123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485 |
- import numpy as np
- import numpy.ma as ma
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import pandas as pd
- import seaborn as sns
- import pickle
- import os
- sns.set()
- sns.set_style("whitegrid")
- from scipy.signal import medfilt
- from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis, zscore
- from scipy import signal
- from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, TheilSenRegressor
- from sys import path
- ### set path to where OASIS is located
- ### make sure to run ' python setup.py build_ext --inplace ' in OASIS-master folder
- path.append(r'/media/andrey/My Passport/OASIS-master')
- from oasis.functions import deconvolve
- from oasis.functions import estimate_time_constant
- def get_recordings_for_animals(animals, path):
- recordings = []
- for animal in animals:
- meta_data = pd.read_excel(path)
- meta_animal = meta_data[meta_data['Mouse_all'] == animal]
- recs = meta_animal['Number'].to_list()
- for r in recs:
- recordings.append(r)
- return recordings
- def get_animal_from_recording(recording, path):
- meta_data = pd.read_excel(path)
- meta_recording = meta_data[meta_data['Number'] == recording]
- animal = (meta_recording['Mouse_all'])
- animal = animal.to_numpy()[0]
- return animal
- def get_condition(recording, path):
- meta_data = pd.read_excel(path)
- condition = meta_data['Condition'][meta_data['Number'] == recording].values[0]
- return condition
- def traces_and_npils(recording, path, concatenation=True):
- meta_data = pd.read_excel(path)
- if (concatenation==True):
- path_excel_rec = str(meta_data['Folder'][recording]) + str(meta_data['Subfolder'][recording]) + 'suite2p/plane0'
- stats = np.load(path_excel_rec + '/stat.npy',allow_pickle=True)
- Traces = np.load(path_excel_rec + '/F.npy')
- Npil = np.load(path_excel_rec + '/Fneu.npy')
- iscell = np.load(path_excel_rec + '/iscell.npy')
- print("Total trace length: " + str(Traces.shape[1]))
- starting_frame = int(meta_data['Starting frame'][recording])
- recording_length = int(meta_data['Recording length'][recording])
- #analysis_period = meta_data['Analysis period'][recording]
- #analysis_period = [int(s) for s in analysis_period.split(',')]
- n_accepted_rejected = Traces.shape[0]
- #print("Period for the analysis (absolute): " + str(analysis_period[0]+starting_frame)+" "+str(analysis_period[1]+starting_frame))
- print("Recording length: " + str(recording_length))
- #print("Period for the analysis (relative): " + str(analysis_period[0])+" "+str(analysis_period[1]))
- good_recording = np.zeros(shape=(recording_length))
- if isinstance(meta_data['Analysis period'][recording], str): # as previous script
- #good_recording = np.zeros((18000))
- recording2keep = [int(s) for s in meta_data['Analysis period'][recording].split(',')]
- print("Analysis periods: " + str(recording2keep))
- begin = recording2keep[0::2]
- ending = recording2keep[1::2]
- for idx_begin in range(int(len(begin))):
- good_recording[begin[idx_begin] : ending[idx_begin]] = 1
- #else:
- # good_recording = np.ones_like(Spikes[0, :])
- good_recording = good_recording > 0
- Traces = Traces[:,starting_frame:starting_frame+recording_length]
- Npil = Npil[:,starting_frame:starting_frame+recording_length]
- Traces = Traces[:, good_recording]
- Npil = Npil[:, good_recording]
- print("Analysis period total frames: ", Traces.shape[1])
- #Traces = Traces[:,analysis_period[0]+starting_frame:analysis_period[1]+starting_frame]
- #Npil = Npil[:,analysis_period[0]+starting_frame:analysis_period[1]+starting_frame]
- Traces = Traces[iscell[:, 0].astype(bool), :]
- Npil = Npil[iscell[:, 0].astype(bool), :]
- else:
- print("record",recording)
- path_excel_rec = str(meta_data['Folder'][recording]) + str(meta_data['Subfolder'][recording]) + str(meta_data['Recording idx'][recording]) + '/suite2p/plane0'
- stats = np.load(path_excel_rec + '/stat.npy',allow_pickle=True)
- Traces = np.load(path_excel_rec + '/F.npy')
- Npil = np.load(path_excel_rec + '/Fneu.npy')
