import datetime import pathlib as pl from tillvisionio.vws import VWSDataManager import pandas as pd import tifffile from view.python_core.misc import excel_datetime import typing import easygui import logging import pprint from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from import LIFReaderGio def calculate_dt_from_timing_ms(timing_ms: str) -> float: times = timing_ms.strip() times = [float(x) for x in times.split(' ')] # calculate frame rate as time of (last frame - first frame) / (frames-1) dt = (times[-1] - times[0]) / (len(times) - 1) return dt # a function injecting code into the automatic parsing of metadata from vws.log file def additional_cols_func(s): # time & analyze try: dt = calculate_dt_from_timing_ms(s["Timing_ms"]) analyze = 1 # since there are at least two frames, and thus a time, I suppose it is worth analyzing except Exception as e: dt = -1 analyze = 0 return {"dt": dt, "Analyze": analyze} class BaseImporter(ABC): def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping): super().__init__() self.default_values = default_values self.associated_extensions = None self.associate_file_type = None self.LE_loadExp = None self.movie_data_extensions = None def get_default_row(self): return pd.Series(self.default_values) def import_metadata(self, raw_data_files, measurement_filter): combined_df = pd.DataFrame() for fle_ind, fle in enumerate(raw_data_files): logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Parsing metadata from {fle}") df = self.parse_metadata(fle, fle_ind, measurement_filter) combined_df = combined_df.append(df, ignore_index=True) return combined_df def get_filetype_info_string(self): return [f"*{x}" for x in self.associated_extensions] + [self.associate_file_type] def ask_for_files(self, default_dir, multiple: bool = True) -> dict: default_dir_str = str(pl.Path(default_dir) / "*") files_chosen = easygui.fileopenbox( title=f"Choose one or more files for LE_loadExp={self.LE_loadExp}", filetypes=self.get_filetype_info_string(), multiple=multiple, default=default_dir_str) if files_chosen is None: raise IOError("User Abort while choosing files.") else: assert files_chosen[0].startswith(str(default_dir)), \ f"The data selected in not in the expected data directory of the current tree:\n" \ f"{default_dir}. Please copy your data there and try again!" animal_tag_raw_data_mapping = self.get_animal_tag_raw_data_mapping(files_chosen) logging.getLogger("VIEW").info( f"Working on the following animal tags and their corresponding files:\n" f"{pprint.pformat(animal_tag_raw_data_mapping)}") return animal_tag_raw_data_mapping @abstractmethod def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int, measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Reads and returns the metadata from a metadata file :param str fle: path of a metadata file :param int fle_ind: integer representing the row order of the measurement associated with , if it is part of a series :param Callable measurement_filter: only used for Till Vision setups. See tillvisionio.VWSDataManager.get_all_metadata :rtype: pd.DataFrame :return: the columns of the DataFrame returned must be a subset of the metadata columns defined in `view/flags_and_metadata_definitions/metadata_definition.csv` """ pass def get_animal_tag_raw_data_mapping(self, files_chosen: list) -> dict: """ Returns a one-element dictionary with the animal tag as key and list of (revised) raw data files as value. Parameters ---------- files_chosen : list list of lif files. Returns ------- dict file names without path. """ if len(files_chosen) == 0: return {} else: dict2return = {} for fle in files_chosen: fle_path = pl.Path(fle) dict2return[] = [fle] return dict2return @abstractmethod def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle): """ Creates a string representing the path of the raw data file relative to the data directory represented by the flag "STG_Datapath" (Eg.: "01_DATA") :param fle: path of the raw data file as parsed from the metadata file :rtype: str """ pass class TillImporter(BaseImporter, ABC): def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping): super().__init__(default_values) self.associate_file_type = "VWS Log Files" self.associated_extensions = [".vws.log"] self.movie_data_extensions = [".pst", ".ps"] def get_animal_tag_raw_data_mapping(self, files_chosen: list) -> dict: if len(files_chosen) == 0: return {} else: dict2return = {} for fle in files_chosen: fle_path = pl.Path(fle) dict2return[".")