Inversion of pop-out for a distracting feature dimension in monkey visual cortex

Chris Klink 72a0a8c624 add preview images for ebrains 1 year ago
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LICENSE 24aafff056 Initial commit 2 years ago fd48e32174 gin commit from chris-mh16 1 year ago
datacite.yml 3c193d4a4d gin commit from chris-mh16 1 year ago
popin_250x250.png 72a0a8c624 add preview images for ebrains 1 year ago
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This repository maintains code and data for a monkey electrophysiology visual search project.
Preprint: Klink, Teeuwen, Lorteije, & Roelfsema (2022) biorXiv doi:10.1101/2022.06.23.497353
Peer reviewed publication: Klink, Teeuwen, Lorteije, & Roelfsema (2023) PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.2210839120


Monkeys performed a visual search task in which they detected the odd shape out in an array of 6 stimuli, indicating their choice with an eye-movement to the target. Among the 5 non-targets was one salient distractor that had a different color than all other stimuli. Shape and colors were randomly swapped (or not) on subsequent trials. Reward quantities were randomly varied between high and low.

Folder structure

DATA contains the raw data (Datasets), preprocessed data (Preprocessed_Data), as well the result figures that are used in the manuscript (results).

CODE contains all the scripts and functions used to go from raw data to figures and statistics. Use main.m to manage and execute all analyses.

Title Pop-in: the inversion of pop-out for a feature dimension during visual search in area V4 of the monkey cortex.
Authors Klink,Chris;Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience;ORCID:0000-0002-6784-7842
Teeuwen,Rob;Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Lorteije,Jeannette;Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience;ORCID:0000-0003-0800-0278
Roelfsema,Pieter;Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience;ORCID:0000-0002-1625-0034
Description This data-set contains all data and code for the paper 'Pop-in: the inversion of pop-out for a feature dimension during visual search in area V4 of the monkey cortex.'
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (
References P.C. Klink, R.R.M. Teeuwen, J.A.M. Lorteije, & P.R. Roelfsema (2022). Pop-in: the inversion of pop-out for a feature dimension during visual search in area V4 of the monkey cortex. bioRxiv [doi:10.1101/2022.06.23.497353] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding NWO, Crossover Program 17619 'INTENSE'
NWO, VENI 451.13.023
EU FP7, ERC-339490 'Cortic_al_gorithms'
EU, Human Brain Project (agreement 945539, SGA3)
Friends Foundation of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Keywords Neuroscience
Non-human primate
Visual Search
Resource Type Dataset