.
+%----------                              main-function                                   ----------%
+% first load the data for an example cell
+[dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber] = select_example_cell(varargin{:});
+% analyze the data
+ca_data     =       sca_anylsis(dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber);
+% plotting
+plot_sca(ca_data, cellnumber, clusternumber);
+%----------                               sub-functions                                  ----------%
+function expdata = sca_anylsis(dp, stimulusnum, cellnum, clusternum,varargin)
+expdata             =   load_data_for_selected_cell(dp, stimulusnum, cellnum, clusternum);
+% set all the required parameters
+para                =   expdata.stimpara;
+para.refreshrate    =   60;
+para.upsampleratio  =   ceil(1e3/para.refreshrate);
+para.numNLbins      =   40;
+para.meanIntensity  =   0.5;
+para.statime = fliplr(linspace(0,(1e3/60*para.Nblinks)*(para.numNLbins/para.upsampleratio),para.numNLbins));
+Nruns = floor((length(expdata.frametimes)-1)/(para.Nblinks*para.switchFrames));
+para.Nframes = Nruns*para.Nblinks*para.switchFrames;
+para.Nrepeats           =       floor(Nruns/2);   % number of runs per trial;
+para.binlength          =       250 / 1e3;        % 250 ms each bin
+% for the PSTH
+para.low_contduration   =    para.switchFrames ./ para.refreshrate;
+para.high_contduration  =    para.switchFrames ./ para.refreshrate;
+para.psthtime_low   = linspace(0, para.low_contduration ,(para.low_contduration / para.binlength)+1);
+para.psthtime_high  = linspace(0, para.high_contduration ,(para.high_contduration / para.binlength)+1);
+para.trialduration  = para.low_contduration + para.high_contduration;
+para.psthtimelh     = linspace(0, para.trialduration,(para.trialduration / para.binlength));
+% loading clusters and frametimings
+ft              =       expdata.frametimes;    % work in seconds
+ftimes          =       ft(1:para.Nframes);
+% get frame times per trial
+ftimes          =       reshape(ftimes,para.switchFrames,Nruns)';
+ftimes_high     =       ftimes(2:2:end,:);      ftimes_high = ftimes_high(1:para.Nrepeats,:);
+ftimes_low      =       ftimes(1:2:end,:);      ftimes_low  = ftimes_low(1:para.Nrepeats,:);
+% getting the stimulus right!
+stimulus = Spatial_Contrast_Adaptation_Stimulus(para.seed,para.Nframes,para.switchFrames,Nruns, para.meanIntensity);
+% binning spikes
+spkbins         =       (histc(expdata.spiketimes,ft(1:para.Nframes))); %#ok
+spkbins         =       reshape(spkbins,para.switchFrames,Nruns)';
+spkbins_high    =       spkbins(2:2:end,:);      spkbins_high = spkbins_high(1:para.Nrepeats,:);
+spkbins_low     =       spkbins(1:2:end,:);      spkbins_low  = spkbins_low(1:para.Nrepeats,:);
+% setting output
+expdata.ftimes.high         =       ftimes_high;
+expdata.ftimes.low          =       ftimes_low;
+expdata.stimulus            =       stimulus;
+expdata.stimpara            =       para;
+% calculating rasters and psth
+expdata     =       calc_rasters_psth(expdata);
+% calculating STAs and nonlinearities for each contrast and location
+[locX_high.sta,locX_high.nlx,locX_high.nly,locX_high.time]  = calculate_sta_nonlinearity(spkbins_high, expdata.stimulus.locX_high, para);
+[locX_low.sta,locX_low.nlx,locX_low.nly,locX_low.time]      = calculate_sta_nonlinearity(spkbins_low, expdata.stimulus.locX_low, para);
+[locY_high.sta,locY_high.nlx,locY_high.nly,locY_high.time]  = calculate_sta_nonlinearity(spkbins_high, expdata.stimulus.locY_high, para);
+[locY_low.sta,locY_low.nlx,locY_low.nly,locY_low.time]      = calculate_sta_nonlinearity(spkbins_low, expdata.stimulus.locY_low, para);
