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Eye tracking data for: Bergmann, Sehara et al., 2022

DeepLabCut-aided pupil-position tracking data for the "AirtrackMotorPlanning" project (examines whether whiskers and pupil positions predict the animal's motor plans).


File organization

File names

The files are (mostly) organized as: <ANIMAL>/<SESSION>/<DOMAIN>/<ANIMAL>_<SESSION>_<DOMAIN>_run<TRIAL>, where:

  • ANIMAL representing the ID of the animal (in the pattern MLAxxxxxx).
  • SESSION being the name of the session (in the pattern sessionYYYY-MM-DD-001).
  • DOMAIN representing the domain of recording (see below).
  • TRIAL being the trial index during the session.

Domain names

Domain name Description
left CSV files containg the coordinates related to the left eye (in pixels).
left-eyelid PNG files of average projection images of the left eye during each trial, and CSV files representing the manually-drawn upper and lower eyelids.
right CSV files containg the coordinates related to the right eye (in pixels).
right-eyelid PNG files of average projection images of the right eye during each trial, and CSV files representing the manually-drawn upper and lower eyelids.

Drawling eyelids

Based on the average-projection images, the top and the bottom eyelids were drawn manually using the freehand selection tool of ImageJ. The ROIs were then exported using the SaveEyelidROI.ijm macro.

Copyright (c) 2022, Ronny Bergmann, Keisuke Sehara, Sina E. Dominiak, Julien Colomb, Jens Kremkow, Matthew E. Larkum, Robert N. S. Sachdev, CC-BY 4.0