123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217 |
- function varargout = plotTuningCurveArrayFromTable(StimTableCell, figDir, varargin)
- %% Input should be a cell array of tables for XOFF, YOFF, XON, YON.
- switch nargin
- case 2
- alignToOff = false;
- alignToAll = false;
- thresholdResponseInd = 0;
- thresholdRSquare = -20;
- padWithNaNs = 0;
- case 3
- alignToOff = varargin{1};
- alignToAll = false;
- thresholdResponseInd = 0;
- thresholdRSquare = -20;
- padWithNaNs = 0;
- case 4
- alignToOff = varargin{1};
- alignToAll = varargin{2};
- thresholdResponseInd = 0;
- thresholdRSquare = -20;
- padWithNaNs = 0;
- case 5
- alignToOff = varargin{1};
- alignToAll = varargin{2};
- thresholdResponseInd = varargin{3};
- thresholdRSquare = -20;
- padWithNaNs = 0;
- case 6
- alignToOff = varargin{1};
- alignToAll = varargin{2};
- thresholdResponseInd = varargin{3};
- thresholdRSquare = varargin{4};
- padWithNaNs = 0;
- case 7
- alignToOff = varargin{1};
- alignToAll = varargin{2};
- thresholdResponseInd = varargin{3};
- thresholdRSquare = varargin{4};
- padWithNaNs = varargin{5};
- otherwise
- warning('Too many arguments, cannot process them meaningfully!');
- end
- % try
- [alignedRFsCell, ...
- alignedRFsCellNaN] = getAlignedTuningCurveArrayFromTable( StimTableCell, ...
- thresholdResponseInd, ...
- thresholdRSquare, ...
- alignToOff, ...
- alignToAll);
- % catch
- % fprintf('Something went wrong! \n')
- % return
- % end
- %
- qualityMeasure = 'responseQuality';
- hFig = createPrintFig(15 * 1 * [1 0.8]);
- nStims = numel(StimTableCell);
- data = cellfun(@vec, alignedRFsCell, 'uni', 0);
- data = cat(1, data{:});
- % colorBounds = ZeroCenteredBounds(data, [0 100]);
- for iStim = 1: nStims
- StimTable = StimTableCell{iStim};
- tuningCurves = alignedRFsCell{iStim};
- tuningCurvesNaN = alignedRFsCellNaN{iStim};
- hSubAx(iStim) = subplot(2, 2, iStim);
- colorMap = setFavoriteColormap;
- barSpacing = [StimTable.stimParams{1}.spacing2];
- barPosition = arrayfun(@(x) x.amp, [StimTable.stimParams{1}.stimtrans]);
- % Center position.
- barPosition = barPosition - median(barPosition);
- % To ignore bar position just use the units of indices.
- barPosition = mean(barSpacing) * (1: size(tuningCurves, 2));
- imAlpha = ones(size(tuningCurvesNaN(:, :)));
- if padWithNaNs
- imAlpha(isnan(tuningCurvesNaN(:, :))) = 0;
- end
- imagesc(barPosition(2: end), 1: size(tuningCurves, 1), tuningCurves(:, :), ...
- 'AlphaData', imAlpha);
- colorBounds = ZeroCenteredBounds(tuningCurves, [0 100]);
- set(gca, 'CLim', colorBounds);
- set(gca, 'color', 1 * [1 1 1]);
- end
- formatSubAxes(hSubAx, padWithNaNs);
- [~, ~, genotype] = parseFlyPath(fileparts(StimTable.timeSeriesPath{1}));
- figFileName = ['RF-TuningCurves-' genotype '-' ...
- qualityMeasure '-' num2str(thresholdResponseInd) '-'...
- 'rSquare-' num2str(thresholdRSquare) '-', ...
- 'All-' num2str(alignToAll) ...
- 'Off-' num2str(alignToOff)];
- % set(gcf,'renderer','painters')
- % set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto');
- print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf')
- print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.png'], '-dpng', '-r300')
- % print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.eps'], '-depsc2', '-r300')
- varargout{1} = alignedRFsCell;
- function tryout
- %% Plot tuning curves.
- nStims = 4;
- for iStim = 2: 5
- StimTable = StimTableCell{iStim};
- % Retrieve table data in arrays.
- [tcArray, responseIndArray, rSquareArray, fitParams] = getTuningCurveArrayFromTable(StimTable);
- % We can threshold now.
- thresholdResponseInd = 0.0;
- isAboveThreshold = responseIndArray > thresholdResponseInd;
- tcArray = tcArray(isAboveThreshold, :);
- responseIndArray = responseIndArray(isAboveThreshold);
- rSquareArray = rSquareArray(isAboveThreshold);
- % Sort cells by response quality.