+% setting output
+expdata.locXhigh            =       locX_high;
+expdata.locX_low            =       locX_low;
+expdata.locY_high           =       locY_high;
+expdata.locY_low            =       locY_low;
+function expdata = calc_rasters_psth(expdata)
+fthigh          =       expdata.ftimes.high;
+ftlow           =       expdata.ftimes.low;
+spks            =       expdata.spiketimes;
+para            =       expdata.stimpara;
+[ras_high, ras_low]     =   deal(cell(para.Nrepeats,1));
+delay           =       50/1e3; % ignore first spikes after contrast switch
+for ii = 1:para.Nrepeats
+    ras_high{ii}    = spks(and(spks >= fthigh(ii,1),spks <= fthigh(ii,end))) - fthigh(ii,1);
+    ras_low{ii}     = spks(and(spks >= (ftlow(ii,1)+delay),spks <= ftlow(ii,end))) - (ftlow(ii,1)+delay);
+rasters_high    =       CelltoMatUE(ras_high);
+rasters_low     =       CelltoMatUE(ras_low);
+psth_high       =   mean(histc(rasters_high',para.psthtime_high),2)*(1/para.binlength);   %#ok
+psth_high       =   psth_high(1:end-1);     psth_high(end) = psth_high(end-1);
+para.psthtime_high  =   para.psthtime_high(1:end-1);
+psth_low        =   mean(histc(rasters_low',para.psthtime_low),2)*(1/para.binlength);   %#ok
+psth_low        =   psth_low(1:end-1);      psth_low(end) = psth_low(end-1);
+para.psthtime_low   =   para.psthtime_low(1:end-1);
+expdata.rasters_high        =       rasters_high;
+expdata.rasters_low         =       rasters_low;
+expdata.psth_high           =       psth_high';
+expdata.psth_low            =       psth_low';
+expdata.psthlh              =       [psth_low; psth_high]';
+function [staNorm,nlx,nly,timeVec] = calculate_sta_nonlinearity(runningbin, stimulus, para)
+toHzratio       =       para.Nblinks/para.refreshrate; % normalize the response to Hz
+rnstimEn    =   zeros(para.Nrepeats,para.numNLbins, para.switchFrames-para.numNLbins+1);
+for itrial = 1 : para.Nrepeats
+    stimtrial        =     stimulus(itrial,:);
+    hankelMat        =     hankel(1:para.numNLbins,para.numNLbins:para.switchFrames);
+    rnstimEn(itrial,:,:)    =   stimtrial(hankelMat);
+runningbin  =   reshape(permute(runningbin(:,para.numNLbins:end,:),[1 3 2]),1,[]);
+rnstimEn    =   reshape(permute(rnstimEn, [2 1 3]), para.numNLbins,[]);
+sta         =   bsxfun(@rdivide,runningbin*rnstimEn',sum(runningbin,2));
+staNorm     =   bsxfun(@times,sta,1./sqrt(sum(sta.^2,2)));
+timeVec     =   (-(para.numNLbins-1):1:0)*toHzratio; %in seconds
+runningGenerators   =   staNorm * rnstimEn;
+[nly,nlx]   =   calculate_nonlinearity(runningGenerators', runningbin', para.numNLbins, toHzratio);
+function [ values, centers,sevalues] = calculate_nonlinearity(linearOutput, spikes, nbins, dt)
+qtStep          = 1/nbins;
+qtEdges         = 0:qtStep:1;
+genEdges        = quantile(linearOutput, qtEdges);
+if all(isnan(genEdges))   % this is for cases without spikes where everything is NaNs
+    values = zeros(size(genEdges));
+    sevalues = zeros(size(genEdges));
+    [a, spikebins]  = histc(linearOutput,genEdges); %#ok
+    values          = accumarray(spikebins, spikes', [nbins+1 1], @sum);
+    sdvalues        = accumarray(spikebins, spikes', [nbins+1 1], @std);
+    values          = values./a/dt;
+    sevalues        = sdvalues./sqrt(a)/dt;
+values(end)     = [];
+sevalues(end)   = [];
+centers         = genEdges(1:nbins)+diff(genEdges)/2;
+values          = transpose(values);
+sevalues        = transpose(sevalues);
+function [dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber] = select_example_cell(varargin)
+% first parse the user inputs
+p = inputParser();      % check the user options.
