123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539 |
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- def swc_to_df(filepath):
- df_swc = pd.read_csv(filepath, delim_whitespace=True, comment='#',
- names=['n', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'radius', 'parent'], index_col=False)
- df_swc.index = df_swc.n.values
- return df_swc
- def read_swc(filepath):
- swc = swc_to_df(filepath)
- # raw data
- n = np.array(swc['n'].tolist())
- pos = np.array([swc['x'].tolist(), swc['y'].tolist(), swc['z'].tolist()]).T
- radius = np.array(swc['radius'].tolist())
- t = np.array(swc['type'].tolist())
- pid = np.array(swc['parent'].tolist())
- t[pid == -1] = 1 # if soma is missing, the first point is soma
- e = np.vstack(list(zip(pid[1:], n[1:])))
- e = remove_duplicate(pos, e)
- soma_loc = 1
- return {'n': n,
- 'pos': pos,
- 'radius': radius,
- 't': t,
- 'e': e,
- 'soma_loc': soma_loc
- }
- def read_imx(filepath):
- import numpy as np
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
- xml_binary = f.read().decode('utf-8')
- soup = BeautifulSoup(xml_binary, 'lxml')
- vertex = soup.find('mfilamentgraphvertex').text
- vertex = vertex.replace(')', '')
- vertex = vertex.split('(')
- vertex = [i.strip() for i in vertex]
- vertex = [i for i in vertex if i != '']
- edges = soup.find('mfilamentgraphedge').text
- edges = edges.replace(')', '')
- edges = edges.split('(')
- edges = [i.strip() for i in edges]
- edges = [i for i in edges if i != '']
- vortex = np.array([list(map(float, sub.split(','))) for sub in vertex])
- # node position/coordinates(x,y,z)
- pos = vortex[:, :3] # n->pos
- e = np.array([list(map(int, sub.split(','))) for sub in edges]) + 1
- e = remove_duplicate(pos, e)
- # node index
- n = np.arange(1, len(pos) + 1) # n is the node index
- # radius
- radius = vortex[:, 3]
- # type
- t = np.ones(len(radius)) * 3
- soma_loc = int(soup.find('mfilamentgraph').attrs['mrootvertex']) + 1
- t[soma_loc - 1] = 1
- return {'n': n,
- 'pos': pos,
- 'radius': radius,
- 't': t,
- 'e': e,
- 'soma_loc': soma_loc
- }
- def remove_duplicate(pos, e):
- pos_uniq, pos_count = np.unique(pos, return_counts=True, axis=0)
- for duplicate_point in pos_uniq[pos_count > 1]:
- a, *rest = np.where((duplicate_point == pos).all(1))[0] + 1
- for dupl in rest:
- for i in [i for i in np.where(e[:, 0] == dupl)[0]]:
- e[i][0] = a
- for i in [i for i in np.where(e[:, 1] == dupl)[0]]:
- e[i][1] = a
- e[(e[:, 1] - e[:, 0]) < 0] = e[(e[:, 1] - e[:, 0]) < 0][:, ::-1]
- e = np.delete(e, np.where(e[:, 0] == e[:, 1])[0], axis=0)
- e, index = np.unique(e, axis=0, return_index=True)
- return e[index.argsort()]
- def get_edge_dict(n, e, soma_loc):
- def _point_already_in_dict(point, edge_dict):
- for path_id, points_list in edge_dict.items():
- if point in points_list:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- edge_dict = {}
- path_id = 1
- branch_loc = [i for i in n if len(np.where(e[:, 0] == i)[0]) >= 2]
- if 1 not in branch_loc:
- branch_loc = [1] + branch_loc
- for bpt in branch_loc:
- bpt_locs_on_e = np.where(e[:, 0] == bpt)[0]
- for edge in e[bpt_locs_on_e]:
- current_point = edge[0]
- next_point = edge[1]
- a_list = [current_point]
- if _point_already_in_dict(next_point, edge_dict):
- pass
- else:
- a_list.append(next_point) # a list for holding the index of point of one paths
- next_point_locs_on_e = np.where(e[:, 0] == next_point)[0]
- while len(next_point_locs_on_e) == 1:
- next_point = e[next_point_locs_on_e[0]][1]
- if _point_already_in_dict(next_point, edge_dict):
- pass
- else:
- a_list.append(next_point) # a list for holding the index of point of one paths
- next_point_locs_on_e = np.where(e[:, 0] == next_point)[0]
- if len(a_list) < 2:
- pass
- continue
- edge_dict[path_id] = np.array(a_list)
- path_id += 1
- if soma_loc not in branch_loc:
- paths_soma_on = [key for key, value in edge_dict.items() if soma_loc in value]
- for path_id in paths_soma_on:
- path = edge_dict[path_id]
- breakup_point = np.where(edge_dict[path_id] == soma_loc)[0]
