datacite.yml 1021 B

  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: Markus
  4. lastname: Aswendt
  5. affiliation: 'University Hospital Cologne'
  6. id: 'ORCID:0000-0003-1423-0934'
  7. -
  8. firstname: Niklas
  9. lastname: Pallast
  10. affiliation: 'University Hospital Cologne'
  11. -
  12. firstname: Olivia
  13. lastname: Käsgen
  14. affiliation: 'University Hospital Cologne'
  15. -
  16. firstname: Frederique
  17. lastname: Wieters
  18. affiliation: 'University Hospital Cologne'
  19. -
  20. firstname: Felix
  21. lastname: Schmitt
  22. affiliation: 'University Hospital Cologne'
  23. -
  24. firstname: Leon
  25. lastname: Scharwächter
  26. affiliation: 'University Hospital Cologne'
  27. title: 'AIDAconnect test data'
  28. description: "Longitudinal MRI (T2-weighted, rs-fMRI and DTI) of mice with cortical stroke and treatment (n=7)\nor control substance (n=10); 4 time points over 8 weeks post stroke.\n"
  29. keywords:
  30. - Neuroscience
  31. - MRI
  32. - Stroke
  33. license:
  34. name: 'CC BY-NC-SA 4.0'
  35. url: ''
  36. resourcetype: Dataset
  37. templateversion: 1.2