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change pydeface script to SLURM, minor edits and add defacing documentation

Lennart Wittkuhn há 3 anos atrás

+ 1 - 1

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ TASK_NAME="pydeface"
 # define the name of the project:
 # path to the data directory (in bids format):
 # ==============================================================================
 # ==============================================================================

+ 24 - 17

@@ -18,13 +18,17 @@ PATH_BASE="${HOME}"
 # define the name of the current task:
 # define the name of the project:
-# path to the singularity container:
+# define the name of the project:
+# define the path to the project folder:
+# define the path to the singularity container:
 # path to the log directory:
-# path to the data directory (in bids format):
+# path to the data directory (in BIDS format):
 # ==============================================================================
 # ==============================================================================
@@ -42,6 +46,8 @@ fi
 # memory demand in *MB*
+# memory demand in *GB*
+MEM_GB="$((${MEM_MB} / 1000))"
 # memory demand in *KB*
 MEM_KB="$((${MEM_MB} * 1000))"
 # ==============================================================================
@@ -52,23 +58,24 @@ for FILE in ${PATH_BIDS}/*/*/anat/*T1w.nii.gz; do
 	FILE_BASENAME="$(basename -- $FILE)"
 	# get the parent directory:
 	FILE_PARENT="$(dirname "$FILE")"
+	# create cluster job:
+	echo "#!/bin/bash" > job
 	# name of the job
-	echo "#PBS -N pydeface_${FILE_BASENAME}" >> job
+	echo "#SBATCH --job-name pydeface_${FILE_BASENAME}" >> job
 	# set the expected maximum running time for the job:
-	echo "#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00" >> job
+	echo "#SBATCH --time 1:00:00" >> job
 	# determine how much RAM your operation needs:
-	echo "#PBS -l mem=${MEM_KB}kb" >> job
+	echo "#SBATCH --mem ${MEM_GB}GB" >> job
 	# email notification on abort/end, use 'n' for no notification:
-	echo "#PBS -m n" >> job
-	# write (output) log to log folder
-	echo "#PBS -o ${PATH_LOG}" >> job
-	# write (error) log to log folder
-	echo "#PBS -e ${PATH_LOG}" >> job
+	echo "#SBATCH --mail-type NONE" >> job
+	# writelog to log folder
+	echo "#SBATCH --output ${PATH_LOG}/slurm-%j.out" >> job
 	# request multiple cpus
-	echo "#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=${N_CPUS}" >> job
+	echo "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task ${N_CPUS}" >> job
 	# define the main command:
-	echo "singularity run -B ${FILE_PARENT}:/input:rw ${PATH_CONTAINER} pydeface /input/${FILE_BASENAME} --force" >> job
+	echo "singularity run -B ${FILE_PARENT}:/input:rw ${PATH_CONTAINER} \
+	pydeface /input/${FILE_BASENAME} --force" >> job
 	# submit job to cluster queue and remove it to avoid confusion:
-	qsub job
+	sbatch job
 	rm -f job

