123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # coding: utf-8
- # ### Define paths and animals for the analysis
- # In[1]:
- path = '/media/andrey/My Passport/GIN/backup_Anesthesia_CA1/meta_data/meta_recordings_sleep.xlsx'
- path4results = '/media/andrey/My Passport/GIN/Anesthesia_CA1/validation/sleep_data_calcium_imaging/' #To store transformation matrix
- save_plots_path = '/media/andrey/My Passport/GIN/Anesthesia_CA1/validation/sleep_data_calcium_imaging/'
- log_file_path = save_plots_path + 'registration_logs.txt'
- animals_for_analysis = [8235,8237,8238]
- # ### Align FOV's for all recordings
- # In[2]:
- repeat_calc = 1
- silent_mode = False
- #######################
- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- import os
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import sys
- np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize)
- from pystackreg import StackReg
- # Sobel filter (not used)
- #from scipy import ndimage #https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.sobel.html
- meta_data = pd.read_excel(path)
- #%% compute transformations matrices between recordings
- recordings = meta_data['Number']
- animals = animals_for_analysis
- #print("Recordings: ", recordings)
- # log file
- f = open(log_file_path, "a")
- print("n, i, j, rigid_mean_enh, rigid_mean, affine_mean_enh, affine_mean, best_method ", file=f)
- if (silent_mode!=True):
- print(" RMSD's: (rigid, mean_enh) | (rigid, mean) | (affine, mean_enh) | (affine, mean) | best method ")
- '''
- for animal in animals:
- if (silent_mode!=True):
- print("Animal #", str(animal))
- if not os.path.exists(path4results + 'StackReg/' +
- str(animal) + '.npy') or repeat_calc == 1:
- # if not os.path.exists('Q:/Personal/Mattia/Calcium Imaging/results/StackRegEnhImage/' +
- # str(animal) + '.npy') or repeat_calc == 1:
- # if not os.path.exists('Q:/Personal/Mattia/Calcium Imaging/results/StackReg/' +
- # str(animal) + '.npy') or repeat_calc == 1:
- meta_animal = meta_data[meta_data['Mouse'] == animal]
- recordings = meta_animal['Number']
- images_mean = np.zeros((512, 512, np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- images_mean_enh = np.zeros((512, 512, np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- images_quality_check = np.zeros((512, 512, np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- best_tmats = np.zeros((np.shape(recordings)[0], np.shape(recordings)[0], 3, 3))
- best_score = np.zeros((np.shape(recordings)[0], np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- best_methods = np.zeros((np.shape(recordings)[0], np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- tmats_affine = np.zeros((np.shape(recordings)[0], np.shape(recordings)[0], 3, 3))
- tmats_rigid = np.zeros((np.shape(recordings)[0], np.shape(recordings)[0], 3, 3))
- tmats_affine_enh = np.zeros((np.shape(recordings)[0], np.shape(recordings)[0], 3, 3))
- tmats_rigid_enh = np.zeros((np.shape(recordings)[0], np.shape(recordings)[0], 3, 3))
- # load all (enhanced) images
- for idx, recording in enumerate(recordings):
- print(recording)
- options = np.load(str(meta_data['Folder'][recording]) +
- str(meta_data['Subfolder'][recording]) +
- # str(int(meta_data['Recording idx'][recording])) +
- '/suite2p/plane0/ops.npy',
- allow_pickle=True)
- # mean image or mean enhanced image
- images_mean[:, :, idx] = options.item(0)['meanImg']
- images_mean_enh[:, :, idx] = options.item(0)['meanImgE']
- #cut_boarders=50
- #quality check
- images_quality_check[:, :, idx] = options.item(0)['meanImg']
- # loop through every pair and compute the transformation matrix
- #conditions = [meta_data['Condition'][recording] for recording in recordings]
