Title: Post-processing deep neural network for performance improvement of interictal epileptiform discharges detection
In this study we aimed to further improve interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) detection performance of a deep neural network based algorithm with a second-level post-processing deep learning network, a method not previously applied in this field.
Seventeen interictal ambulatory EEGs were used, 15 with focal and 2 with generalized epilepsy in patients of age range 4-80 years (median 19y, 25th-75th percentile 14-32y). The EEG data was split into 2s non-overlapping epochs. Epochs with an IED probability of at least 0.99, according to a previously developed VGG-C based convolutional neural network, were preselected for the second-level 2D convolutional neural network (CNN). The selected epochs were used as input for the second-level post-processing CNN in Python comprising of the following layers: visible, convolutional, max pooling, dropout, hidden dense (100 neurons) and output. Data was divided into an 80/20 training/validation, resulting in 3049 epochs for training/validation and 580 epochs for testing
Matlab R2021a (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA)
Python 3.10 using Keras 2.6.0, Tensorflow 2.8.0 and scikit-learn 1.0.2
- create_dummy_var_2024_02_14.m
Create the dummy EEG variable to test the second-level network.
- plot_EEGepoch_dummy_var_2024_02_18.m
Plot the dummy EEG variable epochs.
- selection_EEGepochs_2024_02_14.m
Selection of the EEG epochs by the first-level network with a specific probability of being an IED. The first-level network is published elsewhere by da Silva et al., 2021.
- plot_EEGepoch_2024_02_18.m
Plot the EEG epochs, for scoring.
- App_2023_09_15.mlapp
MATLAB App used for scoring the EEG epochs.
Deep leraning model of the second-level network. The first-level network is published elsewhere by da Silva et al., 2021.
- ROC_curve_2023_09_18.m
Plotting the ROC curve for dummy EEG variable and the true EEG epochs.
We are not allowed to share the patients’ EEG data. However, the figures of the anonymous EEG epochs that were scored with MATLAB App are provided
- Figures
-- Figuren_seizureLocation_selectie_deel1_nolegend
-- Figuren_seizureLocation_selectie_deel2_nolegend
Galia Valentinova Anguelova MD MSc PhD and Patricia Margaret Baines MSc
Contact information:
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