- path_0 = path[:breakup_point[0] + 1][::-1]
- path_1 = path[breakup_point[0]:]
- edge_dict[path_id] = path_0
- edge_dict[len(edge_dict)] = path_1
- return edge_dict
- def get_path_dict(pos, radius, t, edge_dict, soma_loc):
- path_dict = {}
- radius_dict = {}
- type_dict = {}
- all_keys = edge_dict.keys()
- for key in all_keys:
- path_dict[key] = pos[edge_dict[key] - 1]
- radius_dict[key] = radius[edge_dict[key] - 1]
- type_dict[key] = np.unique(t[edge_dict[key] - 1][1:])[0]
- path_dict.update({0: pos[soma_loc - 1].reshape(1, 3)})
- radius_dict.update({0: [radius[soma_loc - 1]]})
- type_dict.update({0: 1})
- df_paths = pd.DataFrame()
- df_paths['type'] = pd.Series(type_dict)
- df_paths['path'] = pd.Series(path_dict)
- df_paths['radius'] = pd.Series(radius_dict)
- return df_paths
- def sort_path_direction(df_paths):
- df_paths = df_paths.copy()
- soma = df_paths.loc[0].path.flatten()
- df_paths['connect_to'] = np.nan
- df_paths['connect_to_at'] = ''
- df_paths['connect_to_at'] = df_paths['connect_to_at'].apply(np.array)
- path_ids_head = df_paths[df_paths.path.apply(lambda x: (x[0] == soma).all())].index
- if len(path_ids_head) > 0:
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_head, 'connect_to'] = -1
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_head, 'connect_to_at'] = pd.Series({path_id: soma for path_id in path_ids_head})
- path_ids_tail = df_paths[df_paths.path.apply(lambda x: (x[-1] == soma).all())].index
- if len(path_ids_tail) > 0:
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_tail, 'path'] = df_paths.loc[path_ids_tail].path.apply(lambda x: x[::-1])
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_tail, 'connect_to'] = -1
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_tail, 'connect_to_at'] = pd.Series({path_id: soma for path_id in path_ids_tail})
- new_target_paths = list(df_paths[~np.isnan(df_paths.connect_to)].index) # seed the first round of paths to check
- while np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(df_paths.connect_to)) != len(df_paths):
- all_checked_paths = list(df_paths[~np.isnan(df_paths.connect_to)].index)
- num_check_paths_before = len(all_checked_paths)
- target_paths = new_target_paths
- new_target_paths = [] # empty the list to hold new target paths for next round
- for target_path_id in target_paths:
- if target_path_id == 0: continue
- target_path = df_paths.loc[target_path_id].path
- path_ids_head = df_paths[df_paths.path.apply(lambda x: (x[0] == target_path[-1]).all())].index.tolist()
- path_ids_head = [i for i in path_ids_head if i not in all_checked_paths]
- if len(path_ids_head) > 0:
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_head, 'connect_to'] = target_path_id
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_head, 'connect_to_at'] = pd.Series(
- {path_id: target_path[-1] for path_id in path_ids_head})
- new_target_paths = new_target_paths + path_ids_head
- path_ids_tail = df_paths[df_paths.path.apply(lambda x: (x[-1] == target_path[-1]).all())].index.tolist()
- path_ids_tail = [i for i in path_ids_tail if i not in all_checked_paths]
- if len(path_ids_tail) > 0:
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_tail, 'path'] = df_paths.loc[path_ids_tail].path.apply(lambda x: x[::-1])
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_tail, 'connect_to'] = target_path_id
- df_paths.loc[path_ids_tail, 'connect_to_at'] = pd.Series(
- {path_id: target_path[-1] for path_id in path_ids_tail})
- new_target_paths = new_target_paths + path_ids_tail
- num_check_paths_after = len(list(df_paths[~np.isnan(df_paths.connect_to)].index))
- if num_check_paths_before == num_check_paths_after:
- num_disconneted = len(df_paths) - num_check_paths_after
- break
- df_paths_drop = df_paths[np.isnan(df_paths.connect_to)]
- df_paths = df_paths.drop(df_paths[np.isnan(df_paths.connect_to)].index)
- return df_paths, df_paths_drop
- def get_paths_nearest_to_tree(df_paths, df_drops, num_all_paths):
- """
- Get paths in df_drops which stay nearest to the connected paths.
