Keisuke Sehara 4 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 3 aggiunte e 7 eliminazioni
  1. 3 7

+ 3 - 7

@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
-# Dataset for: Dominiak et al., 2019
+# Datasets for Dominiak et al., 2019
-Raw and some derived datasets supplementary to
-[Dominiak et al., 2019 J Neurosci](
-Dominiak SE, Nashaat MA, Sehara K, Oraby H, Larkum ME, Sachdev RNS (2019)
-Whisking asymmetry signals motor preparation and the behavioral state of mice.
-_J Neurosci, in press_. 
+Raw and some derived datasets supplementary to: 
+[Dominiak SE, Nashaat MA, Sehara K, Oraby H, Larkum ME, Sachdev RNS (2019) Whisking asymmetry signals motor preparation and the behavioral state of mice. _J Neurosci, in press_](
 ### Contents