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Data for Figure S5

Fig. S2B&C.mat

Quantification of mCherry.hM4Di expression in the perirhinal cortex and neighboring areas.


Entry Description
PRhAbove Area under the normalized intensity curve in the areas dorsal to PRh.
PRhAbovePerc (PRhAbove/TotalArea)x100
PRhArea Area under the normalized intensity curve in PRh.
PRhPerc (PRhArea/TotalArea)x100
PRhBelow Area under the normalized intensity curve in the areas ventral to PRh.
PRhBelowPerc (PRhBelow/TotalArea)x100
PRhBoundaries Distance from the rhinal fissure delineating PRh area.
TotalArea Total Area under the normalized intensity curve in the areas dorsal to PRh.

Fig. S5D.mat

Number of Fast Blue labelled cells in the perirhinal cortex and neighboring areas. First column indicates the distance from the bregma.


Entry Description
PRh Number of Fast blue labelled cells in PRh.
PRhAbove Number of Fast blue labelled cells in the areas dorsal to PRh.
PRhBelow Number of Fast blue labelled cells in the areas ventral to PRh.