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  1. """
  2. Functions for calculating the statistical significant differences between two dependent or independent correlation
  3. coefficients.
  4. The Fisher and Steiger method is adopted from the R package
  5. and is described in detail in the book 'Statistical Methods for Psychology'
  6. The Zou method is adopted from
  7. Credit goes to the authors of above mentioned packages!
  8. Author: Philipp Singer (
  9. """
  10. from __future__ import division
  11. __author__ = 'psinger'
  12. import numpy as np
  13. from scipy.stats import t, norm
  14. from math import atanh, pow
  15. from numpy import tanh
  16. def rz_ci(r, n, conf_level = 0.95):
  17. zr_se = pow(1/(n - 3), .5)
  18. moe = norm.ppf(1 - (1 - conf_level)/float(2)) * zr_se
  19. zu = atanh(r) + moe
  20. zl = atanh(r) - moe
  21. return tanh((zl, zu))
  22. def rho_rxy_rxz(rxy, rxz, ryz):
  23. num = (ryz-1/2.*rxy*rxz)*(1-pow(rxy,2)-pow(rxz,2)-pow(ryz,2))+pow(ryz,3)
  24. den = (1 - pow(rxy,2)) * (1 - pow(rxz,2))
  25. return num/float(den)
  26. def dependent_corr(xy, xz, yz, n, twotailed=True, conf_level=0.95, method='steiger'):
  27. """
  28. Calculates the statistic significance between two dependent correlation coefficients
  29. @param xy: correlation coefficient between x and y
  30. @param xz: correlation coefficient between x and z
  31. @param yz: correlation coefficient between y and z
  32. @param n: number of elements in x, y and z
  33. @param twotailed: whether to calculate a one or two tailed test, only works for 'steiger' method
  34. @param conf_level: confidence level, only works for 'zou' method
  35. @param method: defines the method uses, 'steiger' or 'zou'
  36. @return: t and p-val
  37. """
  38. if method == 'steiger':
  39. d = xy - xz
  40. determin = 1 - xy * xy - xz * xz - yz * yz + 2 * xy * xz * yz
  41. av = (xy + xz)/2
  42. cube = (1 - yz) * (1 - yz) * (1 - yz)
  43. t2 = d * np.sqrt((n - 1) * (1 + yz)/(((2 * (n - 1)/(n - 3)) * determin + av * av * cube)))
  44. p = 1 - t.cdf(abs(t2), n - 3)
  45. if twotailed:
  46. p *= 2
  47. return t2, p
  48. elif method == 'zou':
  49. L1 = rz_ci(xy, n, conf_level=conf_level)[0]
  50. U1 = rz_ci(xy, n, conf_level=conf_level)[1]
  51. L2 = rz_ci(xz, n, conf_level=conf_level)[0]
  52. U2 = rz_ci(xz, n, conf_level=conf_level)[1]
  53. rho_r12_r13 = rho_rxy_rxz(xy, xz, yz)
  54. lower = xy - xz - pow((pow((xy - L1), 2) + pow((U2 - xz), 2) - 2 * rho_r12_r13 * (xy - L1) * (U2 - xz)), 0.5)
  55. upper = xy - xz + pow((pow((U1 - xy), 2) + pow((xz - L2), 2) - 2 * rho_r12_r13 * (U1 - xy) * (xz - L2)), 0.5)
  56. return lower, upper
  57. else:
  58. raise Exception('Wrong method!')
  59. def independent_corr(xy, ab, n, n2 = None, twotailed=True, conf_level=0.95, method='fisher'):
  60. """
  61. Calculates the statistic significance between two independent correlation coefficients
  62. @param xy: correlation coefficient between x and y
  63. @param xz: correlation coefficient between a and b
  64. @param n: number of elements in xy
  65. @param n2: number of elements in ab (if distinct from n)
  66. @param twotailed: whether to calculate a one or two tailed test, only works for 'fisher' method
  67. @param conf_level: confidence level, only works for 'zou' method
  68. @param method: defines the method uses, 'fisher' or 'zou'
  69. @return: z and p-val
  70. """
  71. if method == 'fisher':
  72. xy_z = 0.5 * np.log((1 + xy)/(1 - xy))
  73. ab_z = 0.5 * np.log((1 + ab)/(1 - ab))
  74. if n2 is None:
  75. n2 = n
  76. se_diff_r = np.sqrt(1/(n - 3) + 1/(n2 - 3))
  77. diff = xy_z - ab_z
  78. z = abs(diff / se_diff_r)
  79. p = (1 - norm.cdf(z))
  80. if twotailed:
  81. p *= 2
  82. return z, p
  83. elif method == 'zou':
  84. L1 = rz_ci(xy, n, conf_level=conf_level)[0]
  85. U1 = rz_ci(xy, n, conf_level=conf_level)[1]
  86. L2 = rz_ci(ab, n2, conf_level=conf_level)[0]
  87. U2 = rz_ci(ab, n2, conf_level=conf_level)[1]
  88. lower = xy - ab - pow((pow((xy - L1), 2) + pow((U2 - ab), 2)), 0.5)
  89. upper = xy - ab + pow((pow((U1 - xy), 2) + pow((ab - L2), 2)), 0.5)
  90. return lower, upper
  91. else:
  92. raise Exception('Wrong method!')
  93. print(dependent_corr(.40, .50, .10, 103, method='steiger'))
  94. print(independent_corr(0.5 , 0.6, 103, 103, method='fisher'))
  95. #print dependent_corr(.396, .179, .088, 200, method='zou')
  96. #print independent_corr(.560, .588, 100, 353, method='zou')