26 KB

  1. import datetime
  2. import pathlib as pl
  3. from tillvisionio.vws import VWSDataManager
  4. import pandas as pd
  5. import tifffile
  6. from view.python_core.misc import excel_datetime
  7. import typing
  8. import easygui
  9. import logging
  10. import pprint
  11. from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
  12. import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
  13. from import LIFReaderGio
  14. def calculate_dt_from_timing_ms(timing_ms: str) -> float:
  15. times = timing_ms.strip()
  16. times = [float(x) for x in times.split(' ')]
  17. # calculate frame rate as time of (last frame - first frame) / (frames-1)
  18. dt = (times[-1] - times[0]) / (len(times) - 1)
  19. return dt
  20. # a function injecting code into the automatic parsing of metadata from vws.log file
  21. def additional_cols_func(s):
  22. # time & analyze
  23. try:
  24. dt = calculate_dt_from_timing_ms(s["Timing_ms"])
  25. analyze = 1 # since there are at least two frames, and thus a time, I suppose it is worth analyzing
  26. except Exception as e:
  27. dt = -1
  28. analyze = 0
  29. return {"dt": dt, "Analyze": analyze}
  30. class BaseImporter(ABC):
  31. def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping):
  32. super().__init__()
  33. self.default_values = default_values
  34. self.associated_extensions = None
  35. self.associate_file_type = None
  36. self.LE_loadExp = None
  37. self.movie_data_extensions = None
  38. def get_default_row(self):
  39. return pd.Series(self.default_values)
  40. def import_metadata(self, raw_data_files, measurement_filter):
  41. combined_df = pd.DataFrame()
  42. for fle_ind, fle in enumerate(raw_data_files):
  43. logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Parsing metadata from {fle}")
  44. df = self.parse_metadata(fle, fle_ind, measurement_filter)
  45. combined_df = combined_df.append(df, ignore_index=True)
  46. return combined_df
  47. def get_filetype_info_string(self):
  48. return [f"*{x}" for x in self.associated_extensions] + [self.associate_file_type]
  49. def ask_for_files(self, default_dir, multiple: bool = True) -> dict:
  50. default_dir_str = str(pl.Path(default_dir) / "*")
  51. files_chosen = easygui.fileopenbox(
  52. title=f"Choose one or more files for LE_loadExp={self.LE_loadExp}",
  53. filetypes=self.get_filetype_info_string(),
  54. multiple=multiple,
  55. default=default_dir_str)
  56. if files_chosen is None:
  57. raise IOError("User Abort while choosing files.")
  58. else:
  59. assert files_chosen[0].startswith(str(default_dir)), \
  60. f"The data selected in not in the expected data directory of the current tree:\n" \
  61. f"{default_dir}. Please copy your data there and try again!"
  62. animal_tag_raw_data_mapping = self.get_animal_tag_raw_data_mapping(files_chosen)
  63. logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(
  64. f"Working on the following animal tags and their corresponding files:\n"
  65. f"{pprint.pformat(animal_tag_raw_data_mapping)}")
  66. return animal_tag_raw_data_mapping
  67. @abstractmethod
  68. def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int,
  69. measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool]) -> pd.DataFrame:
  70. """
  71. Reads and returns the metadata from a metadata file
  72. :param str fle: path of a metadata file
  73. :param int fle_ind: integer representing the row order of the measurement associated with <fle>,
  74. if it is part of a series
  75. :param Callable measurement_filter: only used for Till Vision setups. See tillvisionio.VWSDataManager.get_all_metadata
  76. :rtype: pd.DataFrame
  77. :return: the columns of the DataFrame returned must be a subset of the metadata columns defined in `view/flags_and_metadata_definitions/metadata_definition.csv`
  78. """
  79. pass
  80. def get_animal_tag_raw_data_mapping(self, files_chosen: list) -> dict:
  81. """
  82. Returns a one-element dictionary with the animal tag as key and list of (revised) raw data files as value.
  83. Parameters
  84. ----------
  85. files_chosen : list
  86. list of lif files.
  87. Returns
  88. -------
  89. dict
  90. file names without path.