- iscell = np.load(path_excel_rec + '/iscell.npy')
- n_accepted_rejected = Traces.shape[0]
- Traces = Traces[iscell[:, 0].astype(bool), :]
- Npil = Npil[iscell[:, 0].astype(bool), :]
- return Traces, Npil, n_accepted_rejected # n_accepted_rejected = Accepted + Rejected
- def median_stabilities(Npils):
- number_of_neurons = Npils.shape[0]
- length = Npils.shape[1]
- #print(length)
- l = int(length / 1000)
- Npils = Npils[:,:l*1000]
- npils_medians = ma.median(Npils, axis=1)
- #Npils = Npils - np.tile(ma.expand_dims(ma.median(Npils, axis=1), axis=1),
- # (1, ma.shape(Npils)[1]))
- Npils = Npils.reshape(Npils.shape[0],l,1000)
- #npils_medians = npils_medians.reshape(Npils.shape[0],l)
- #print(Npils.shape)
- ###TODO npils_median
- median_stabilities = ma.median(Npils,axis=2)
- median_for_all_trace = ma.median(Npils,axis=[1,2])
- median_stabilities = ma.abs(median_stabilities-median_for_all_trace[:,np.newaxis])
- median_stabilities = ma.sum(median_stabilities,axis=1)/l
- return median_stabilities
- def get_data_frame(recording, path, threshold=200, baseline_correction=True, concatenation=True, correlations = True):
- df_estimators = pd.DataFrame()
- df_corr = pd.DataFrame()
- r = recording
- animal = get_animal_from_recording(r, path)
- #condition = get_condition(r, path)
- #print(str(r)+" "+str(animal)+" "+str(condition))
- plt.cla()
- Traces, Npils, n_accepted_and_rejected = traces_and_npils(r, path, concatenation)
- Tm0p7N = Traces - 0.7*Npils
- if (baseline_correction==True):
- #median of all traces
- med_of_all_traces = np.median(Tm0p7N,axis=0)
- plt.plot(med_of_all_traces,'k')
- #filtering
- Tm0p7N_midfilt = medfilt(med_of_all_traces,31)
- plt.plot( Tm0p7N_midfilt, 'b')
- #regression
- TSreg = TheilSenRegressor(random_state=42)
- x = np.arange(Tm0p7N.shape[1])
- X = x[:, np.newaxis]
- fit = TSreg.fit(X, Tm0p7N_midfilt)
- #print(fit.get_params())
- y_pred = TSreg.predict(X)
- plt.plot( y_pred, 'w')
- #subtract
- y_pred = y_pred - y_pred[0]
- ab,resid,_,_,_ = ma.polyfit(x, y_pred, 1,full = True)
- #print(ab,resid)
- Tm0p7N[:,:] -= y_pred[np.newaxis, :]
- plt.title("median for all traces in recording")
- plt.show()
- recording_lenght = Traces.shape[1]
- # old baseline, worked well
- baseline = np.quantile(Tm0p7N,0.25,axis=1)
- print("Median baseline: {:.2f}".format(np.median(baseline)))
- Baseline_subtracted = Tm0p7N.copy()
- for i in range(Baseline_subtracted.shape[0]):
- Baseline_subtracted[i,:] -= baseline[i]
- integral = Baseline_subtracted.sum(axis=1)/recording_lenght
- #print(r)
- #Npil_regression = np.polyfit(np.arange(Npil.shape[1]),Npil,1)
- #Npil_stability[neuron_id] = Npil_regression[0]*9000/Npil_regression[1]
- #for npil in Npil:
- # print(npil.shape)
- n_accepted = Traces.shape[0]
- neuronID = ma.arange(n_accepted)
- n_accepted_and_rejected = n_accepted_and_rejected
- Traces_median = ma.median(Traces, axis=1)
- Npils_median = ma.median(Npils, axis=1)
- Tm0p7N_median = ma.median(Tm0p7N, axis=1)
- Traces_std = ma.std(Npils, axis=1)
- Npils_std = ma.std(Npils, axis=1)
- Tm0p7N_std = ma.std(Tm0p7N, axis=1)
- Traces_mins = ma.min(Traces, axis=1)
- Traces_maxs = ma.max(Traces, axis=1)
- Traces_peak_to_peak = Traces_maxs - Traces_mins
- Npils_mins = ma.min(Npils, axis=1)
- Npils_maxs = ma.max(Npils, axis=1)
- Npils_peak_to_peak = Npils_maxs - Npils_mins
- #median subtraction
- #Traces = Traces - np.tile(ma.expand_dims(ma.median(Traces, axis=1), axis=1),
- # (1, ma.shape(Traces)[1]))
- #Npil = Npil - np.tile(ma.expand_dims(ma.median(Npil, axis=1), axis=1),
- # (1, ma.shape(Npil)[1]))
- Traces_skewness = skew(Traces,axis=1)
- Npils_skewness = skew(Npils,axis=1)
- Tm0p7N_skewness = skew(Tm0p7N,axis=1)
- Traces_kurtosis = kurtosis(Traces, axis=1)
- Npils_kurtosis = kurtosis(Npils, axis=1)
- Npils_median_stabilities = median_stabilities(Npils)
- slope = ma.zeros(Npils.shape[0])
- intercept = ma.zeros(Npils.shape[0])
- residuals = ma.zeros(Npils.shape[0])
- if correlations:
- #Replace with smarter solution to take into account correlations with other neurons.