+p.addParameter('datapath', [],  @(x) ischar(x) || isstring(x));
+p.addParameter('stimulusnumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('cellnumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('clusternumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('help', false,  @(x) islogical(x) || (isnumeric(x) && ismember(x,[0,1])));
+% defualt parameters
+defpara     =    p.Results;
+if isempty(defpara.datapath)
+    dp                  =       uigetdir('Select an experiment folder:');
+    dp                  =       defpara.datapath;
+if isempty(defpara.cellnumber) || isempty(defpara.clusternumber)
+    listofgoodcells     =       load([dp,filesep,'list_of_good_cells.txt'],'-ascii');
+    cellabels   =   sprintfc('cell %g, cluster %g',listofgoodcells);
+    if numel(cellabels) > 1
+        idx         =   listdlg('PromptString',{'Select an example ganglion cell:'},...
+            'SelectionMode','single','ListString',cellabels,'listsize',[250 250]);
+    else
+        idx         =   1;
+    end
+    cellnumber          =       listofgoodcells(idx,1);
+    clusternumber       =       listofgoodcells(idx,2);
+    cellnumber      =   defpara.cellnumber;
+    clusternumber   =   defpara.clusternumber;
+if isempty(defpara.stimulusnumber)
+    stimnames           =       importdata([dp,filesep,'stimuli_names.txt']);
+    canames     =   stimnames(~(cellfun('isempty',(strfind(stimnames,'Contrast_Adaptation')))));
+    if numel(canames) > 1
+        idx     = listdlg('PromptString',{'Select an example dataset:'},...
+            'SelectionMode','single','ListString',canames,'listsize',[450 100]);
+        canames     =   canames{idx};
+    end
+    stimulusnumber      =       str2double(extractBefore(canames,'_'));
+    stimulusnumber  =       defpara.stimulusnumber;
+function expdata = load_data_for_selected_cell(dp, stimnum, cellnum, clusternum)
+ftfolder        =       [dp,filesep,'frametimes'];
+if ~exist(ftfolder,'dir'),      ftfolder    =   dp;     end
+rasfolder       =       [dp,filesep,'spiketimes'];
+if ~exist(rasfolder,'dir'),      rasfolder    =   dp;     end
+paramfolder     =       [dp,filesep,'stimulusparameters'];
+if ~exist(paramfolder,'dir'),      paramfolder    =   dp;     end
+ftnames         =       dir([ftfolder, filesep, num2str(stimnum,'%02g'),'*_frametimings.txt']);
+rastername      =       [rasfolder, filesep, sprintf('%d_SP_C%d%02d.txt', stimnum, cellnum, clusternum)];
+warning('off','all');   % this is supress the warning about long names, hopefully nothing happen in between these lines!
+expdata.spiketimes      =       load(rastername, '-ascii');
+expdata.frametimes      =       load([ftfolder,filesep,ftnames.name], '-ascii');
+stimpath                =       dir([paramfolder,filesep,num2str(stimnum,'%02g'),'*_parameters.txt']);
+% now reading the txt file with parameters
+fid             =       fopen([paramfolder,filesep,stimpath.name]);
+tline           =       fgetl(fid);
+while ischar(tline)
+    tline       =       fgetl(fid);
+    if tline    ==      -1,     break;      end
+    fn          =       extractBefore(tline,' = ');
+    if isempty(fn),     continue;           end
+    val         =       extractAfter(tline,' = ');
+    % to convert to double
+    if ~isnan(str2double(val))
+        val     =       str2double(val);
+    end
+    % to convert to logical
+    if strcmp(val,'true'),        val = true;           end
+    if strcmp(val,'false'),       val = false;          end
+    % store the values in a structure
+    stimpara.(fn)       =       val;
+expdata.stimpara    =       stimpara;
+expdata.name        =       extractBefore(ftnames.name,'_frametimings.txt');
+expdata.paraname    =       extractBefore(stimpath.name,'_parameters.txt');
+if strcmp(expdata.name , expdata.paraname)
+    expdata         =       rmfield(expdata,'paraname');
+function OutputMat = CelltoMatUE (input_cell)