  91. """
  92. if len(files_chosen) == 0:
  93. return {}
  94. else:
  95. dict2return = {}
  96. for fle in files_chosen:
  97. fle_path = pl.Path(fle)
  98. dict2return[] = [fle]
  99. return dict2return
  100. @abstractmethod
  101. def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle):
  102. """
  103. Creates a string representing the path of the raw data file <fle> relative to the data directory represented
  104. by the flag "STG_Datapath" (Eg.: "01_DATA")
  105. :param fle: path of the raw data file as parsed from the metadata file
  106. :rtype: str
  107. """
  108. pass
  109. class TillImporter(BaseImporter, ABC):
  110. def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping):
  111. super().__init__(default_values)
  112. self.associate_file_type = "VWS Log Files"
  113. self.associated_extensions = [".vws.log"]
  114. self.movie_data_extensions = [".pst", ".ps"]
  115. def get_animal_tag_raw_data_mapping(self, files_chosen: list) -> dict:
  116. if len(files_chosen) == 0:
  117. return {}
  118. else:
  119. dict2return = {}
  120. for fle in files_chosen:
  121. fle_path = pl.Path(fle)
  122. dict2return[".")[0]] = [fle]
  123. return dict2return
  124. def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle):
  125. for extension in self.movie_data_extensions:
  126. if fle.endswith(extension):
  127. fle_path = pl.PureWindowsPath(fle)
  128. possible_dbb1 = str(pl.Path([-2]) / fle_path.stem)
  129. return 1, str(possible_dbb1)
  130. else:
  131. return 0, "wrong extension"
  132. def convert_vws_names_to_lst_names(self, vws_measurement_series, default_row):
  133. """
  134. Convert values from vws.log nomenclaure to internal measurement list nomenclature
  135. :param vws_measurement_series: pandas.Series
  136. :param default_row: pandas.Series with default values
  137. :return: pandas.series
  138. """
  139. logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f'Parsing measurement with label {vws_measurement_series["Label"]}')
  140. lst_line = default_row.copy()
  141. lst_line['Measu'] = vws_measurement_series['index'] + 1
  142. lst_line['Label'] = vws_measurement_series['Label']
  143. expected_data_file = vws_measurement_series["Location"]
  144. if expected_data_file[-2:] == 'ps':
  145. # there is one version of the macro in tillVision that "eats" the last t of the file name
  146. logging.getLogger("VIEW").warning('adding a t to the .ps file name to make it .pst')
  147. expected_data_file += 't'
  148. analyze, dbb1_relative = self.get_path_relative_to_data_dir(expected_data_file)
  149. if analyze == 0:
  150. logging.getLogger("VIEW").warning(
  151. f"Data file {expected_data_file} not found! Setting analyze=0 for this measurement")
  152. lst_line['DBB1'] = dbb1_relative
  153. lst_line["Analyze"] = analyze * int(lst_line.get("Analyze", 1))
  154. lst_line['Cycle'] = vws_measurement_series["dt"]
  155. lst_line['Lambda'] = vws_measurement_series['MonochromatorWL_nm']
  156. lst_line['UTC'] = vws_measurement_series['UTCTime']
  157. return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T
  158. def get_mtime(self, utc, first_utc):
  159. time_since_first_utc = pd.to_timedelta(utc - first_utc, unit="s")
  160. return str(time_since_first_utc).split(" days ")[1]
  161. class TillImporterOneWavelength(TillImporter):
  162. def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping):
  163. super().__init__(default_values)
  164. self.LE_loadExp = 3
  165. # for till data, metadata is contained in vws.log file
  166. def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int,
  167. measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool]) -> pd.DataFrame:
  168. vws_manager = VWSDataManager(fle)
  169. measurements = vws_manager.get_all_metadata(filter=measurement_filter,
  170. additional_cols_func=additional_cols_func)
  171. first_utc = vws_manager.get_earliest_utc()
  172. this_lst_frame = pd.DataFrame()
  173. if len(measurements) == 0:
  174. logging.getLogger("VIEW").warning(