- for idx0 in range(np.shape(images_mean)[2]):
- #if (idx0!=14):
- #continue
- for idx1 in range(idx0, np.shape(images_mean)[2]):
- #if (idx1!=16):
- #continue
- fraction_of_non_zero_pixels = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
- reference_image = images_mean[:, :, idx0]
- initial_image = images_mean[:, :, idx1]
- #sx = ndimage.sobel(reference_image, axis=0, mode='constant')
- #sy = ndimage.sobel(reference_image, axis=1, mode='constant')
- #reference_image = np.hypot(sx, sy)
- #sx = ndimage.sobel(initial_image, axis=0, mode='constant')
- #sy = ndimage.sobel(initial_image, axis=1, mode='constant')
- #initial_image = np.hypot(sx, sy)
- boarder_cut = 100
- sr = StackReg(StackReg.AFFINE)
- tmats_affine[idx0, idx1, :, :] = sr.register(reference_image, initial_image)
- image_transformed = sr.transform(images_quality_check[:, :, idx1], tmats_affine[idx0, idx1, :, :])
- image_difference = images_quality_check[:, :, idx0] - image_transformed
- fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[3] = np.count_nonzero(image_transformed[:,:]<0.001)/262144
- #plt.imshow(image_transformed)
- #plt.show()
- image_difference = image_difference[boarder_cut:-boarder_cut, boarder_cut:-boarder_cut]
- image_difference = np.square(image_difference)
- rmsd_affine = np.sqrt(image_difference.sum()/(512 - 2 * boarder_cut)**2)
- if (silent_mode!=True):
- print("Fraction of non-zero pixels in 3 (mean affine): ", fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[3]," Score:",rmsd_affine)
- sr = StackReg(StackReg.RIGID_BODY)
- tmats_rigid[idx0, idx1, :, :] = sr.register(reference_image, initial_image)
- image_transformed = sr.transform(images_quality_check[:, :, idx1], tmats_rigid[idx0, idx1, :, :])
- image_difference = images_quality_check[:, :, idx0] - image_transformed
- fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[1] = np.count_nonzero(image_transformed[:,:]<0.001)/262144
- #plt.imshow(image_transformed)
- #plt.show()
- image_difference = image_difference[boarder_cut:-boarder_cut, boarder_cut:-boarder_cut]
- image_difference = np.square(image_difference)
- rmsd_rigid = np.sqrt(image_difference.sum()/(512 - 2 * boarder_cut)**2)
- if (silent_mode!=True):
- print("Fraction of non-zero pixels in 1 (mean rigid): ", fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[1], "Score", rmsd_rigid)
- #plt.imshow(image_difference)
- reference_image = images_mean_enh[:, :, idx0]
- initial_image = images_mean_enh[:, :, idx1]
- # sx = ndimage.sobel(reference_image, axis=0, mode='constant')
- # sy = ndimage.sobel(reference_image, axis=1, mode='constant')
- # reference_image = np.hypot(sx, sy)
- # sx = ndimage.sobel(initial_image, axis=0, mode='constant')
- # sy = ndimage.sobel(initial_image, axis=1, mode='constant')
- # initial_image = np.hypot(sx, sy)
- boarder_cut = 100
- sr = StackReg(StackReg.AFFINE)
- tmats_affine_enh[idx0, idx1, :, :] = sr.register(reference_image, initial_image)
- image_transformed = sr.transform(images_quality_check[:, :, idx1], tmats_affine_enh[idx0, idx1, :, :])
- image_difference = images_quality_check[:, :, idx0] - image_transformed #TODO: delete image quality check! replace it with meanimage
- fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[2] = np.count_nonzero(image_transformed[:,:]<0.001)/262144
- #plt.imshow(image_transformed)
- #plt.show()
- image_difference = image_difference[boarder_cut:-boarder_cut, boarder_cut:-boarder_cut]
- image_difference = np.square(image_difference)
- rmsd_affine_enh = np.sqrt(image_difference.sum()/(512 - 2 * boarder_cut)**2)
- if (silent_mode!=True):
- print("Fraction of non-zero pixels in 2 (mean enh affine): ", fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[2],"Score:", rmsd_affine_enh)
