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The mechanism for directional hearing in fish

This repository contains data related to the manuscript "The mechanism for directional hearing in fish". Github:

Behavior data

The behavior folder contains pickled dataframe objects with fish trajectories around playback events. (5s before playback, 7s after playback, 120fps).

  • Data on 65 female and male adult Danionella cerebrum without lateral line ablation.
  • Data on 74 female and male adult Danionella cerebrum after lateral line ablation.

Load like this (in python):

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_pickle('')

To generate paper figures based on this data, see:

The subfolder sleap_model contains the fish skeleton, parameters, and the trained model that was used to track a single Danionella cerebrum in a 336 x 336 pixel recording, spanning a ~ 11 x 11cm field of view.

Micro CT data

PMA (phosphomolybdic acid)-stained, adult, male Danionella cerebrum.

Raw data

When opening file in ImageJ Fiji, choose 16-bit Unsigned and Little-endian byte order. Opening as virtual stack is recommended. The voxel size is 1.29702 µm.

Segmentation (DragonFly)

Dragonfly ( project file, which contains raw data cropped around the inner ear (1224x1224x1645, anchor at 369,246,412), handlabelled planes, interpolated binary ROIs (interpolated by biomedisa,, and meshgrids derived from these binary ROIs.

Meshgrids (Blender)

This Blender project file contains downsampled meshgrids of segmented inner ear structures and an animation.

Vibrometry data

coming soon