  175. f"In {fle}: No usable measurements found for given 'measurement_filter' function")
  176. for measurement_index, measurement_row in measurements.iterrows():
  177. lst_line = self.convert_vws_names_to_lst_names(vws_measurement_series=measurement_row,
  178. default_row=self.get_default_row(),
  179. )
  180. lst_line["MTime"] = self.get_mtime(utc=lst_line["UTC"][0], first_utc=first_utc)
  181. this_lst_frame = this_lst_frame.append(lst_line, ignore_index=True)
  182. return this_lst_frame
  183. class TillImporterTwoWavelength(TillImporter):
  184. def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping):
  185. super().__init__(default_values)
  186. self.LE_loadExp = 4
  187. def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int,
  188. measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool]) -> pd.DataFrame:
  189. vws_manager = VWSDataManager(fle)
  190. measurements_wl340_df, measurements_wl380_df \
  191. = vws_manager.get_metadata_two_wavelengths(wavelengths=(340, 380), filter=measurement_filter,
  192. additional_cols_func=additional_cols_func)
  193. first_utc = vws_manager.get_earliest_utc()
  194. this_lst_frame = pd.DataFrame()
  195. for (ind1, measurement_wl340), (ind2, measurement_wl380) in zip(measurements_wl340_df.iterrows(),
  196. measurements_wl380_df.iterrows()):
  197. lst_line_wl340 = self.convert_vws_names_to_lst_names(measurement_wl340, self.get_default_row())
  198. lst_line_wl380 = self.convert_vws_names_to_lst_names(measurement_wl380, self.get_default_row())
  199. lst_line_wl340["dbb2"] = lst_line_wl380["DBB1"]
  200. lst_line_wl340["MTime"] = self.get_mtime(utc=lst_line_wl340["UTC"][0], first_utc=first_utc)
  201. lst_line_wl380["Analyze"] = 0
  202. lst_line_wl380["MTime"] = self.get_mtime(utc=lst_line_wl380["UTC"][0], first_utc=first_utc)
  203. this_lst_frame = this_lst_frame.append(lst_line_wl340, ignore_index=True)
  204. this_lst_frame = this_lst_frame.append(lst_line_wl380, ignore_index=True)
  205. return this_lst_frame
  206. class LifImporter(BaseImporter):
  207. """
  208. importer for Leica Confocal/2-Photon .lif files
  209. """
  210. def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping):
  211. super().__init__(default_values)
  212. self.associate_file_type = "Leica .lif files" # short text describing raw data files
  213. self.associated_extensions = [".lif"] # possible extensions of files containing metadata
  214. self.movie_data_extensions = [".lif"] # possible extension of file containing data (calcium imaging movies)
  215. self.LE_loadExp = 21 # associated value of the flag LE_loadExp
  216. def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle):
  217. for movie_data_extension in self.movie_data_extensions:
  218. if fle.endswith(movie_data_extension):
  219. fle_path = pl.PureWindowsPath(fle)
  220. return 1, str(fle_path.stem)
  221. else:
  222. return 0, -1
  223. def convert_lif_metadata_to_lst_row(self, fle, measu, lif_metadata_single, default_row):
  224. """
  225. Convert values from lif metadata to .lst nomenclature
  226. for a particular measurement
  227. """
  228. lst_line = default_row.copy()
  229. lst_line["Label"] = lif_metadata_single["Label"]
  230. lst_line["Cycle"] = lif_metadata_single["Cycle"]
  231. lst_line["Lambda"] = lif_metadata_single["Lambda"]
  232. lst_line["PxSzX"] = lif_metadata_single["PxSzX"]
  233. lst_line["PxSzY"] = lif_metadata_single["PxSzX"] # y-size
  234. analyze, dbb1_relative = self.get_path_relative_to_data_dir(fle)
  235. lst_line["DBB1"] = dbb1_relative
  236. lst_line["Analyze"] = analyze
  237. lst_line["Measu"] = measu
  238. lst_line['SampFreq'] = lif_metadata_single["SampFreq"]
  239. lst_line['FrameSizeX'] = lif_metadata_single["FrameSizeX"]
  240. lst_line['FrameSizeY'] = lif_metadata_single["FrameSizeY"]
  241. lst_line['NumFrames'] = lif_metadata_single["NumFrames"]
  242. lst_line['Comment'] = lif_metadata_single["Comment"]
  243. lst_line["UTC"] = lif_metadata_single["UTC"]
  244. lst_line["MTime"] = lif_metadata_single["MTime"]
