123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191 |
- function figure_priming_shape(fld)
- % this function is the same as sup_figure_1, but it looks at shape switches
- % instead of color switches. everywhere it says "color", it means "shape",
- % because I didn't want to change all the code :). the only real change to
- % this function is that we compute a shapeSwitch column which is added in
- % place of the colorSwitch column to the lut.
- fprintf('\n======================================================\n');
- fprintf('-- Running figure_priming_shape --\n');
- fprintf('-- SHAPE SWAP & REWARD SIZE --\n');
- fprintf('======================================================\n');
- %% get sessions
- datainfo = session_info();
- datadir = fullfile(fld.basedir,'Processed_Data');
- savedir = fullfile(fld.basedir, 'results','figure_priming');
- %% settings
- green = [23, 105, 13]./255;
- red = [201, 0, 34]./255;
- cols = [green; 0.3 0.3 0.3; red];
- %% plots
- % load traces
- monkeys = {'M1','M2'};
- f1 = figure; set(gcf,'Position',[100 100 600 1000]);
- for mi = 1:2
- monkey = monkeys{mi};
- info = datainfo(mi);
- sessions = info.dates;
- clut = [];
- for sid = 1:length(sessions)
- session = sessions{sid};
- % session info
- q = strsplit(session,'_');
- cdate = q{2};
- block = q{3}(4);
- % load the data
- session_id = [monkey '_' cdate '_' num2str(block)];
- sessiondir = fullfile(datadir, monkey, session_id);
- % load the data for this session for this channel
- load(fullfile(sessiondir, [session_id '_LUT.mat'])); % loads 'lut'
- clut = [clut; lut];
- end
- lut = clut;
- % add a shapeswitch column, because apparently no one ever looked at
- % this before
- shapeSwitch = zeros(size(lut,1),1);
- shapeSwitch(1) = nan;
- shapeSwitch(abs(lut.TarShape - [nan; lut.TarShape(1:end-1)]) > 0) = 1;
- lut.colSwitch = shapeSwitch;
- % calculate mean across all sessions
- [meanperf, condinfo] = calculate_perf(lut);
- % calculate mean across individual sessions
- incl_sessions = unique(lut.session);
- dayperf = [];
- for sid = 1:length(incl_sessions)
- clut = lut(strcmp(lut.session,incl_sessions{sid}),:);
- dayperf(end+1,:) = calculate_perf(clut);
- end
- % calculate std based on individual sessions
- perfstd = std(dayperf)/sqrt(size(dayperf,1));
- yellow = [247 148 29]./255;
- blue = [27 117 188]./255;
- cols = [blue; yellow];
- subplot(2,2,mi)
- gap = 0.05;
- for colswitch = [0 1]
- i = condinfo(:,1)==colswitch;
- mn = meanperf(i);
- st = perfstd(i);
- plot([1 2]+gap*colswitch*-1,mn,'Color',cols(colswitch+1,:)); hold all;
- errorbar([1 2]+gap*colswitch*-1,mn,st,'o','Color',cols(colswitch+1,:),'MarkerFaceColor', cols(colswitch+1,:));
- end
- xlim([0.8 2.2]);
- set(gca,'XTick',[1 2],'XTickLabel',{'Low Reward','High Reward'},...
- 'ylim',[0.4 1]);
- title(monkey);
- ylabel('Performance Ratio');
- legend({'no shapeswap','','shapeswap',''})
- %% stats
- % let's start with a two-way anova. we have two conditions, each with
- % two levels (reward, color switch). in matlab, the 2d matrix supplying
- % the data needs to be a bit weird. columns contain the first
- % condition (reward value in our case). rows contains the second
- % condition (color switch), and it concatenates the
- % repetitions for each level of that condition.
