
add more repo info in README.md

Lennart Wittkuhn 3 年之前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 38 次插入1 次删除
  1. 38 1

+ 38 - 1

@@ -1 +1,38 @@
-TODO: Provide description for the dataset -- basic details about the study, possibly pointing to pre-registration (if public or embargoed)
+# Highspeed BIDS
+## Overview
+This repository contains meta data of the DataLad dataset of the BIDS-converted MRI data used in Wittkuhn & Schuck, 2020, *Nature Communications*.
+Please visit https://wittkuhn.mpib.berlin/highspeed/ for the project website and https://gin.g-node.org/lnnrtwttkhn/highspeed-bids to get the actual data.
+## Usage
+### Get data
+$ datalad clone https://gin.g-node.org/lnnrtwttkhn/highspeed-bids
+[INFO   ] Scanning for unlocked files (this may take some time) [INFO   ] access to 1 dataset sibling keeper not auto-enabled, enable with:
+| 		datalad siblings -d "/Users/wittkuhn/Desktop/highspeed-bids" enable -s keeper 
+install(ok): /Users/wittkuhn/Desktop/highspeed-bids (dataset)
+lip-osx-003854:Desktop wittkuhn$ cd highspeed-bids
+lip-osx-003854:highspeed-bids wittkuhn$ datalad get participants.tsv
+get(ok): participants.tsv (file) [from origin...]
+### Run code
+Please install the required packages listed in [`requirements.txt`](requirements.txt):
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+## Contact
+- [Lennart Wittkuhn](mailto:wittkuhn@mpib-berlin.mpg.de)
+- [Nicolas W. Schuck](mailto:schuck@mpib-berlin.mpg.de)
+## License
+Please see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.