+inptsize        =       size(input_cell);
+maxLength       =       max(cellfun('length',input_cell));
+if inptsize(2)  >       inptsize(1)
+    OutputMat   = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)cat(1,x,nan(maxLength-length(x),1)),input_cell,'un',0));
+    OutputMat   = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)cat(2,x',nan(1,maxLength-length(x))),input_cell,'un',0));
+%----------                             plotting modules                                 ----------%
+function plot_sca(ca_data, cellnum, clusternum)
+% putting data together to make plotting easier
+para    =   ca_data.stimpara;
+sta     =   [ca_data.locXhigh.sta;ca_data.locX_low.sta;ca_data.locY_high.sta;ca_data.locY_low.sta]';
+statime = - [ca_data.locXhigh.time;ca_data.locX_low.time;ca_data.locY_high.time;ca_data.locY_low.time]'*1e3;
+nlx     =   [ca_data.locXhigh.nlx;ca_data.locX_low.nlx;ca_data.locY_high.nlx;ca_data.locY_low.nlx]';
+nly     =   [ca_data.locXhigh.nly;ca_data.locX_low.nly;ca_data.locY_high.nly;ca_data.locY_low.nly]';
+figure('pos',[600 50 900 950],'color','w');
+% get plots title and legend labels
+titr    =   {'Location X', 'Location Y'};
+if para.twofixed
+    l   =   {'high-low','low-low'};
+    s   =   'Spatial contrast adaptation';
+    l   =   {'high-low','low-high'};
+    s   =   'Spatial contrast adaptation (alternating stimulus)';
+% first plotting psths
+hold on;
+pbaspect([3 1 1]);          box off;
+xlabel('Time (sec)');       ylabel('Rate (Hz)');
+xlim([0 para.low_contduration+para.high_contduration]);
+xticks([0 para.low_contduration para.low_contduration+para.high_contduration]);
+yAx = get(gca,'YLim');      yAx = ceil(yAx(2)/2)*2;       yticks([0 yAx/2 yAx]);
+legend(l,'Location','northwest');               legend boxoff;
+% plotting STAs and nonlinearities
+for ii = 1:2
+    subplot(3,2,ii+2)
+    plot(statime(:,2*(ii-1)+1),sta(:,2*(ii-1)+1),statime(:,2*ii),sta(:,2*ii),'LineWidth',2);
+    pbaspect([1.2 1 1]);    box off;
+    axis([0 600 -0.5 0.5]);
+    title(['STA ',titr{ii}]);
+    xlabel('Delay (sec)');   ylabel('Filter (a.u.)');
+    if ii==2, legend(l,'Location','southeast');      legend boxoff; end
+    subplot(3,2,ii+4)
+    plot(nlx(:,2*(ii-1)+1),nly(:,2*(ii-1)+1),nlx(:,2*ii),nly(:,2*ii),'LineWidth',2);
+    pbaspect([1.2 1 1]);     box off;    ax = gca;
+    yAx = ceil(ax.YLim(2)/2)*2;
+    axis([-3.1 3.1 0 yAx]);
+    title(['Nonlinearity ',titr{ii}]);
+    xlabel('Input');   ylabel('\Delta Rate (Hz)');
+    %ax.XAxisLocation = 'origin';    ax.YAxisLocation = 'origin';
+    yticks(0:yAx/2:yAx);
+    xticks(-3:1:3);
+% mega title on top
+annotation('textbox', [0.1, 0.95, 0.8, 0], 'string', [s, ' properties of cell ',...
+    num2str(cellnum),', cluster ',num2str(clusternum)],'FontSize',16,'EdgeColor','none',...
+    'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','middle');

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+function stimulus = Spatial_Contrast_Adaptation_Stimulus(seed, numframes,switchframe, Nrepeats, meanIntensity)
+%%% Spatial_Contrast_Adaptation_Stimulus %%%
+% This function generate the stimulus that was used to study spatial contrast
+% adaptation accompanying dataset of Khani and Gollisch (2017). The dataset is available at:
+% https://gin.g-node.org/gollischlab/Khani_and_Gollisch_2017_RGC_spiketrains_for_spatial_contrast_adaptation
+% ===============================Inputs====================================
+%   seed            :   starting seed for generating random number sequences.
+%   numframes       :   number of displayed stimulus frames.
+%   switchframe     :   time point of contrast change from high to low and vice versa.
+%   Nrepeats        :   number of stimulus trials.
+%   meanIntensity   :   mean intensity during the experiment (between 0-1, usually 0.5).
+%   stimulus         :   high and low contrast stimulus sequences for locations X and Y.