[0]] = [fle] return dict2return def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle): for extension in self.movie_data_extensions: if fle.endswith(extension): fle_path = pl.PureWindowsPath(fle) possible_dbb1 = str(pl.Path([-2]) / fle_path.stem) return 1, str(possible_dbb1) else: return 0, "wrong extension" def convert_vws_names_to_lst_names(self, vws_measurement_series, default_row): """ Convert values from vws.log nomenclaure to internal measurement list nomenclature :param vws_measurement_series: pandas.Series :param default_row: pandas.Series with default values :return: pandas.series """ logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f'Parsing measurement with label {vws_measurement_series["Label"]}') lst_line = default_row.copy() lst_line['Measu'] = vws_measurement_series['index'] + 1 lst_line['Label'] = vws_measurement_series['Label'] expected_data_file = vws_measurement_series["Location"] if expected_data_file[-2:] == 'ps': # there is one version of the macro in tillVision that "eats" the last t of the file name logging.getLogger("VIEW").warning('adding a t to the .ps file name to make it .pst') expected_data_file += 't' analyze, dbb1_relative = self.get_path_relative_to_data_dir(expected_data_file) if analyze == 0: logging.getLogger("VIEW").warning( f"Data file {expected_data_file} not found! Setting analyze=0 for this measurement") lst_line['DBB1'] = dbb1_relative lst_line["Analyze"] = analyze * int(lst_line.get("Analyze", 1)) lst_line['Cycle'] = vws_measurement_series["dt"] lst_line['Lambda'] = vws_measurement_series['MonochromatorWL_nm'] lst_line['UTC'] = vws_measurement_series['UTCTime'] return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T def get_mtime(self, utc, first_utc): time_since_first_utc = pd.to_timedelta(utc - first_utc, unit="s") return str(time_since_first_utc).split(" days ")[1] class TillImporterOneWavelength(TillImporter): def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping): super().__init__(default_values) self.LE_loadExp = 3 # for till data, metadata is contained in vws.log file def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int, measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool]) -> pd.DataFrame: vws_manager = VWSDataManager(fle) measurements = vws_manager.get_all_metadata(filter=measurement_filter, additional_cols_func=additional_cols_func) first_utc = vws_manager.get_earliest_utc() this_lst_frame = pd.DataFrame() if len(measurements) == 0: logging.getLogger("VIEW").warning( f"In {fle}: No usable measurements found for given 'measurement_filter' function") for measurement_index, measurement_row in measurements.iterrows(): lst_line = self.convert_vws_names_to_lst_names(vws_measurement_series=measurement_row, default_row=self.get_default_row(), ) lst_line["MTime"] = self.get_mtime(utc=lst_line["UTC"][0], first_utc=first_utc) this_lst_frame = this_lst_frame.append(lst_line, ignore_index=True) return this_lst_frame class TillImporterTwoWavelength(TillImporter): def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping): super().__init__(default_values) self.LE_loadExp = 4 def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int, measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool]) -> pd.DataFrame: vws_manager = VWSDataManager(fle) measurements_wl340_df, measurements_wl380_df \ = vws_manager.get_metadata_two_wavelengths(wavelengths=(340, 380), filter=measurement_filter, additional_cols_func=additional_cols_func) first_utc = vws_manager.get_earliest_utc() this_lst_frame = pd.DataFrame() for (ind1, measurement_wl340), (ind2, measurement_wl380) in zip(measurements_wl340_df.iterrows(), measurements_wl380_df.iterrows()): lst_line_wl340 = self.convert_vws_names_to_lst_names(measurement_wl340, self.get_default_row()) lst_line_wl380 = self.convert_vws_names_to_lst_names(measurement_wl380, self.get_default_row()) lst_line_wl340["dbb2"] = lst_line_wl380["DBB1"] lst_line_wl340["MTime"] = self.get_mtime(utc=lst_line_wl340["UTC"][0], first_utc=first_utc) lst_line_wl380["Analyze"] = 0 lst_line_wl380["MTime"] = self.get_mtime(utc=lst_line_wl380["UTC"][0], first_utc=first_utc) this_lst_frame = this_lst_frame.append(lst_line_wl340, ignore_index=True) this_lst_frame = this_lst_frame.append(lst_line_wl380, ignore_index=True) return this_lst_frame class LifImporter(BaseImporter): """ importer for Leica Confocal/2-Photon .lif files """ def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping): super().