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Data for Figure S4

Fig. S4A&B.mat

Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) of L5 pyramidal neurons and L1 interneurons in S1 in response to optogenetic activation of perirhinal axons in layer 1 of S1.


Conditions Description
L1 L1 interneurons.
L5 L5 pyramidal neurons.


Entry Description
<cond>_preCNO EPSCs before CNO application
<cond>_postCNO EPSCs after CNO application

Fig. S4D.mat

Normalized Chicago blue signal distribution was measured along the neocortical depths.


File name Description
depth Cortical depth.
norm_CB Normalized Chicago blue signal distribution after injection of the dye in mouse S1. Each column corresponds to a brain section.