
Upload files to 'Matlab scripts'

Freja Gam Østergaard 11 月之前
共有 2 個文件被更改,包括 119 次插入0 次删除
  1. 26 0
      Matlab scripts/accuplot_mini.m
  2. 93 0
      Matlab scripts/preproc_frequency_spectra_pfe.m

+ 26 - 0
Matlab scripts/accuplot_mini.m

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+function [G,fAxis,showFreqs]=accuplot_mini(EEG, ch1, fs)
+% function for creating the Accusleep function
+% calls createSpectrogram.m, standardizeSR.m and processEMG.m (from Accusleep source code)
+%% Accusleep
+G = struct; % holds everything
+G.originalSR = fs; % EEG/EMG sampling rate
+G.SR = 128; % sampling rate used when calculating spectrogram and processed EMG
+G.epochLen  = epochLen; % length of one epoch (spectrogram column) in seconds
+% create spectrogram and process EMG at a standard SR (128)
+[spec, tAxis, fAxis] = createSpectrogram(standardizeSR(G.EEG, G.originalSR, G.SR), G.SR, G.epochLen);
+G.nbins = length(tAxis); % total number of time bins in the recording
+% get spectrogram and time axes
+showFreqs = find(fAxis <= 30); % only show frequencies under 30 Hz
+G.specTs = (1:G.nbins)*G.epochLen - G.epochLen/2; % spectrogram time axis, in seconds
+G.specTh = G.specTs./3600; % spectrogram time axis, in hours
+G.spectrogram = spec(:,showFreqs); % our EEG spectrogram

+ 93 - 0
Matlab scripts/preproc_frequency_spectra_pfe.m

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+%% Load Ind mat files
+% calls accuplot_mini requiring the Accusleep from Zeke Barger
+% each mat file contains four animals channels 1-4 -> first animal channels 5-8 -> second animal etc.
+% ch 1 = visual cortex right side, ch 2 = superior colliculus right side
+% ch 3 = superior colliculus left side, ch 4 = visual cortex left side
+base_dir=uigetdir(pwd); % point to directory of matfiles
+mat=dir(fullfile(base_dir,'*.mat')); % list of files
+% initiates arrays for visual cortex (VC) and superior colliculus (SC)
+for thisF=1:nfiles
+    in_mat=fullfile(base_dir,mat(thisF).name); 
+    data=load(in_mat);
+    EEG=data.d; % d1,d2,d3,d4 (four animals per file)  EEG=data x chan
+    spectra=[];
+    %loop for channels 1:4
+    %accuplot function ==> G.spectrogram for each channel
+    for ii=1:4
+        [G,fAxis,showFreqs]=accuplot_mini(EEG, ii, 1000); %takes EEG, ch, fs
+        % spektrum
+        spe=mean(G.spectrogram,1);
+        m=mean(spe);
+        normSpe=spe/m; % normalisation to mean power
+        %plot(fAxis(showFreqs),normSpe) 
+        spectra=cat(1,spectra,normSpe);
+    end
+    % division into VC and SC
+    VC=cat(3,VC,spectra([1,4],:));
+    SC=cat(3,SC,spectra([2,3],:));
+% dividing each file into group_treatment
+    90,94,98,100,104,108,103,107,111,137,141,145,161,165,169,163,167,171];
+    88,92,96,113,117,121,124,128,132,126,130,134,102,106,110,138,142,146,139,143,147,149,153,157,151,155,159];
+    89,93,97,91,95,99,112,116,120,114,118,122,127,131,135,150,154,158,160,164,168,162,166,170,172:174];
+    115,119,123,125,129,133,101,105,109,136,140,144,148,152,156];
+%% Mean and figures
+hold on
+hold on
+hold on
+hold on
+% average of spectra
+%% save spectrum for each group
+path1='C:\Users\...'; % path to output
+IDs=strcat(path1,'\SSVEPspectra.mat'); % name of output file
+save(IDs, 's');