- Tcorr = np.corrcoef(Traces).flatten()
- Ncorr = np.corrcoef(Npils).flatten()
- Tm0p7Ncorr_mean = np.mean(np.corrcoef(Tm0p7N),axis=1)
- Tm0p7Ncorr = np.corrcoef(Tm0p7N).flatten()
- Tm0p7Ncorr[Tm0p7Ncorr>0.99999] = np.nan
- Tm0p7Ncorr_first100 = np.corrcoef(Tm0p7N[:100,:]).flatten()
- Tm0p7Ncorr_first100 [Tm0p7Ncorr_first100>0.99999] = np.nan
- #quick trick
- #print(Tm0p7N.shape)
- #Tm0p7N_10bins = Tm0p7N.reshape(Tm0p7N.shape[0],int(Tm0p7N.shape[1]/10),10).mean(axis=2)
- # print(Tm0p7N_10bins.shape)
- #Tm0p7Ncorr_10bins = np.corrcoef(Tm0p7N_10bins).flatten()
- # Tm0p7Ncorr_10bins[Tm0p7Ncorr_10bins>0.99999] = np.nan
- df_corr = pd.DataFrame({ "animal":animal,
- "recording":r,
- #"condition":condition,
- #"Tcorr":Tcorr,
- #"Ncorr":Ncorr,
- #"Tm0p7Ncorr":Tm0p7Ncorr,
- #"Tm0p7Ncorr.abs":np.absolute(Tm0p7Ncorr)
- "Tm0p7Ncorr":Tm0p7Ncorr,
- "Tm0p7Ncorr.abs":np.absolute(Tm0p7Ncorr)
- # "Tm0p7Ncorr_10bins":Tm0p7Ncorr_10bins,
- #"Tm0p7Ncorr_10bins.abs":np.absolute(Tm0p7Ncorr_10bins)
- })
- i=0
- for npil in Npils:
- ab,resid,_,_,_ = ma.polyfit(np.arange(npil.shape[0]), npil, 1,full = True)
- slope[i] = ab[0]
- intercept[i] = ab[1]
- residuals[i] = resid
- i=i+1
- slope_per_median = ma.divide(slope,Npils_median)
- slope_in_percent = ma.divide(ma.multiply(slope,Npils.shape[1]),Npils_median)
- print("Number of neurons accepted: " + str(Npils_std.shape[0]))
- ### decay constant and peak characterization
- num_cells = np.shape(Traces)[0]
- decay_isol = np.zeros((num_cells))
- decay_no_isol = np.zeros((num_cells))
- n_peaks = np.zeros((num_cells))
- height = np.zeros((num_cells))
- width = np.zeros((num_cells))
- baseline_oasis = np.zeros((num_cells))
- Baseline_subtracted = Tm0p7N.copy()
- integral = np.zeros((num_cells))
- #from oasis.functions import deconvolve
- #from oasis.functions import estimate_time_constant
- for neuron in range(num_cells):
- fs=30
- _, _, b, decay_neuron_isolated10, _ = deconvolve(np.double(Tm0p7N[neuron, ]),
- penalty = 0, sn=25, optimize_g = 10)
- _, _, _, decay_neuron_no_isolated, _ = deconvolve(np.double(Tm0p7N[neuron, ]), sn=25,
- penalty = 0)
- baseline_oasis[neuron] = b
- Baseline_subtracted[neuron] -= b
- integral[neuron] = Baseline_subtracted[neuron].sum()/recording_lenght
- #ARcoef = estimate_time_constant(Tm0p7N[neuron, ], p=2, sn=None, lags=10, fudge_factor=1.0, nonlinear_fit=False)
- #print(ARcoef)
- peak_ind, peaks = signal.find_peaks(Baseline_subtracted[neuron, ], height = threshold,
- distance = 10, prominence = threshold,