- sr = StackReg(StackReg.RIGID_BODY)
- tmats_rigid_enh[idx0, idx1, :, :] = sr.register(reference_image, initial_image)
- image_transformed = sr.transform(images_quality_check[:, :, idx1], tmats_rigid_enh[idx0, idx1, :, :])
- image_difference = images_quality_check[:, :, idx0] - image_transformed
- fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[0] = np.count_nonzero(image_transformed[:,:]<0.001)/262144
- #plt.imshow(image_transformed)
- #plt.show()
- image_difference = image_difference[boarder_cut:-boarder_cut, boarder_cut:-boarder_cut]
- image_difference = np.square(image_difference)
- rmsd_rigid_enh = np.sqrt(image_difference.sum()/(512 - 2 * boarder_cut)**2)
- if (silent_mode!=True):
- print("Fraction of non-zero pixels in 0 (mean enh rigid): ", fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[0],"Score", rmsd_rigid_enh)
- rmsds=[rmsd_rigid_enh,rmsd_rigid,rmsd_affine_enh,rmsd_affine]
- tmatss=[tmats_rigid_enh[idx0, idx1, :, :],tmats_rigid[idx0, idx1, :, :],tmats_affine_enh[idx0, idx1, :, :],tmats_affine[idx0, idx1, :, :]]
- methods=["rigid_mean_enh", "rigid_mean" ,"affine_mean_enh","affine_mean"]
- #print(tmats_rigid_enh,tmats_rigid,tmats_affine_enh,tmats_affine)
- #print(" ")
- #best_method_idx = rmsds.index(min(rmsds))
- #smaller_fraction_idx = fraction_of_non_zero_pixels.index(min(fraction_of_non_zero_pixels))
- #smaller_fraction_idx = 1
- #print(best_method_idx)
- #print(smaller_fraction_idx)
- list_of_methods=np.argsort(rmsds)
- best_score[idx1, idx0] = np.sort(rmsds)[0]
- best_score[idx0, idx1] = np.sort(rmsds)[0]
- the_best_idx = list_of_methods[0]
- if (fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[list_of_methods[0]] > 0.1):
- print("Warning: alignment with the best method failed. The second best method is applied")
- the_best_idx = list_of_methods[1]
- if (fraction_of_non_zero_pixels[list_of_methods[1]] > 0.1):
- print("Warning: alignment with the second best method failed. The 3rd best method is applied")
- the_best_idx = list_of_methods[2]
- best_method = methods[the_best_idx]
- best_tmats[idx0, idx1, :, :]=tmatss[the_best_idx]
- best_methods[idx1, idx0]=the_best_idx
- best_methods[idx0, idx1]=the_best_idx
- best_tmats[idx1, idx0, :, :]=np.linalg.inv(best_tmats[idx0, idx1, :, :])
- if(idx0==idx1):
- best_method="-,-"
- if (silent_mode!=True):
- print("{0:d}, {1:d}, {2:4.4f}, {3:4.4f}, {4:4.4f}, {5:4.4f}, {6:s}".format(idx0, idx1, rmsd_rigid_enh, rmsd_rigid, rmsd_affine_enh, rmsd_affine, best_method))
- print("{0:d}, {1:d}, {2:4.4f}, {3:4.4f}, {4:4.4f}, {5:4.4f}, {6:s}".format(idx0, idx1, rmsd_rigid_enh, rmsd_rigid,
- rmsd_affine_enh, rmsd_affine, best_method), file=f)
- #print(" " + str(idx0) + "-" + str(idx1) + " " + str(rmsd_rigid_enh) + " " + str(rmsd_rigid) + " " + str(rmsd_affine_enh) + " " + str(rmsd_affine))
- # plt.imshow(image_difference)
- #plt.savefig(save_plots_path + "StackRegVisualInspection/" + file_title + "_d_reference_m_corrected.png")
- #print(str(idx0) + '-' + str(idx1))
- # save all the transformation matrices
- if not os.path.exists(path4results+'StackReg'):
- os.makedirs(path4results+'StackReg')
- #print(best_tmats)
- np.save(path4results+'StackReg/' + str(animal) + "_best_tmats", best_tmats)
- np.save(path4results+'StackReg/' + str(animal) + "_best_methods", best_methods)
- np.save(path4results+'StackReg/' + str(animal) + "_best_score", best_score)
- # if not os.path.exists('Q:/Personal/Mattia/Calcium Imaging/results/StackRegEnhImage'):
- # os.makedirs('Q:/Personal/Mattia/Calcium Imaging/results/StackRegEnhImage')
- # np.save('Q:/Personal/Mattia/Calcium Imaging/results/StackRegEnhImage/' + str(animal), tmats)