- Paremeters
- ----------
- df_paths:
- DataFrame holding all connected paths
- df_drops:
- DataFrame holding all disconnected paths
- Return
- ------
- res: dict
- {'p0': {'path': path,
- 'path_id': path_id_drop,
- 'radius': radius,
- 'type': t},
- 'target': {'path': path_tree,
- 'path_id': path_id_tree,
- 'radius': radius_tree,
- 'type': type_tree
- } }
- """
- res = []
- for row in df_drops.iterrows():
- path_id_drop = row[0]
- path = row[1].path
- path_id_tree = df_paths.path.apply(lambda x: np.sqrt(((x[-1] - path) ** 2).sum(1).min())).argmin()
- distance_arr = np.sqrt(np.sum((path - df_paths.loc[path_id_tree].path[-1]) ** 2, 1))
- loc_nearest = distance_arr.argmin()
- dist_nearest = distance_arr.min()
- res.append((path_id_drop, path_id_tree, loc_nearest, dist_nearest))
- res = np.array(res)
- nearest_paths_data = res[np.where(res[:, 3] == res[:, 3].min())[0]]
- ### get all paths data
- num_paths_to_tree = len(nearest_paths_data)
- path_id_tree = nearest_paths_data[0][1]
- path_tree = df_paths.loc[path_id_tree].path
- radius_tree = df_paths.loc[path_id_tree].radius
- type_tree = df_paths.loc[path_id_tree].type
- loc_nearest = int(nearest_paths_data[0][2])
- distance_between = nearest_paths_data[0][3]
- res = {}
- for i, datum in enumerate(nearest_paths_data):
- path_id_drop = datum[0]
- path = df_drops.loc[path_id_drop].path
- radius = df_drops.loc[path_id_drop].radius
- t = df_drops.loc[path_id_drop].type
- if loc_nearest == 0:
- path = path
- point_connect = path[0]
- radius_connect = radius[0]
- res['p{}'.format(i)] = {'path': path,
- 'path_id': path_id_drop,
- 'radius': radius,
- 'type': t}
- elif loc_nearest == len(path) - 1:
- path = path[::-1]
- point_connect = path[0]
- radius_connect = radius[0]
- res['p{}'.format(i)] = {'path': path,
- 'path_id': path_id_drop,
- 'radius': radius,
- 'type': t}
- else:
- p0 = path[:loc_nearest + 1][::-1]
- p1 = path[loc_nearest:]
- r0 = radius[:loc_nearest + 1]
- r1 = radius[loc_nearest:]
- point_connect = p0[0]
- radius_connect = r0[0]
- if len(p0) > 1:
- res['p0'.format(i)] = {'path': p0,
- 'path_id': path_id_drop,
- 'radius': r0,
- 'type': t}
- if len(p1) > 1:
- res['p1'.format(i)] = {'path': p1,
- # 'path_id': len(df_paths) + len(df_drops),
- 'path_id': num_all_paths,
- 'radius': r1,
- 'type': t}
- if distance_between > 0:
- path_tree = np.vstack([path_tree, point_connect])
- radius_tree = np.hstack([radius_tree, radius_connect])
- res['target'] = {'path': path_tree,
- 'path_id': path_id_tree,
- 'radius': radius_tree,
- 'type': type_tree
- }
- return res
- def reconnect_dropped_paths(df_paths, df_drops):
- df_paths = df_paths.copy()
- df_drops = df_drops.copy()
- num_dropped_paths = len(df_drops)
- while len(df_drops) > 0:
- num_all_paths = num_dropped_paths + len(df_paths)
- paths_data = get_paths_nearest_to_tree(df_paths, df_drops, num_all_paths)
- target = paths_data.pop('target')
- path_id_tree = target['path_id']
- path_tree = target['path']
- radius_tree = target['radius']
- tail_path_tree = path_tree[-1]
- df_paths.at[int(path_id_tree), 'path'] = path_tree
- df_paths.at[int(path_id_tree), 'radius'] = radius_tree
- if len(paths_data) == 1:
- p = paths_data.pop('p0')
- path_id_drop = p['path_id']
- path_drop = p['path']
- radius_drop = p['radius']
- t = p['type']
- df_paths.at[int(path_id_tree), 'path'] = np.vstack([path_tree[:-1], path_drop])
- df_paths.at[int(path_id_tree), 'radius'] = np.hstack([radius_tree[:-1], radius_drop])
- df_drops.drop(path_id_drop, inplace=True)
- else:
- for key, values in paths_data.items():
- p = paths_data[key]
- path_id_drop = p['path_id']
- path_drop = p['path']
- radius_drop = p['radius']
- t = p['type']
- df_paths.loc[int(path_id_drop)] = [t, path_drop, radius_drop, path_id_tree, tail_path_tree]
- try:
- df_drops.drop(path_id_drop, inplace=True)
- except:
- pass
- return df_paths.sort_index()
- def find_connection(df_paths):
- # find all paths connect to current path.