  245. return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T
  246. def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int,
  247. measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool] = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
  248. lif_reader = LIFReaderGio(fle)
  249. all_lif_metadata = lif_reader.load_all_metadata()
  250. this_lst_frame = pd.DataFrame()
  251. # iterate all measurements
  252. for fle_ind, lst_row in all_lif_metadata.iterrows():
  253. if lst_row["NumFrames"] > 1:
  254. lst_line = self.convert_lif_metadata_to_lst_row(
  255. fle, fle_ind, lst_row,
  256. default_row=self.get_default_row()
  257. )
  258. this_lst_frame = this_lst_frame.append(lst_line, ignore_index=True)
  259. return this_lst_frame
  260. class LSMImporter(BaseImporter):
  261. def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping):
  262. super().__init__(default_values)
  263. self.associate_file_type = "Zeiss LSM files" # short text describing raw data files
  264. self.associated_extensions = [".lsm"] # possible extensions of files containing metadata
  265. self.movie_data_extensions = [".lsm"] # possible extension of file containing data (calcium imaging movies)
  266. self.LE_loadExp = 20 # associated value of the flag LE_loadExp
  267. def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle):
  268. for movie_data_extension in self.movie_data_extensions:
  269. if fle.endswith(movie_data_extension):
  270. fle_path = pl.PureWindowsPath(fle)
  271. return 1, str(pl.Path([-3]) /[-2] / fle_path.stem)
  272. else:
  273. return 0, -1
  274. def convert_lsm_metadata_to_lst_row(self, measu, fle, lsm_metadata, default_row):
  275. """
  276. Convert values from lsm_metadata to .lst nomenclature
  277. :param lsm_metadata: dict, like the one returned by tifffile.TiffFile.lsm_metadata
  278. :param default_row: pandas.Series, with default values
  279. :return: pandas.Series
  280. """
  281. lst_line = default_row.copy()
  282. lst_line["Label"] = lsm_metadata["ScanInformation"]["Name"]
  283. # converting from seconds to milliseconds
  284. lst_line["Cycle"] = lsm_metadata["TimeIntervall"] * 1000
  285. lst_line["Lambda"] = lsm_metadata["ScanInformation"]["Tracks"][0]["IlluminationChannels"][0]["Wavelength"]
  286. lst_line['UTC'] = excel_datetime(lsm_metadata["ScanInformation"]["Sample0time"]).timestamp()
  287. # convert from meters to micrometers
  288. lst_line["PxSzX"] = lsm_metadata["VoxelSizeX"] / 1e-6
  289. lst_line["PxSzY"] = lsm_metadata["VoxelSizeY"] / 1e-6
  290. analyze, dbb1_relative = self.get_path_relative_to_data_dir(fle)
  291. lst_line["DBB1"] = dbb1_relative
  292. lst_line["Analyze"] = analyze
  293. lst_line["Measu"] = measu
  294. return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T
  295. # for till data, a single raw data file is a .lsm file
  296. def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int,
  297. measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool] = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
  298. lsm_metadata = tifffile.TiffFile(fle).lsm_metadata
  299. lst_row = self.convert_lsm_metadata_to_lst_row(measu=fle_ind + 1,
  300. fle=fle,
  301. lsm_metadata=lsm_metadata,
  302. default_row=self.get_default_row())
  303. return lst_row
  304. class P1DualWavelengthTIFSingleFileImporter(BaseImporter):
  305. # added Dec2021, to import single tiff file with dual wavelength as used in Trondheim
  306. # or also single wavelength (e.g. Ratio) tif files
  307. # init in view uses read_single_file_fura_tif(filename)
  308. def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping):
  309. super().__init__(default_values)
  310. self.associate_file_type = "Dual Wavelength Tif files" # short text describing raw data files
  311. self.associated_extensions = [".tif"] # possible extensions of files containing metadata
  312. self.movie_data_extensions = [".tif"] # possible extension of file containing data (calcium imaging movies)
