@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+import h5py
+import scipy.sparse
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+def load_hdf5_array(file_name, key=None, slice=slice(0, None)):
+ """Function to load data from an hdf file.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file_name: string
+ hdf5 file name.
+ key: string
+ Key name to load. If not provided, all keys will be loaded.
+ slice: slice, or tuple of slices
+ Load only a slice of the hdf5 array. It will load `array[slice]`.
+ Use a tuple of slices to get a slice in multiple dimensions.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ result : array or dictionary
+ Array, or dictionary of arrays (if `key` is None).
+ """
+ with h5py.File(file_name, mode='r') as hf:
+ if key is None:
+ data = dict()
+ for k in hf.keys():
+ data[k] = hf[k][slice]
+ return data
+ else:
+ return hf[key][slice]
+def load_hdf5_sparse_array(file_name, key):
+ """Load a scipy sparse array from an hdf file
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file_name : string
+ File name containing array to be loaded.
+ key : string
+ Name of variable to be loaded.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This function relies on variables being stored with specific naming
+ conventions, so cannot be used to load arbitrary sparse arrays.
+ """
+ with h5py.File(file_name, mode='r') as hf:
+ data = (hf['%s_data' % key], hf['%s_indices' % key],
+ hf['%s_indptr' % key])
+ sparsemat = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(data, shape=hf['%s_shape' % key])
+ return sparsemat
+def save_hdf5_dataset(file_name, dataset, mode='w'):
+ """Save a dataset of arrays and sparse arrays.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file_name : str
+ Full name of the file.
+ dataset : dict of arrays
+ Mappers to save.
+ mode : str
+ File opening model.
+ Use 'w' to write from scratch, 'a' to add to existing file.
+ """
+ print("Saving... ", end="", flush=True)
+ with h5py.File(file_name, mode=mode) as hf:
+ for name, array in dataset.items():
+ if scipy.sparse.issparse(array): # sparse array
+ array = array.tocsr()
+ hf.create_dataset(name + '_indices', data=array.indices,
+ compression='gzip')
+ hf.create_dataset(name + '_data', data=array.data,
+ compression='gzip')
+ hf.create_dataset(name + '_indptr', data=array.indptr,
+ compression='gzip')
+ hf.create_dataset(name + '_shape', data=array.shape,
+ compression='gzip')
+ else: # dense array
+ hf.create_dataset(name, data=array, compression='gzip')
+ print("Saved %s" % file_name)
+def map_voxels_to_flatmap(voxels, mapper_file):
+ """Generate flatmap image from voxel array using a mapper.
+ This function maps an array of voxels into a flattened representation
+ of an individual subject's brain.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ voxels: array of shape (n_voxels, )
+ Voxel values to be mapped.
+ mapper_file: string
+ File containing mapping arrays for a particular subject.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ image : array of shape (width, height)
+ Flatmap image.
+ """
+ voxel_to_flatmap = load_hdf5_sparse_array(mapper_file, 'voxel_to_flatmap')
+ flatmap_mask = load_hdf5_array(mapper_file, 'flatmap_mask')
+ badmask = np.array(voxel_to_flatmap.sum(1) > 0).ravel()
+ img = (np.nan * np.ones(flatmap_mask.shape)).astype(voxels.dtype)
+ mimg = (np.nan * np.ones(badmask.shape)).astype(voxels.dtype)
+ mimg[badmask] = (voxel_to_flatmap * voxels.ravel())[badmask].astype(
+ mimg.dtype)
+ img[flatmap_mask] = mimg
+ return img.T[::-1]
+def plot_flatmap_from_mapper(voxels, mapper_file, ax=None, alpha=0.7,
+ cmap='inferno', vmin=None, vmax=None,
+ with_curvature=True, with_rois=True,
+ with_colorbar=True,
+ colorbar_location=(.4, .9, .2, .05)):
+ """Plot a flatmap from a mapper file.