- nocolswitch = dayperf(:,1:2);
- colswitch = dayperf(:,3:4);
- Y = [nocolswitch; colswitch];
- [p,tbl,stats] = anova2(Y,size(colswitch,1),'off');
- tbl
- disp('-------performance-------');
- disp([monkey ', interaction colswap and rewval, p=' num2str(p(3))]);
- disp([monkey ', main effect for shape swap, p=' num2str(p(2))]);
- disp([monkey ', main effect for reward value of previous trial, p=' num2str(p(1))]);
- %% reaction time
- % select trials that have:
- % - current trial correct
- % - previous trial correct
- % - trial immediately followed previous trial
- % - color switch/ color same
- % - reward high/ reward low (on previous trial)
- rt = []; rtst = [];
- Y_rt = []; Y_colswitch = []; Y_rewval = [];
- for colswitch = [0 1]
- for rewval = [1 2]
- inclTrls = strcmp(lut.Status,'Target') & strcmp(lut.prevStatus,'Target') & lut.colSwitch==colswitch & lut.rewardVal==rewval & lut.immediateFollow;
- rt(end+1) = mean(lut.reactTime2(inclTrls));
- rtst(end+1) = std(lut.reactTime2(inclTrls))./sqrt(sum(inclTrls));
- % collect in a vector for statistics
- Y_rt = [Y_rt; lut.reactTime2(inclTrls)];
- Y_colswitch = [Y_colswitch; repmat(colswitch,sum(inclTrls),1)];
- Y_rewval = [Y_rewval; repmat(rewval,sum(inclTrls),1)];
- end
- end
- subplot(2,2,mi+2);
- for colswitch = [0 1]
- i = condinfo(:,1)==colswitch;
- mn = rt(i);
- st = rtst(i);
- plot([1 2]+gap*colswitch*-1,mn,'Color',cols(colswitch+1,:)); hold all;
- errorbar([1 2]+gap*colswitch*-1,mn,st,'o','Color',cols(colswitch+1,:),'MarkerFaceColor', cols(colswitch+1,:));
- end
- xlim([0.8 2.2]);
- set(gca,'XTick',[1 2],'XTickLabel',{'Low Reward','High Reward'},...
- 'ylim',[180 280]);
- title(monkey);
- ylabel('Reaction Time (ms)');
- legend({'no shapeswap','','shapeswap',''})
- %% stats
- % in this case, we have unbalanced design, because we take all the
- % trials as repetitions, and they are not equal amounts for each
- % condition, so we use anovan. here, Y is a vector, and the second
- % input gives the group number.
- [p,tbl,stats] = anovan(Y_rt,{Y_colswitch, Y_rewval},'model','interaction','varnames',{'Color swap','Reward value of prevtrial'},'display','off');
- tbl
- disp('-------reaction time-------');
- disp([monkey ', interaction shapeswap and rewval, p=' num2str(p(3))]);
- disp([monkey ', main effect for reward value of previous trial, p=' num2str(p(2))]);
- disp([monkey ', main effect for shape swap, p=' num2str(p(1))]);
- end
- suptitle('Behavioral effects of shape swap & reward')
- savefig(f1,fullfile(savedir, 'figure_priming_shape'));
- print(f1,fullfile(savedir, 'figure_priming_shape'),'-dpng');
- end
- function [perf, cond] = calculate_perf(lut)
- % select trials that have:
- % - are not aborted
- % - current trial correct
- % - previous trial correct
- % - trial immediately followed previous trial
- % - color switch/ color same
- % - reward high/ reward low (on previous trial)
- perf = []; cond = [];
- for colswitch = [0 1]
- for rewval = [1 2]
- inclTrls = strcmp(lut.Status,'Aborted')==0 & strcmp(lut.prevStatus,'Target') & lut.colSwitch==colswitch & lut.rewardVal==rewval & lut.immediateFollow;
- curlut = lut(inclTrls,:);
- perf(end+1) = sum(strcmp(curlut.Status,'Target'))/size(curlut,1);
- cond(end+1,:) = [colswitch rewval];
- end
- end
- end