config.yaml 1.2 KB

  1. # Project definitions (do not edit)
  2. Task: MLA-041630-tips
  3. scorer: Keisuke
  4. date: Sep9
  5. # Project path (change when moving around)
  6. project_path: /home/mouse/ks/Projects/whiskers-realtime/dlc_projects/MLA-041630-tips-Keisuke-2020-09-09
  7. # Annotation data set configuration (and individual video cropping parameters)
  8. video_sets:
  9. /home/mouse/ks/Projects/whiskers-realtime/videos/animal-train_2020-09-05/MLA-041630_2020-09-05_run121942.npz:
  10. crop: 0, 640, 0, 480
  11. bodyparts:
  12. - Tip1
  13. - Tip2
  14. - Tip3
  15. start: 0
  16. stop: 1
  17. numframes2pick: 30
  18. # Plotting configuration
  19. skeleton:
  20. - - Tip1
  21. - Tip2
  22. - - Tip2
  23. - Tip3
  24. skeleton_color: white
  25. pcutoff: 0
  26. dotsize: 4
  27. alphavalue: 0.7
  28. colormap: gist_rainbow
  29. # Training,Evaluation and Analysis configuration
  30. TrainingFraction:
  31. - 0.95
  32. iteration: 1
  33. resnet:
  34. snapshotindex: -1
  35. batch_size: 1
  36. # Cropping Parameters (for analysis and outlier frame detection)
  37. cropping: false
  38. #if cropping is true for analysis, then set the values here:
  39. x1: 0
  40. x2: 640
  41. y1: 277
  42. y2: 624
  43. # Refinement configuration (parameters from annotation dataset configuration also relevant in this stage)
  44. corner2move2:
  45. - 50
  46. - 50
  47. move2corner: true
  48. default_net_type: resnet_50
  49. default_augmenter: default