- [sortedResponseIndArray, sortInd] = sort(responseIndArray, 'descend');
- subplot(4, nStims, iStim - 1);
- imagesc(tcArray(sortInd, :), ZeroCenteredBounds(tcArray, [0 100]));
- % setFavoriteColormap;
- colormap(brewermap([], 'BrBG'))
- % Sort by fit quality.
- [sortedRSquareArray, sortInd] = sort(rSquareArray, 'descend');
- subplot(4, nStims, iStim - 1 + nStims);
- imagesc(tcArray(sortInd, :), ZeroCenteredBounds(tcArray, [0 100]));
- setFavoriteColormap;
- colormap(brewermap([], 'BrBG'))
- % colormap(brewermap([], 'RdBu'))
- % Check how it looks aligning the tuning curves.
- [alignedRFsCell, lagDiffsCell] = alignRFsToAbsMax(tcArray, 0);
- % alignedRFs = tcArray;
- % [alignedRFs, lagDiffs] = alignRFsToAbsMax(alignedRFs, 0);
- % [alignedRFs, lagDiffs] = alignRFsToAbsMax(alignedRFs, 0);
- % [alignedRFs, lagDiffs] = alignRFsToAbsMax(alignedRFs, 0);
- [sortedRSquareArray, sortInd] = sort(rSquareArray, 'descend');
- subplot(4, nStims, iStim - 1 + 2 * nStims);
- imagesc(alignedRFsCell(:, :), ZeroCenteredBounds(alignedRFsCell, [0 100]));
- % setFavoriteColormap;
- colormap(brewermap([], 'BrBG'))
- % colormap(brewermap([], 'RdBu'))
- [sortedRSquareArray, sortInd] = sort(rSquareArray, 'descend');
- subplot(4, nStims, iStim - 1 + 3 * nStims);
- imagesc(tcArray(:, :), ZeroCenteredBounds(alignedRFsCell, [0 100]));
- % setFavoriteColormap;
- % colormap(brewermap([], 'RdBu'))
- % imagesc(sortedRSquareArray', ZeroCenteredBounds(sortedRSquareArray, [0 100]));
- end
- end
- end
- function polarity = getStimPolarity(StimTable)
- % Get stim polarity.
- tokens = regexp(StimTable(1, :).stimParamFileName{1}, '.*_([mp]).*Con_.*', 'tokens');
- switch tokens{1}{1}
- case 'm'
- polarity = 'off';
- case 'p'
- polarity = 'on';
- otherwise
- polarity = 'other';
- end
- end
- function formatSubAxes(hSubAx, varargin)
- if nargin > 1
- padWithNaNs = varargin{1};
- else
- padWithNaNs = 0;
- end
- % Move the plots closer together.
- hSubAx(2).Position(1) = hSubAx(2).Position(1) - 0.1;
- hSubAx(4).Position(1) = hSubAx(4).Position(1) - 0.1;
- % Set colorbar formatting.
- tempPos = hSubAx(2).Position;
- hColorBar(1) = colorbar(hSubAx(2));
- hSubAx(2).Position = tempPos;
- tempPos = hSubAx(4).Position;
- hColorBar(2) = colorbar(hSubAx(4));
- hSubAx(4).Position = tempPos;
- hColorBar(2).Label.String = '\DeltaF / F_0';
- hFig = hSubAx(1).Parent;
- fileStimSuffix = {'XOFF', 'YOFF', 'XON', 'YON'};
- axis(hSubAx, 'square');
- arrayfun(@(x) set(x, 'DataAspectRatio'), hSubAx);
- for iStim = 1: numel(hSubAx)
- hSubTitle(iStim) = title(hSubAx(iStim), fileStimSuffix{iStim});
- end
- hYLabel(1) = ylabel(hSubAx(3), 'ROI No.');
- hXLabel(1) = xlabel(hSubAx(3), 'Bar Position (\circ)');
- arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, [hSubAx hColorBar]);
- % arrayfun(@offsetAxes, hSubAx);
- % Make the yaxis same so you can see the relative contribution of number of
- % cells for each stimulus.
- % linkaxes(hSubAx, 'y');
- % Set color of axis to zero color to highlight lack of data. Maybe zero is
- % misleading but its perfectly uniform so i will not look like the rest of
- % the data.
- colorMap = colormap(hSubAx(1));
- if ~padWithNaNs
- set(hSubAx, 'Color', colorMap(end / 2, :));
- end
- setFontForThesis([hSubAx hColorBar], hFig)
- end