- # if not os.path.exists(save_plots_path+ 'StackRegAffine'):
- # os.makedirs(save_plots_path + 'StackRegAffine')
- # np.save(save_plots_path+ 'StackRegAffine/' + str(animal), tmats)
- f.close()
- '''
- # ### Install package for image comparison (similarity index)
- # In[79]:
- #get_ipython().system('conda install -c conda-forge imagehash --yes')
- #!pip install ImageHash # as alternative if anaconda is not installed
- # In[33]:
- from PIL import Image
- import imagehash
- for animal in animals:
- print("Animal #", str(animal))
- meta_animal = meta_data[meta_data['Mouse'] == animal]
- recordings = meta_animal['Number']
- index_similarity = np.zeros((np.shape(recordings)[0], np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- cut = 100
- images_mean = np.zeros((512, 512, np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- images_mean_enh = np.zeros((512, 512, np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- # load all (enhanced) images
- for idx, recording in enumerate(recordings):
- options = np.load(str(meta_data['Folder'][recording]) +
- str(meta_data['Subfolder'][recording]) +
- #str(int(meta_data['Recording idx'][recording])) +
- '/suite2p/plane0/ops.npy',
- allow_pickle=True)
- # mean image or mean enhanced image
- images_mean[:, :, idx] = options.item(0)['meanImg']
- images_mean_enh[:, :, idx] = options.item(0)['meanImgE']
- for idx0 in range(np.shape(images_mean)[2]):
- for idx1 in range(idx0, np.shape(images_mean)[2]):
- hash1=imagehash.average_hash(Image.fromarray(images_mean[cut:-cut, cut:-cut, idx0]))
- otherhash=imagehash.average_hash(Image.fromarray(images_mean[cut:-cut, cut:-cut, idx1]))
- index_similarity[idx0,idx1] = (hash1 - otherhash)
- index_similarity[idx1,idx0] = (hash1 - otherhash)
- #index_similarity = (np.max(index_similarity)-index_similarity)/np.max(index_similarity)
- best_tmats = np.load(path4results+'StackReg/' + str(animal) + "_best_tmats.npy")
- best_score = np.load(path4results+'StackReg/' + str(animal) + "_best_score.npy")
- metric_best_tmats = np.abs(best_tmats)
- metric_best_tmats = metric_best_tmats.sum(axis=(2,3))
- metric_best_tmats = np.max(metric_best_tmats) - metric_best_tmats
- metric_best_score = (np.max(best_score)-best_score)/np.max(best_score)
- #plt.xticks(np.arange(0, np.shape(images_mean)[2], 1));
- #plt.yticks(np.arange(0, np.shape(images_mean)[2], 1));
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(21, 7))
- index_similarity[index_similarity > 30] = 30
- index_similarity = 30 -index_similarity
- image = ax[0].imshow(index_similarity) #,cmap=cmap, norm=norm, cmap='viridis_r'
- #cbar = fig.colorbar(image, ax=ax[0], orientation='horizontal', fraction=.1)
- ax[0].set_title("Similarity index", fontsize = 15)
- ax[1].imshow(metric_best_tmats)
- ax[1].set_title("Displacement index", fontsize = 15)
- ax[2].imshow(metric_best_score)
- ax[2].set_title("Distance function", fontsize = 15)
- fig.suptitle('Animal #' + str(animal), fontsize = 20)
- plt.savefig("./FOV_Validation_" + str(animal) + ".png")
- # ### Plot all corrected FOV's for comparison (optional)
- #
- # **The running takes considerable amount of time!**
- # In[23]:
- '''
- for animal in animals:
- tmats_loaded = np.load(path4results + 'StackReg/' + str(animal) + "_best_tmats" + '.npy')
- meta_animal = meta_data[meta_data['Mouse'] == animal]
- recordings = meta_animal['Number']
- images = np.zeros((512, 512, np.shape(meta_animal)[0]))
- images_mean = np.zeros((512, 512, np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- images_mean_enh = np.zeros((512, 512, np.shape(recordings)[0]))
- # load all (enhanced) images
- for idx, recording in enumerate(recordings):
