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Data for Figure 2

Fig. 2D.mat

Firing rate and burst rate responses of perirhinal neurons during the microstimulation task. Pooled trials responses from n=28 cells.

Entry Description
PreSpikeHit Pre-stimulus firing rate during hit trials.
PostSpikeHit Post-stimulus firing rate during hit trials.
PreSpikeMiss Pre-stimulus firing rate during miss trials.
PostSpikeMiss Post-stimulus firing rate during miss trials.
PreBurstHit Pre-stimulus burst rate during hit trials.
PostBurstHit Post-stimulus burst rate during hit trials.
PreBurstMiss Pre-stimulus burst rate during miss trials.
PostBurstMiss Post-stimulus burst rate during miss trials.

Fig. 2F-J.mat

Z-scores of firing rate and burst rate responses of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in mouse S1. 4-sec window (-1 s to 3 s) at binsize of 50 ms. Stimulation occured at time 0.


Condition Description
Control Animals after pairing sessions. No virus expression, but CNO was injected into L1 of S1.
Dreadd Animals after pairing sessions. Virus was expressed in PRh, and CNO was injected into L1 of S1 before testing of the learning.


Entry Description
<cond>_PSTHz Z-scores of firing rate responses.
<cond>_bPSTHz Z-scores of burst rate responses.
<cond>_sorted Index for sorting cells as in figures. Sorted by mean z-score of [0.2 0.5] s bins.
binsize Binsize for PSTHs
preStim Pre-stimulus window. 1 s.
postStim Post-stimulus window. 3 s.