  313. self.LE_loadExp = 35 # associated value of the flag LE_loadExp
  314. def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle):
  315. for movie_data_extension in self.movie_data_extensions:
  316. if fle.endswith(movie_data_extension):
  317. fle_path = pl.PureWindowsPath(fle)
  318. return 1, str(pl.Path([-3]) /[-2] / fle_path.stem)
  319. else:
  320. return 0, -1
  321. def convert_metadata_to_lst_row(self, measu, fle, meta_info, default_row):
  322. """
  323. Convert values from meta_info to .lst nomenclature
  324. :param meta_info['PsSzX']: dict, like the one returned by tifffile.TiffFile.lsm_metadata
  325. :param default_row: pandas.Series, with default values
  326. :return: pandas.Series
  327. """
  328. lst_line = default_row.copy()
  329. lst_line["Label"] = meta_info['Label']
  330. # converting from seconds to milliseconds
  331. lst_line["Cycle"] = meta_info['GDMfreq']
  332. lst_line["Lambda"] = meta_info['Lambda']
  333. lst_line['UTC'] = meta_info['UTCTime']
  334. # convert from meters to micrometers
  335. lst_line["PxSzX"] = meta_info['PsSzX']
  336. lst_line["PxSzY"] = meta_info['PsSzY']
  337. analyze, dbb1_relative = self.get_path_relative_to_data_dir(fle)
  338. lst_line["DBB1"] = meta_info['dbb1']
  339. lst_line["dbb2"] = meta_info['dbb2']
  340. lst_line["Analyze"] = analyze
  341. lst_line["Measu"] = measu
  342. #additional info
  343. lst_line["ExposureTime_ms"] = meta_info['ExposureTime_ms']
  344. lst_line["AcquisitionDate"] = meta_info['AcquisitionDate']
  345. lst_line["Binning"] = meta_info['Binning']
  346. lst_line["StartTime"] = meta_info['StartTime']
  347. return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T
  348. # for till data, a single raw data file
  349. def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int,
  350. measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool] = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
  351. # load metadata
  352. tif_file=pl.Path(fle)
  353. with tifffile.TiffFile(tif_file) as tif:
  354. metadata = tif.imagej_metadata
  355. # imagej_metadata does not work any more or never worked on stack - read metadata from first frame
  356. if metadata is None:
  357. metadata = tif.pages[0].description
  358. # extract XML tree from metadata into root
  359. root = ET.fromstring(metadata)
  360. # define namespace for OME data
  361. # this uses xTree OME syntax
  362. #
  363. ns = {
  364. "d": ""
  365. }
  366. # now get all infos that we put into settings file
  367. meta_info = root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels", ns).attrib
  368. # so far, this works with TillPhotonics .tif files for dual wavelengths (as saved in Trondheim group)
  369. # recognized by int(meta_info['SizeC']) == 2
  370. # saved sigle wavelength files have SizeC == 1
  371. # those settings that do noot exist there, are excluded for now
  372. # result is a dictionary, for example:
  373. # {'ID': 'Pixels:1-0',
  374. # 'DimensionOrder': 'XYTZC',
  375. # 'Type': 'uint16',
  376. # 'SizeX': '1392',
  377. # 'SizeY': '1040',
  378. # 'SizeZ': '1',
  379. # 'SizeC': '1',
  380. # 'SizeT': '160',
  381. # 'PhysicalSizeX': '6.45',
  382. # 'PhysicalSizeY': '6.45',
  383. # 'PhysicalSizeZ': '1000',
  384. # 'SignificantBits': '14'}
  385. # acquisition date as string, e.g. '2021-09-19T16:49:28'
  386. AcquisitionDate = root.find("./d:Image/d:AcquisitionDate", ns).text
  387. meta_info.update({'AcquisitionDate':AcquisitionDate})
  388. # columns in .settings that need to be filled here:
  389. # get the tif file, including the last directory
  390. this_filename =
  391. dbb = this_filename[-2] +'/'+ this_filename[-1]
  392. meta_info.update({'dbb1':dbb})
  393. meta_info.update({'Label':this_filename[-1]})
  394. # PxSzX
  395. # replace the Andor name "PhysicalSizeX' with the Galizia name PsSzX
  396. meta_info['PsSzX'] = meta_info.pop('PhysicalSizeX')
  397. meta_info['PsSzY'] = meta_info.pop('PhysicalSizeY')
  398. # When was this measurement taken?