- options = np.load(meta_data['Folder'][recording] +
- meta_data['Subfolder'][recording] +
- str(int(meta_data['Recording idx'][recording])) +
- '/suite2p/plane0/ops.npy',
- allow_pickle=True)
- # mean image or mean enhanced image
- images_mean[:, :, idx] = options.item(0)['meanImg']
- images_mean_enh[:, :, idx] = options.item(0)['meanImgE']
- #cut_boarders=50
- #quality check
- #images_quality_check[:, :, idx] = options.item(0)['meanImg']
- # loop through every pair and compute the transformation matrix
- conditions = [meta_data['Condition'][recording] for recording in recordings]
- recording_idx = [meta_data['Recording idx'][recording] for recording in recordings]
- for idx0 in range(np.shape(images_mean)[2]):
- #if (idx0!=14):
- #continue
- for idx1 in range(idx0, np.shape(images_mean)[2]):
- #if (idx1!=16):
- #continue
- reference_image = images_mean_enh[:, :, idx0]
- initial_image = images_mean_enh[:, :, idx1]
- if not os.path.exists(save_plots_path + 'StackRegVisualInspection/'):
- os.makedirs(save_plots_path + 'StackRegVisualInspection/')
- if not os.path.exists(save_plots_path + 'StackRegVisualInspection/' + str(animal) + '/'):
- os.makedirs(save_plots_path + 'StackRegVisualInspection/' + str(animal) + '/')
- plt.imshow(reference_image)
- # image_title = meta_data['Subfolder'][recording][:-1] + str(meta_data['Recording idx'][recording]) + "\n" + "_condition_" + \
- # meta_data['Condition'][recording]
- # plt.title(image_title)
- #file_title = meta_data['Subfolder'][recording][:-1] + str(
- # meta_data['Recording idx'][recording]) + "_condition_" + \
- # meta_data['Condition'][recording] + "_" + str(idx0) + "_" + str(idx1)
- file_title = str(str(idx0) + '_' + str(idx1) + '_' + conditions[idx0]) + '_' + str(recording_idx[idx0]) + '_' + str(conditions[idx1]) + "_" + str(recording_idx[idx1])
- print(file_title)
- plt.savefig(save_plots_path + "StackRegVisualInspection/" + str(animal) + '/' + file_title + "_b_reference.png")
- #sx = ndimage.sobel(images[:, :, idx1], axis=0, mode='constant')
- #sy = ndimage.sobel(images[:, :, idx1], axis=1, mode='constant')
- #sob = np.hypot(sx, sy)
- #plt.imshow(sob)
- plt.imshow(initial_image)
- plt.savefig(save_plots_path + "StackRegVisualInspection/" + str(animal) + '/' + file_title + "_a_initial.png")
- #grad = np.gradient(images[:, :, idx1])
- #print(images[50:55, 50:55, idx1].shape)
- #grad = np.gradient(images[50:55, 50:55, idx1])
- #print(images[50:55, 50:55, idx1])
- #print(" ")
- #print(grad)
- #image_inversed = sr.transform(reference_image, best_tmats[idx1, idx0, :, :])
- #plt.imshow(image_inversed)
- #plt.savefig(save_plots_path + "StackRegVisualInspection/" + str(animal) + '/' + file_title + "_1_inversed.png")
- #sx = ndimage.sobel(images[:, :, idx1], axis=0, mode='constant')
- #sy = ndimage.sobel(images[:, :, idx1], axis=1, mode='constant')
- #sob = np.hypot(sx, sy)
- #plt.imshow(images[:, :, idx1])
- #plt.savefig(save_plots_path + "StackRegVisualInspection/" + file_title + "_sobel.png")
- image_corrected = sr.transform(initial_image, tmats_loaded[idx0, idx1, :, :])
- plt.imshow(image_corrected)
- plt.savefig(save_plots_path + "StackRegVisualInspection/" + str(animal) + '/' + file_title + "_c_corrected.png")
- #image_difference = images_quality_check[:, :, idx0] - sr.transform(images_quality_check[:, :, idx1], best_tmats[idx0, idx1, :, :])
- #image_difference = reference_image - image_corrected
- #plt.imshow(image_difference)
- #plt.savefig(save_plots_path + "StackRegVisualInspection/" + str(animal) + '/' + file_title + "_d_reference_m_corrected.png")
- # In[9]:
- ###TODO Seaborn Scatterplot heatmap could be a nice option for plotting
- # In[ ]:
- '''