+ 57 - 5

@@ -40,24 +40,27 @@ if (basename(here::here()) == "highspeed"){
 ### Overview
-After MRI was acquired at the MRI scanner, we converted all data to adhere to the [Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)]( standard.
+After MRI data was acquired at the MRI scanner, we converted all data to adhere to the [Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)]( standard.
 Please see the [paper by Gorgoleski et al., 2016, *Scientific Data*]( for details.
 In short, BIDS is a community standard for organizing and describing MRI datasets.
 ### Code and software
+#### `heudiconv` container, version 0.6.0
 We used [HeuDiConv](, version 0.6.0, to convert our MRI DICOM data to the BIDS structure.
 First, we created a Singularity container with HeuDiConv in our cluster environment at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin Germany.
+The Singularity container is separately available at []( and was created using:
 singularity pull docker://nipy/heudiconv:0.6.0
-For the conversion of DICOM data from the scanner to BIDS-converted Nifti-files the following scripts were used (these scripts can be found in the in the `code/heudiconv/` directory):
+For the conversion of DICOM data acquired at the MRI scanner to BIDS-converted NIfTI-files the following scripts were used (these scripts can be found in the in the `code/heudiconv/` directory):
 #### Mapping raw DICOMS to BIDS: ``
-`` is a Python script, that creates a mapping between the DICOMS and the Nifti-converted files in the BIDS structure.
+`` is a Python script, that creates a mapping between the DICOMS and the NIfTI-converted files in the BIDS structure.
 ```{python, echo=TRUE, code=readLines(file.path(path_root, "code", "heudiconv", "")), eval=FALSE, python.reticulate=FALSE}
@@ -69,6 +72,7 @@ For the conversion of DICOM data from the scanner to BIDS-converted Nifti-files
 ```{python, echo=TRUE, code=readLines(file.path(path_root, "code", "heudiconv", "")), eval=FALSE, python.reticulate=FALSE}
+As a side note, the last step is not really necessary since zero-padded numbers are not required by the BIDS standard.
 #### Running `heudiconv` on the cluster: ``
@@ -77,8 +81,6 @@ For the conversion of DICOM data from the scanner to BIDS-converted Nifti-files
 ```{bash, echo=TRUE, code=readLines(file.path(path_root, "code", "heudiconv", "")), eval=FALSE}
-As a side note, the last step is not really necessary since zero-padded numbers are not required by the BIDS standard.
 We acquired both pre-normalized and non-normalized MRI data (see e.g., [here]( for more information on pre-normalization).
 All analyses reported in the paper were based on the **pre-normalized data**.
 Only the pre-normalized data set is published because uploading the dataset in two versions (with- and without pre-normalization) would otherwise cause interference when running fMRIPrep (see [here](
@@ -95,3 +97,53 @@ The following resources helped along the way (thank you, people on the internet!
 * ["DICOM to BIDS conversion" - A YouTube tutorial](
 * ["BIDS Tutorial Series: HeuDiConv Walkthrough" - A tutorial by the Stanford Center for Reproducible Neuroscience](
+## Step 2: Removal of facial features using [pydeface](
+### Overview
+Facial features need to be removed from structural images before sharing the data online.
+See the statement from []( below regarding the importance of defacing:
+> *To protect the privacy of the individuals who have been scanned we require that all subjects be de-identified before publishing a dataset. For the purposes of fMRI de-facing is the preferred method de-identification of scan data. Skull stripped data will not be accepted for publication.*
+and a second statement from the [ FAQs](
+> *Yes. We recommend using pydeface. Defacing is strongly prefered over skullstripping, because the process is more robust and yields lower chance of accidentally removing brain tissue.*
+### Code and software
+#### `pydeface` container, version 2.0.0
+Defacing of all structural images was performed using [`pydeface`](, version 2.0.0.
+To ensure robustness of the defacing procedure, we used a Singularity container for `pydeface`, which we installed as follows:
+singularity pull docker://poldracklab/pydeface:37-2e0c2d
+All scripts that we used for defacing can be found in the `code/defacing` directory.
+#### Defacing structural images: ``
+First, we ran `` to deface all structural images that can be found in the corresponding BIDS data set.
+Note, that this script was optimized to run on the high performance cluster of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin.
+```{bash, echo=TRUE, code=readLines(file.path(path_root, "code", "defacing", "")), eval=FALSE}
+#### Replacing defaced with original images: ``
+`pydeface` creates a new file with the ending `T1w_defaced.nii.gz`.
+As `fMRIPrep`, `MRIQC` and other tools need to use the defaced instead of the original image, we need to replace the original with the defaced image.
+This can be done separately after `pydeface` was run.
+In order to replace the original structural images with the defaced once ([as recommended](, we ran ``.
+```{bash, echo=TRUE, code=readLines(file.path(path_root, "code", "defacing", "")), eval=FALSE}
+### Resources
+* ["Pydeface defaces structural data only?!"]( - Discussion on if any other data than structural acquisitions should be defaced (short answer: no!)
+* ["Is/how much fmriprep (freesurfer et al) is resilient to “defacing”?"]( - Discussion on if `fMRIPrep` works well with defaced data (short answer: yes!)