__init__(default_values) self.associate_file_type = "Leica .lif files" # short text describing raw data files self.associated_extensions = [".lif"] # possible extensions of files containing metadata self.movie_data_extensions = [".lif"] # possible extension of file containing data (calcium imaging movies) self.LE_loadExp = 21 # associated value of the flag LE_loadExp def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle): for movie_data_extension in self.movie_data_extensions: if fle.endswith(movie_data_extension): fle_path = pl.PureWindowsPath(fle) return 1, str(fle_path.stem) else: return 0, -1 def convert_lif_metadata_to_lst_row(self, fle, measu, lif_metadata_single, default_row): """ Convert values from lif metadata to .lst nomenclature for a particular measurement """ lst_line = default_row.copy() lst_line["Label"] = lif_metadata_single["Label"] lst_line["Cycle"] = lif_metadata_single["Cycle"] lst_line["Lambda"] = lif_metadata_single["Lambda"] lst_line["PxSzX"] = lif_metadata_single["PxSzX"] lst_line["PxSzY"] = lif_metadata_single["PxSzX"] # y-size analyze, dbb1_relative = self.get_path_relative_to_data_dir(fle) lst_line["DBB1"] = dbb1_relative lst_line["Analyze"] = analyze lst_line["Measu"] = measu lst_line['SampFreq'] = lif_metadata_single["SampFreq"] lst_line['FrameSizeX'] = lif_metadata_single["FrameSizeX"] lst_line['FrameSizeY'] = lif_metadata_single["FrameSizeY"] lst_line['NumFrames'] = lif_metadata_single["NumFrames"] lst_line['Comment'] = lif_metadata_single["Comment"] lst_line["UTC"] = lif_metadata_single["UTC"] lst_line["MTime"] = lif_metadata_single["MTime"] return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int, measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool] = True) -> pd.DataFrame: lif_reader = LIFReaderGio(fle) all_lif_metadata = lif_reader.load_all_metadata() this_lst_frame = pd.DataFrame() # iterate all measurements for fle_ind, lst_row in all_lif_metadata.iterrows(): if lst_row["NumFrames"] > 1: lst_line = self.convert_lif_metadata_to_lst_row( fle, fle_ind, lst_row, default_row=self.get_default_row() ) this_lst_frame = this_lst_frame.append(lst_line, ignore_index=True) return this_lst_frame class LSMImporter(BaseImporter): def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping): super().__init__(default_values) self.associate_file_type = "Zeiss LSM files" # short text describing raw data files self.associated_extensions = [".lsm"] # possible extensions of files containing metadata self.movie_data_extensions = [".lsm"] # possible extension of file containing data (calcium imaging movies) self.LE_loadExp = 20 # associated value of the flag LE_loadExp def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle): for movie_data_extension in self.movie_data_extensions: if fle.endswith(movie_data_extension): fle_path = pl.PureWindowsPath(fle) return 1, str(pl.Path([-3]) /[-2] / fle_path.stem) else: return 0, -1 def convert_lsm_metadata_to_lst_row(self, measu, fle, lsm_metadata, default_row): """ Convert values from lsm_metadata to .lst nomenclature :param lsm_metadata: dict, like the one returned by tifffile.TiffFile.lsm_metadata :param default_row: pandas.Series, with default values :return: pandas.Series """ lst_line = default_row.copy() lst_line["Label"] = lsm_metadata["ScanInformation"]["Name"] # converting from seconds to milliseconds lst_line["Cycle"] = lsm_metadata["TimeIntervall"] * 1000 lst_line["Lambda"] = lsm_metadata["ScanInformation"]["Tracks"][0]["IlluminationChannels"][0]["Wavelength"] lst_line['UTC'] = excel_datetime(lsm_metadata["ScanInformation"]["Sample0time"]).timestamp() # convert from meters to micrometers lst_line["PxSzX"] = lsm_metadata["VoxelSizeX"] / 1e-6 lst_line["PxSzY"] = lsm_metadata["VoxelSizeY"] / 1e-6 analyze, dbb1_relative = self.get_path_relative_to_data_dir(fle) lst_line["DBB1"] = dbb1_relative lst_line["Analyze"] = analyze lst_line["Measu"] = measu return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T # for till data, a single raw data file is a .lsm file def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int, measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool] = True) -> pd.DataFrame: lsm_metadata = tifffile.TiffFile(fle).lsm_metadata lst_row = self.convert_lsm_metadata_to_lst_row(measu=fle_ind + 1, fle=fle, lsm_metadata=lsm_metadata, default_row=self.get_default_row()) return lst_row class P1DualWavelengthTIFSingleFileImporter(BaseImporter): # added Dec2021, to import single tiff file with dual wavelength as used in Trondheim # or also single wavelength (e.g. Ratio) tif files # init in view uses read_single_file_fura_tif(filename) def __init__(self, default_values: typing.Mapping): super().