# The mechanism for directional hearing in fish This repository contains data related to the manuscript "The mechanism for directional hearing in fish". Github: https://github.com/danionella/veith_et_al_2024 ## Behavior data The `behavior` folder contains pickled dataframe objects with fish trajectories around playback events. (5s before playback, 7s after playback, 120fps). - `65fish_nolla.zip` Data on 65 female and male adult _Danionella cerebrum_ without lateral line ablation. - `74fish_lla.zip` Data on 74 female and male adult _Danionella cerebrum_ after lateral line ablation. Load like this (in python): ``` import pandas as pd df = pd.read_pickle('65fish_nolla.zip') ``` To generate paper figures based on this data, see: https://github.com/danionella/veith_et_al_2024/tree/main/figures The subfolder `sleap_model` contains the fish skeleton, parameters, and the trained model that was used to track a single _Danionella cerebrum_ in a 336 x 336 pixel recording, spanning a ~ 11 x 11cm field of view. ## Micro CT data PMA (phosphomolybdic acid)-stained, adult, male _Danionella cerebrum_. #### Raw data `Danionella_cerebrum_PMA_16bit_binned_1p297_oriented_front_1965x1926x3328.raw` When opening file in ImageJ Fiji, choose `16-bit Unsigned` and `Little-endian byte order`. Opening as virtual stack is recommended. The voxel size is 1.29702 µm. #### Segmentation (DragonFly) `Danionella_cerebrum_PMA_16bit_binned_1p297_oriented_front_1965x1926x3328_cropped_1224x1224x1645_segmentation.ORSSession` Dragonfly (https://www.theobjects.com/dragonfly) project file, which contains raw data cropped around the inner ear (1224x1224x1645, anchor at 369,246,412), handlabelled planes, interpolated binary ROIs (interpolated by biomedisa, https://biomedisa.info/), and meshgrids derived from these binary ROIs. #### Meshgrids (Blender) `Danionella_cerebrum_PMA_16bit_binned_1p297_oriented_front_1965x1926x3328_cropped_1224x1224x1645_meshgrid.blend` This Blender project file contains downsampled meshgrids of segmented inner ear structures and an animation. ## Vibrometry data coming soon