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Matlab scripts

This directory contains all matlab code used to preprocess the data. In particular related to the experiment control, data alignment across different recording machines and generation of metadata (SNR, RF).

For a detailed description of the scripts please refer to the manuscript.


Matlab R2019b was used to generate the scripts in this folder. The only dependency is the NPMK code package from Blackrock Microsystems. We here included a copy of the package, to which minor modifications were made (mostly suppressing user intervention in file creation). The NPMK package can be installed as follows, in a matlab terminal


Most of the matlab scripts should also be executable with the open source programming language Octave.

Experiment control scripts

The experiment control scripts (runstim_scripts) here included will most likely not be executable by the user, since they are tuned to specific hardware in the experiment. We provide the scripts for completeness. Assistance with executing this scripts can be provided by the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.