+% first get the sequence of random numbers
+screenstimulus = ran1(seed,2*numframes);    % 2 times number of frame for locations X and Y
+% convert the values to binary.
+% values > meanintensity are set to 1 (100% contrast).
+% values < meanintensity are set to -1 (-100% contrast).
+screenstimulus = 2*single(screenstimulus>meanIntensity)-1;
+% reshape to separate the values for locations X and Y.
+screenstimulus = reshape(screenstimulus,2,[]);
+% get screen stimulus per trial
+stim_locX = reshape(screenstimulus(1,:),switchframe,Nrepeats)';
+stim_locY = reshape(screenstimulus(2,:),switchframe,Nrepeats)';    % location Y is the second seed series
+% separate high and low contrast for locations X and Y
+stimulus.locX_high      =   stim_locX(2:2:end,:);   % location X, high contrast
+stimulus.locX_low       =   stim_locX(1:2:end,:);   % location X, low contrast
+stimulus.locY_high      =   stim_locY(2:2:end,:);   % location Y, high contrast
+stimulus.locY_low       =   stim_locY(1:2:end,:);   % location Y, low contrast
+% match the stimuli sizes
+s = min([size(stimulus.locX_high,1),size(stimulus.locX_low,1),size(stimulus.locY_high,1),size(stimulus.locY_low,1)]); 
+stimulus.locX_high      =   stimulus.locX_high(1:s,:);
+stimulus.locX_low       =   stimulus.locX_low(1:s,:);
+stimulus.locY_high      =   stimulus.locY_high(1:s,:);
+stimulus.locY_low       =   stimulus.locY_low(1:s,:);

Analysis/example cell 1.rar

Analysis/example cell 2.rar

Analysis/example cell 3.rar

Analysis/example cell 4.rar

Analysis/example cell 5.rar

+ 164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+function expdata = example_load_rgc_data(varargin)
+%%% example_load_rgc_data %%%
+% This function loads the data for any example cell from the accompanying
+% dataset of Khani and Gollisch (2017 and 2021). The dataset is available at:
+% https://gin.g-node.org/gollischlab/Khani_and_Gollisch_2021_RGC_spike_trains_chromatic_integration
+% and
+% https://gin.g-node.org/gollischlab/Khani_and_Gollisch_2017_RGC_spiketrains_for_spatial_contrast_adaptation
+% This function first get the path of the downloaded database and then loads
+% the frametimes and spike times of a selected ganglion cells from the list
+% of avaiable good cells. The list that can be found at list_of_good_cells.txt
+% inside each folder of the database.
+% example use: 1- example_load_rgc_data();
+%              2- example_load_rgc_data('datapath','PATH TO DOWNLOAD FOLDER')
+%              3- example_load_rgc_data('datapath','PATH TO DOWNLOAD FOLDER', stimulusnumber, 7)
+%              4- example_load_rgc_data('datapath','PATH TO DOWNLOAD FOLDER', cellnumber, 12, clusternumber, 12)
+%              4- example_load_rgc_data('datapath','PATH TO DOWNLOAD FOLDER', stimulusnumber, 7, cellnumber, 12, clusternumber, 12)
+% ===============================Inputs====================================
+%   datapath        :   path to the folder in the database.
+%   stimulusnumber  :   number to select the correct stimulus.
+%   cellnumber      :   an example cell number from the list of good cells.
+%   clusternumber   :   a cluster number for the selected cell.
+%   expdata         :   spiketime, frametimes, stimulus parameters and cell
+%                       id information of the selected cell.
+% written by Mohammad, 18.02.2021
+%----------                              main-function                                   ----------%
+% first load the data for an example cell
+[dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber]         =       select_example_cell(varargin{:});
+% now load the date that selected example cell
+expdata         =       load_data_for_selected_cell(dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber);
+expdata.datapath = dp;
+expdata.stimulusnumber = stimulusnumber;
+expdata.cellnumber = cellnumber;
+expdata.clusternumber = clusternumber;
+%----------                               sub-functions                                  ----------%
+function [dp, stimulusnumber, cellnumber, clusternumber] = select_example_cell(varargin)
+% first parse the user inputs
+p = inputParser();      % check the user options.