- width = (None, None),
- rel_height = 0.9)
- decay_isol[neuron] = - 1 / (fs * np.log(decay_neuron_isolated10))
- decay_no_isol[neuron] = - 1 / (fs * np.log(decay_neuron_no_isolated))
- if decay_isol[neuron]>0:
- pass
- else:
- decay_isol[neuron]== np.nan
- #print(decay_neuron_isolated10,decay_isol[neuron]," s")
- fs = 30
- trace_len = np.shape(Traces)[1] / (fs * 60) # in minutes
- n_peaks[neuron] = len(peaks['peak_heights']) / trace_len
- if n_peaks[neuron] > 0:
- height[neuron, ] = np.median(peaks['peak_heights'])
- width[neuron, ] = np.median(peaks['widths'])
- else:
- height[neuron, ] = np.nan
- width[neuron, ] = np.nan
- df_estimators = pd.DataFrame({ "animal":animal,
- "recording":r,
- #"condition":condition,
- "neuronID":neuronID,
- "n.accepted":n_accepted,
- "length.frames":recording_lenght,
- "length.minutes":trace_len,
- "n.accepted_and_rejected":n_accepted_and_rejected,
- "traces.median":Traces_median,
- "npil.median":Npils_median,
- "trace.std":Traces_std,
- "npil.std":Npils_std,
- "trace.mins":Traces_mins,
- "trace.maxs":Traces_maxs,
- "trace.peak_to_peak":Traces_peak_to_peak,
- "npil.mins":Npils_mins,
- "npil.maxs":Npils_maxs,
- "npil.peak_to_peak":Npils_peak_to_peak,
- "trace.skewness":Traces_skewness,
- "npil.skewness":Npils_skewness,
- "Tm0p7N.skewness":Tm0p7N_skewness,
- "Tm0p7N.median":Tm0p7N_median,
- "Tm0p7N.std":Tm0p7N_std,
- "trace.kurtosis":Traces_kurtosis,
- "npil.kurtosis": Npils_kurtosis,
- "npil.slope":slope,
- "npil.intercept":intercept,
- "npil.residual":residuals,
- "npil.slope_per_median":slope_in_percent,
- "npil.slope_in_percent":slope_in_percent,
- "npil.mstab.1000":Npils_median_stabilities,
- "baseline.quantile.25":baseline,
- "baseline.oasis":baseline_oasis,
- "integral":integral,
- #"Tm0p7Ncorr.mean":Tm0p7Ncorr_mean,
- ### decay constant and peak characterization
- "peak_detection_threshold":threshold,
- "decay_isol":decay_isol,
- "decay_no_isol":decay_no_isol,
- "n_peaks":n_peaks,
- "n_peaks_per_recording":n_peaks*trace_len,
- "height.median":height,
- "width.median":width
- })
- return df_estimators ,df_corr
- def get_raster(starting_recording, n_neurons_max,database_path, concatenation):
- traces, npil, number_of_neruons = traces_and_npils(starting_recording, database_path, concatenation)
- Tm0p7N = traces - 0.7*npil
- Tm0p7N = zscore(Tm0p7N,axis=1)
- Tm0p7N = np.reshape(Tm0p7N,(Tm0p7N.shape[0], 500,10)).mean(axis=2)
- Tm0p7N = np.maximum(-4, np.minimum(8, Tm0p7N)) + 4
- Tm0p7N/= 12
- return Tm0p7N[:n_neurons_max,:]