123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- function rfIm = getRFIm(xRF, yRF, varargin)
- if ~isempty(varargin)
- normFactor = varargin{1};
- else
- normFactor = max(abs(([xRF(:);yRF(:)])));
- end
- % Normalize the tuning curves.
- xRFArray = repmat(xRF / normFactor, fliplr(size(yRF)));
- yRFArray = repmat(yRF' / normFactor, size(xRF));
- % In case of saturation set to one.
- xRFArray(xRFArray >= 1) = 1;
- yRFArray(yRFArray >= 1) = 1;
- xRFArray(xRFArray <= -1) = -1;
- yRFArray(yRFArray <= -1) = -1;
- % Split arrays into nonnegative and nonpositive ones.
- [negYRFArray, posYRFArray] = rectifyArray(yRFArray);
- [negXRFArray, posXRFArray] = rectifyArray(xRFArray);
- %%
- % Define image of negative RF, product of negative gives positive.
- negRF = negXRFArray .* negYRFArray;
- negIm = getSameSignRFIm(negRF, [60 80 0]);
- % Define image of positive RF.
- posRF = posXRFArray .* posYRFArray;
- posIm = getSameSignRFIm(posRF, [160 40 0]);
- % Define image of positive X and negative Y RF, and vice versa.
- posNegIm = getSameSignRFIm(posXRFArray .* abs(negYRFArray), [0 0 0]);
- negPosIm = getSameSignRFIm(abs(negXRFArray) .* posYRFArray, [0 0 0]);
- rfIm = negIm + posIm + posNegIm + negPosIm;
- end
- %%
- function [nonPosArray, nonNegArray] = rectifyArray(array)
- nonPosArray = array;
- nonPosArray(nonPosArray > 0) = 0;
- nonNegArray = array;
- nonNegArray(nonNegArray < 0) = 0;
- end
- function rfIm = getSameSignRFIm(rfArray, hclColor)
- % For hcl many colrs have artifacts in low luminances, the
- % previous choice of colors provides near optimal solution to the
- % problem, and tries to be colorblind-friendly.
- % Assign hcl values, first luminance.
- rfIm(:, :, 3) = rfArray * 100;
- % Now make the rest with hue and chroma.
- rfIm(:, :, 1) = rfArray ./ rfArray * hclColor(1);
- rfIm(:, :, 2) = rfArray ./ rfArray * hclColor(2);
- % Remove the artifacts of division by zero.
- rfIm(isnan(rfIm)) = 0;
- for i = 1: size(rfIm, 1)
- for j = 1: size(rfIm, 2)
- rfIm(i, j, :) = hcl2rgb(rfIm(i, j, 1), rfIm(i, j, 2), ...
- rfIm(i, j, 3)) / 255;
- end
- end
- % Set zero values to black to avoid conversion problems.
- rfIm(rfArray == 0) = 0;
- end