  399. # first get the time when the measurement was started: first frame
  400. first_frame = 1
  401. num_frames = int(meta_info['SizeT'])
  402. last_frame = num_frames * int(meta_info['SizeC'])
  403. root_text_first_frame = "./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane["+str(first_frame)+"]"
  404. root_text_last_frame = "./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane["+str(last_frame)+"]"
  405. time_frame1 = root.find(root_text_first_frame, ns).attrib["DeltaT"]
  406. time_frame_last = root.find(root_text_last_frame, ns).attrib["DeltaT"]
  407. # frame interval. Since this is dual wavelength,
  408. # take time from first to last, and divide by dimension T
  409. GDMfreq = (float(time_frame_last) - float(time_frame1)) / num_frames
  410. GDMfreq = round(GDMfreq*1000) # unit is ms, rounded
  411. meta_info.update({'GDMfreq':str(GDMfreq)})
  412. measurementtime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(AcquisitionDate)
  413. # now add the time of the first frame, since measurement start time ie equal for all measurements in one loop
  414. measurementtime_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(time_frame1))
  415. measurementtime = measurementtime + measurementtime_delta
  416. # StartTime, e.g. 10:05:04
  417. StartTime = measurementtime.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
  418. meta_info.update({'StartTime':StartTime})
  419. # UTC, e.g. 1623229504.482
  420. UTC = measurementtime.timestamp()
  421. meta_info.update({'UTCTime':UTC})
  422. # from here, information that is not available in .tif for saved ratios
  423. if int(meta_info['SizeC']) == 2:
  424. meta_info.update({'dbb2':dbb}) # copy filename also into column dbb2, since it is dual wavelength
  425. # binning info, e.g. '1x1'
  426. Binning = root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Channel/d:DetectorSettings", ns).attrib["Binning"]
  427. meta_info.update({'Binning':Binning})
  428. # this format is for two-wavelength recording,
  429. # so I take exposure time for frame 3 and 4
  430. # just in case the very first one would be strange
  431. ExposureTime_ms = float(root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane[3]", ns).attrib["ExposureTime"])
  432. ExposureTime_ms_340 = int(1000*ExposureTime_ms) # value in Andor is in seconds
  433. ExposureTime_ms = float(root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane[4]", ns).attrib["ExposureTime"])
  434. ExposureTime_ms_380 = int(1000*ExposureTime_ms) # value in Andor is in seconds
  435. ExposureTimeStr = str(ExposureTime_ms_340)+'/'+str(ExposureTime_ms_380)
  436. meta_info.update({'ExposureTime_ms':ExposureTimeStr})
  437. meta_info.update({'Lambda':"340/380"}) #most likely this is FURA
  438. else: #single wavelength, ie. SizeC==1
  439. meta_info.update({'dbb2':'none'}) # copy filename also into column dbb2, since it is dual wavelength
  440. meta_info.update({'ExposureTime_ms':'unknown'})
  441. meta_info.update({'Binning':'unknown'})
  442. meta_info.update({'Lambda':"ratio of 340/380"}) #most likely this is ready made ratio
  443. ##example for meta_info now:
  444. # {'ID': 'Pixels:1-0',
  445. # 'DimensionOrder': 'XYCTZ',
  446. # 'Type': 'uint16',
  447. # 'SizeX': '336',
  448. # 'SizeY': '256',
  449. # 'SizeZ': '1',
  450. # 'SizeC': '2',
  451. # 'SizeT': '100',
  452. # 'PhysicalSizeZ': '1000',
  453. # 'SignificantBits': '16',
  454. # 'AcquisitionDate': '2019-08-14T14:44:29',
  455. # 'Binning': '4x4',
  456. # 'GDMfreq': '34',
  457. # 'ExposureTime_ms': '13',
  458. # 'dbb': '190815_h2_El/A_3.tif',
  459. # 'Label': 'A_3.tif',
  460. # 'PsSzX': '1.3',
  461. # 'PsSzY': '1.3',
  462. # 'StartTime': '14:44:29',
  463. # 'UTCTime': 1565786669.06601}
  464. lst_row = self.convert_metadata_to_lst_row(measu=fle_ind + 1,
  465. fle=fle,
  466. meta_info=meta_info,
  467. default_row=self.get_default_row())
  468. return lst_row
  469. def get_animal_tag_raw_data_mapping(self, files_chosen: list) -> dict:
  470. if len(files_chosen) == 0:
  471. return {}
  472. else:
  473. parents = [pl.Path(fle).parent for fle in files_chosen]
  474. assert all(x == parents[0] for x in parents), f"Tif files specified for constructing measurement " \
  475. f"list file do no belong to the same directory: " \
  476. f"{files_chosen}"
  477. return {parents[0] files_chosen}
  478. def get_importer_class(LE_loadExp):
  479. if LE_loadExp == 3:
  480. return TillImporterOneWavelength
  481. elif LE_loadExp == 4:
  482. return TillImporterTwoWavelength
  483. elif LE_loadExp == 20:
  484. return LSMImporter
  485. elif LE_loadExp == 21:
  486. return LifImporter
  487. elif LE_loadExp == 33:
  488. # single wavelength TIFF
  489. return P1DualWavelengthTIFSingleFileImporter
  490. # works also for ratio files, not yet tested for other single file tif formats
  491. elif LE_loadExp == 35:
  492. return P1DualWavelengthTIFSingleFileImporter
  493. else:
  494. raise NotImplementedError
  495. def get_setup_extension(LE_loadExp):
  496. """
  497. returns the file extension of raw data file of the setup specified by <LE_loadExp>
  498. :param int LE_loadExp: value of the flag of the same name
  499. :rtype: list
  500. """
  501. importer_class = get_importer_class(LE_loadExp)
  502. return importer_class({}).movie_data_extension