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function blockstimulus = returnFixMovie(screensize, imEnsemble, listfixations)
+% returnFixMovie - Generates a movie of fixations using an image ensemble
+% Syntax: blockstimulus = returnFixMovie(screensize, imageEnsemble, listfixations)
+% Inputs:
+% screensize - [Ny, Nx] size of the monitor, always [600, 800] for our experiments
+% imageEnsemble - ensemble of images, contains frozenImages and runningImages
+% listfixations - [3, Nframes] list of fixations (image index, x, y)
+% for the frozen sequence it is frozenfixations, for the running sequence is runningfixations
+% Outputs:
+% blockstimulus - [Ny, Nx, Nframes] movie of fixations, where the images presented at each frame are shifted based on gaze data
+% Example:
+% blockstimulus = returnFixMovie([600, 800], imageEnsemble, listfixations)
+% Other m-files required: none
+% Subfunctions: getRanges
+% MAT-files required: none
Nx = screensize(2);
Ny = screensize(1);