+ Note that this function does not have the full capability of pycortex,
+ (like cortex.quickshow) since it is based on flatmap mappers and not on the
+ original brain surface of the subject.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ voxels : array of shape (n_voxels, )
+ Data to be plotted.
+ mapper_file : str
+ File name of the mapper.
+ ax : matplotlib Axes or None.
+ Axes where the figure will be plotted.
+ If None, a new figure is created.
+ alpha : float in [0, 1], or array of shape (n_voxels, )
+ Transparency of the flatmap.
+ cmap : str
+ Name of the matplotlib colormap.
+ vmin : float or None
+ Minimum value of the colormap. If None, use the 1st percentile of the
+ `voxels` array.
+ vmax : float or None
+ Minimum value of the colormap. If None, use the 99th percentile of the
+ `voxels` array.
+ with_curvature : bool
+ If True, show the curvature below the data layer.
+ with_rois : bool
+ If True, show the ROIs labels above the data layer.
+ colorbar_location : [left, bottom, width, height]
+ Location of the colorbar. All quantities are in fractions of figure
+ width and height.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ax : matplotlib Axes
+ Axes where the figure has been plotted.
+ """
+ # create a figure
+ if ax is None:
+ flatmap_mask = load_hdf5_array(mapper_file, key='flatmap_mask')
+ figsize = np.array(flatmap_mask.shape) / 100.
+ fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
+ ax = fig.add_axes((0, 0, 1, 1))
+ ax.axis('off')
+ # process plotting parameters
+ if vmin is None:
+ vmin = np.percentile(voxels, 1)
+ if vmax is None:
+ vmax = np.percentile(voxels, 99)
+ if isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray):
+ alpha = map_voxels_to_flatmap(alpha, mapper_file)
+ # plot the data
+ image = map_voxels_to_flatmap(voxels, mapper_file)
+ cimg = ax.imshow(image, aspect='equal', zorder=1, alpha=alpha, cmap=cmap,
+ vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
+ if with_colorbar:
+ try:
+ cbar = ax.inset_axes(colorbar_location)
+ except AttributeError: # for matplotlib < 3.0
+ cbar = ax.figure.add_axes(colorbar_location)
+ ax.figure.colorbar(cimg, cax=cbar, orientation='horizontal')
+ # plot additional layers if present
+ with h5py.File(mapper_file, mode='r') as hf:
+ if with_curvature and "flatmap_curvature" in hf.keys():
+ curvature = load_hdf5_array(mapper_file, key='flatmap_curvature')
+ background = np.swapaxes(curvature, 0, 1)[::-1]
+ else:
+ background = map_voxels_to_flatmap(np.ones_like(voxels),
+ mapper_file)
+ ax.imshow(background, aspect='equal', cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1,
+ zorder=0)
+ if with_rois and "flatmap_rois" in hf.keys():
+ rois = load_hdf5_array(mapper_file, key='flatmap_rois')
+ ax.imshow(
+ np.swapaxes(rois, 0, 1)[::-1], aspect='equal',
+ interpolation='bicubic', zorder=2)
+ return ax
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ """
+ Example for how to load the fMRI test data,
+ and display the explainable variance on one subject's cortical surface.
+ More examples at https://github.com/gallantlab/voxelwise_tutorials
+ """
+ import os
+ directory = os.path.abspath('.')
+ subject = "S01"
+ # Load fMRI responses on the test set
+ file_name = os.path.join(directory, 'responses',
+ f'{subject}_responses.hdf')
+ Y_test = load_hdf5_array(file_name, "Y_test")
+ # compute the explainable variance per voxel, based on the test set repeats
+ mean_var = np.mean(np.var(Y_test, axis=1), axis=0)
+ var_mean = np.var(np.mean(Y_test, axis=0), axis=0)
+ explainable_variance = var_mean / mean_var
+ # Map to subject flatmap
+ mapper_file = os.path.join(directory, 'mappers', f'{subject}_mappers.hdf')
+ plot_flatmap_from_mapper(explainable_variance, mapper_file, vmin=0,
+ vmax=0.7)
+ plt.show()