+p.addParameter('datapath', [],  @(x) ischar(x) || isstring(x));
+p.addParameter('stimulusnumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('cellnumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('clusternumber', [], @isnumeric);
+p.addParameter('help', false,  @(x) islogical(x) || (isnumeric(x) && ismember(x,[0,1])));
+% defualt parameters
+defpara     =    p.Results;
+if isempty(defpara.datapath)
+    dp                  =       uigetdir('Select an experiment folder:');
+    dp                  =       defpara.datapath;
+if isempty(defpara.cellnumber) || isempty(defpara.clusternumber)
+    listofgoodcells     =       load([dp,filesep,'list_of_good_cells.txt'],'-ascii');
+    cellabels   =   sprintfc('cell %g, cluster %g',listofgoodcells);
+    if numel(cellabels) > 1
+        idx         =   listdlg('PromptString',{'Select an example ganglion cell:'},...
+            'SelectionMode','single','ListString',cellabels,'listsize',[250 250]);
+    else
+        idx         =   1;
+    end
+    cellnumber          =       listofgoodcells(idx,1);
+    clusternumber       =       listofgoodcells(idx,2);
+    cellnumber      =   defpara.cellnumber;
+    clusternumber   =   defpara.clusternumber;
+if isempty(defpara.stimulusnumber)
+    stimnames           =       importdata([dp,filesep,'stimuli_names.txt']);
+%     cinames     =   stimnames(~(cellfun('isempty',(strfind(stimnames,'_Chromatic_Integration_')))));
+%     cinames     =   cinames((cellfun('isempty',(strfind(cinames,'Local')))));
+%     cinames     =   cinames((cellfun('isempty',(strfind(cinames,'Grating')))));
+    cinames     =   stimnames(~(cellfun('isempty',(strfind(stimnames,'Contrast_Adaptation')))));
+    if numel(cinames) > 1
+        idx     = listdlg('PromptString',{'Select an example dataset:'},...
+            'SelectionMode','single','ListString',cinames,'listsize',[450 100]);
+        cinames     =   cinames{idx};
+    end
+    stimulusnumber      =       str2double(extractBefore(cinames,'_'));
+    stimulusnumber  =       defpara.stimulusnumber;
+function expdata = load_data_for_selected_cell(dp, stimnum, cellnum, clusternum)
+ftfolder        =       [dp,filesep,'frametimes'];
+if ~exist(ftfolder,'dir'),      ftfolder    =   dp;     end
+rasfolder       =       [dp,filesep,'spiketimes'];
+if ~exist(rasfolder,'dir'),      rasfolder    =   dp;     end
+paramfolder     =       [dp,filesep,'stimulusparameters'];
+if ~exist(paramfolder,'dir'),      paramfolder    =   dp;     end
+ftnames         =       dir([ftfolder, filesep, num2str(stimnum,'%02g'),'*_frametimings.txt']);
+rastername      =       [rasfolder, filesep, sprintf('%d_SP_C%d%02d.txt', stimnum, cellnum, clusternum)];
+warning('off','all');   % this is supress the warning about long names, hopefully nothing happen in between these lines!
+expdata.spiketimes      =       load(rastername, '-ascii');
+expdata.frametimes      =       load([ftfolder,filesep,ftnames.name], '-ascii');
+stimpath                =       dir([paramfolder,filesep,num2str(stimnum,'%02g'),'*_parameters.txt']);
+% now reading the txt file with parameters
+fid             =       fopen([paramfolder,filesep,stimpath.name]);
+tline           =       fgetl(fid);
+while ischar(tline)
+    tline       =       fgetl(fid);
+    if tline    ==      -1,     break;      end
+    fn          =       extractBefore(tline,' = ');
+    if isempty(fn),     continue;           end
+    val         =       extractAfter(tline,' = ');
+    % to convert to double
+    if ~isnan(str2double(val))
+        val     =       str2double(val);
+    end
+    % to convert to logical
+    if strcmp(val,'true'),        val = true;           end
+    if strcmp(val,'false'),       val = false;          end
+    % store the values in a structure
+    stimpara.(fn)       =       val;
+expdata.stimpara    =       stimpara;
+expdata.name        =       extractBefore(ftnames.name,'_frametimings.txt');
+expdata.paraname    =       extractBefore(stimpath.name,'_parameters.txt');
+if strcmp(expdata.name , expdata.paraname)
+    expdata         =       rmfield(expdata,'paraname');
