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Data for Figure S6

Fig. S6A.mat

Controls for DREADD experiments.


Condition Description
CNOonly No viral injections. CNO was applied to L1 of S1 before the training.
WT No viral injections and no CNO application.
hM4Dionly Viral injection (hM4Di receptor) without CNO application.


Entry Description
<cond> The normalized learning scores for each animal belonging to the condition.

Fig. S6B&C.mat

Effects of DREADD inhibition of POm axons in L1 of S1 on learning of the microstimulation detection task.


Condition Description
Ctrl Mice after pairing sessions. Same as Fig. 1.
POm hM4Di expression in POm. CNO was applied to L1 of S1 before the training.


Entry Description
<cond>_cumvals The cumulative learning curve statistics for the condition. Values on row N (N=1, ... 100) represents the cumulative learning score of each animal after N trials.
<cond> The normalized learning scores for each animal belonging to the condition.