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Update 'Figure S5/'

Jiyun Shin 3 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
1 tập tin đã thay đổi với 16 bổ sung1 xóa
  1. 16 1
      Figure S5/

+ 16 - 1
Figure S5/

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 # Data for Figure S5
-## Fig. S2B&C.mat
+## Fig. S2B.mat
+Normalized mCherry.hM4Di intensity in the perirhinal cortex and neighboring areas.
+### Entries
+| Entry            | Description                                                           |
+| ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+|distance          | Distance from the rhinal fissure. |
+|TotalAvgNorm      | Noramlized mCherry intensity in the perirhinal cortex and neighboring areas. Each column corresponds to one brain/animal.|
+## Fig. S2C.mat
 Quantification of mCherry.hM4Di expression in the perirhinal cortex and neighboring areas.