- connected_by_dict = {}
- connected_by_at_dict = {}
- for path_id in df_paths.index:
- connected_by_dict[path_id] = df_paths[df_paths.connect_to == path_id].index.tolist()
- connected_by_at_dict[path_id] = df_paths[df_paths.connect_to == path_id].connect_to_at.tolist()
- df_paths['connected_by'] = pd.Series(connected_by_dict)
- df_paths['connected_by_at'] = pd.Series(connected_by_at_dict)
- back_to_soma_dict = {}
- for path_id in df_paths.index:
- list_to_soma = [path_id]
- next_path_id = df_paths.loc[path_id].connect_to
- while next_path_id != -1:
- list_to_soma.append(next_path_id)
- next_path_id = df_paths.loc[next_path_id].connect_to
- back_to_soma_dict[path_id] = list_to_soma
- df_paths['back_to_soma'] = pd.Series(back_to_soma_dict)
- return df_paths
- def write_swc(df_paths):
- path_checked = []
- swc_arr = []
- list_back_to_soma = (df_paths.sort_values(['connect_to']).back_to_soma).tolist()
- for i, back_to_soma in enumerate(list_back_to_soma):
- for path_id in back_to_soma[::-1]:
- if path_id in path_checked:
- continue
- path_s = df_paths.loc[path_id]
- path = path_s['path']
- path_radius = path_s['radius']
- if len(path) > 1:
- path = path[1:]
- path_radius = path_s['radius'][1:]
- path_type = path_s['type']
- #
- connect_to = path_s['connect_to']
- connect_to_at = path_s['connect_to_at']
- swc_path = np.column_stack([np.ones(len(path)) * path_type, path]) # type
- swc_path = np.column_stack([np.arange(len(swc_arr) + 1, len(path) + len(swc_arr) + 1), swc_path]) # ID
- swc_path = np.column_stack([swc_path, path_radius * np.ones(len(path))]) # radius
- swc_path = np.column_stack([swc_path, swc_path[:, 0] - 1]) # placeholder for PID
- if len(swc_arr) == 0:
- swc_arr = swc_path
- swc_arr[0][-1] = -1
- else:
- pid = np.where((swc_arr[:, 2:5] == connect_to_at).all(1))[0] + 1
- # logging.info(pid)
- if len(pid) > 1:
- swc_path[0][-1] = pid[0]
- # logging.info(swc_arr[pid[0]][2:5], swc_arr[pid[1]][2:5])
- elif len(pid) == 1:
- swc_path[0][-1] = pid
- swc_arr = np.vstack([swc_arr, swc_path])
- path_checked.append(path_id)
- df_swc = pd.DataFrame(swc_arr)
- df_swc.index = np.arange(1, len(df_swc) + 1)
- df_swc.columns = ['n', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'radius', 'parent']
- df_swc[['n', 'type', 'parent']] = df_swc[['n', 'type', 'parent']].astype(int)
- return df_swc
- def data_preprocessing(filepath):
- filetype = filepath.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1].lower()
- filename = filepath.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].lower()
- if filetype == 'swc':
- data = read_swc(filepath)
- elif filetype == 'imx':
- data = read_imx(filepath)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- e = data['e']
- n = data['n']
- t = data['t']
- pos = data['pos']
- radius = data['radius']
- soma_loc = data['soma_loc']
- edge_dict = get_edge_dict(n, e, soma_loc)
- df_paths = get_path_dict(pos, radius, t, edge_dict, soma_loc)
- df_paths, df_paths_drop = sort_path_direction(df_paths)
- df_paths = reconnect_dropped_paths(df_paths, df_paths_drop)
- df_paths = find_connection(df_paths)
- df_swc = write_swc(df_paths)
- if (df_paths.iloc[1:].type == 0).all():
- type_list = np.ones(len(df_paths)).astype(int) * 3
- type_list[0] = 1
- df_paths = df_paths.assign(type=type_list)
- return df_swc, df_paths