Stefan J. Blaschke b41bc74cf6 [DATALAD] Recorded changes 1 year ago
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fMRI Quality Checker

A set of Matlab and SPM12 scripts to compute several quality metrics and visualizations for fMRI datasets. Influenced by the PCP-QAP and MRIQC.


Function to calculate multiple quality control measures for an fMRI time series using SPM12 and Matlab. The goal is to create a tool, for use by fMRI technicians/researchers/clinicians familiar with SPM12 and Matlab, that allows the calculation of measures that can assist in diagnosing quality issues in fMRI data. It is not intended for use as ground truth for quality diagnosis, as these measures are known to be relative and to vary based on scanner site, acquisition time, data format, and more. However, it can provide insight into possible data quality issues originating from the scanner or single subject.

Function steps include preprocessing the acquired fMRI and structural data (coregistering structural image to first functional image, segmenting the coregistered structural image into tissue types, and reslicing the segments to the functional resolution image grid), and calling functions for a standard set of QC measures based on various sources (mainly including the Quality Assessment Protocol (QAP) from the Preprocessed Connectomes Project (PCP) and MRIQC. This function makes use of SPM12 functions and batch routines. If SPM12 batch parameters are not explicitly set, defaults are assumed.


  • Temporal signal to noise ratio (tSNR) (3D image)
  • Mean tSNR of brain, grey matter, white matter, and CSF
  • Z-score timeseries and mean
  • Global correlation (GCOR)
  • Standard deviation (3D image)
  • Framewise displacement (FD) timeseries, total and mean (mm)
  • Non-standardized differential variance (DVARS) timeseries (a.u.)
  • The Plot (GM, WM and CSF voxel intensities over time)


  • funcional4D_fn: filename of 4D functional timeseries (.nii only)
  • structural_fn: filename of T1-weighted structural scan (.nii only)
  • fwhm: kernel size for smoothing operations (mm)
  • spm_dir: SPM12 directory
  • out_dir: output directory (for figures and html logfile)
  • subject: subject name/code


  • Matlab figure: timeseries plots (FD, DVARS, Zscore, The Plot)
  • Matlab figures: montage images (tSNR, tSNR brain, stddev, mean EPI)
  • Matlab figure: coregistration contour plot
  • HTML logfile: HTML logfile with measures and figures and metadata


Title Longitudinal MRI data (T2w and rs-fMRI) after cortical stroke and cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in mice
Authors Blaschke,Stefan;University Hospital Cologne;ORCID:0000-0001-8643-3824
Rueger,Maria Adele;University Hospital Cologne;ORCID:0000-0001-8036-395X
Description 'Longitudinal T2-weighted MRI, rs-fMRI and behavorial data (baseline and up to 4 weeks after stroke) in the photothrombosis model and transcranial direct current stimulation (cathodal tDCS) in mice'
License CC BY 4.0 (
References Blaschke SJ, Vlachakis S, Pallast N, Walter HL, Volz LJ, Wiedermann D, Fink GR, Hoehn M, Aswendt M, Schroeter M, Rueger MA. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Reverses Stroke-Induced Network Alterations in Mice. Stroke. 2023 Jun 28. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.042808 [doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.042808] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding DFG, 431549029–SFB 1451
Marga und Walter Boll Stiftung, #210/10/15
Keywords ischemia
magnetic resonance imaging
transcranial direct currrent stimulation
functional connectivity
motor recovery
Resource Type Dataset