__init__(default_values) self.associate_file_type = "Dual Wavelength Tif files" # short text describing raw data files self.associated_extensions = [".tif"] # possible extensions of files containing metadata self.movie_data_extensions = [".tif"] # possible extension of file containing data (calcium imaging movies) self.LE_loadExp = 35 # associated value of the flag LE_loadExp def get_path_relative_to_data_dir(self, fle): for movie_data_extension in self.movie_data_extensions: if fle.endswith(movie_data_extension): fle_path = pl.PureWindowsPath(fle) return 1, str(pl.Path([-3]) /[-2] / fle_path.stem) else: return 0, -1 def convert_metadata_to_lst_row(self, measu, fle, meta_info, default_row): """ Convert values from meta_info to .lst nomenclature :param meta_info['PsSzX']: dict, like the one returned by tifffile.TiffFile.lsm_metadata :param default_row: pandas.Series, with default values :return: pandas.Series """ lst_line = default_row.copy() lst_line["Label"] = meta_info['Label'] # converting from seconds to milliseconds lst_line["Cycle"] = meta_info['GDMfreq'] lst_line["Lambda"] = meta_info['Lambda'] lst_line['UTC'] = meta_info['UTCTime'] # convert from meters to micrometers lst_line["PxSzX"] = meta_info['PsSzX'] lst_line["PxSzY"] = meta_info['PsSzY'] analyze, dbb1_relative = self.get_path_relative_to_data_dir(fle) lst_line["DBB1"] = meta_info['dbb1'] lst_line["dbb2"] = meta_info['dbb2'] lst_line["Analyze"] = analyze lst_line["Measu"] = measu #additional info lst_line["ExposureTime_ms"] = meta_info['ExposureTime_ms'] lst_line["AcquisitionDate"] = meta_info['AcquisitionDate'] lst_line["Binning"] = meta_info['Binning'] lst_line["StartTime"] = meta_info['StartTime'] return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T # for till data, a single raw data file def parse_metadata(self, fle: str, fle_ind: int, measurement_filter: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], bool] = True) -> pd.DataFrame: # load metadata tif_file=pl.Path(fle) with tifffile.TiffFile(tif_file) as tif: metadata = tif.imagej_metadata # imagej_metadata does not work any more or never worked on stack - read metadata from first frame if metadata is None: metadata = tif.pages[0].description # extract XML tree from metadata into root root = ET.fromstring(metadata) # define namespace for OME data # this uses xTree OME syntax # ns = { "d": "" } # now get all infos that we put into settings file meta_info = root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels", ns).attrib # so far, this works with TillPhotonics .tif files for dual wavelengths (as saved in Trondheim group) # recognized by int(meta_info['SizeC']) == 2 # saved sigle wavelength files have SizeC == 1 # those settings that do noot exist there, are excluded for now # result is a dictionary, for example: # {'ID': 'Pixels:1-0', # 'DimensionOrder': 'XYTZC', # 'Type': 'uint16', # 'SizeX': '1392', # 'SizeY': '1040', # 'SizeZ': '1', # 'SizeC': '1', # 'SizeT': '160', # 'PhysicalSizeX': '6.45', # 'PhysicalSizeY': '6.45', # 'PhysicalSizeZ': '1000', # 'SignificantBits': '14'} # acquisition date as string, e.g. '2021-09-19T16:49:28' AcquisitionDate = root.find("./d:Image/d:AcquisitionDate", ns).text meta_info.update({'AcquisitionDate':AcquisitionDate}) # columns in .settings that need to be filled here: # get the tif file, including the last directory this_filename = dbb = this_filename[-2] +'/'+ this_filename[-1] meta_info.update({'dbb1':dbb}) meta_info.update({'Label':this_filename[-1]}) # PxSzX # replace the Andor name "PhysicalSizeX' with the Galizia name PsSzX meta_info['PsSzX'] = meta_info.pop('PhysicalSizeX') meta_info['PsSzY'] = meta_info.pop('PhysicalSizeY') # When was this measurement taken? # first get the time when the measurement was started: first frame first_frame = 1 num_frames = int(meta_info['SizeT']) last_frame = num_frames * int(meta_info['SizeC']) root_text_first_frame = "./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane["+str(first_frame)+"]" root_text_last_frame = "./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane["+str(last_frame)+"]" time_frame1 = root.find(root_text_first_frame, ns).attrib["DeltaT"] time_frame_last = root.find(root_text_last_frame, ns).attrib["DeltaT"] # frame interval. Since this is dual wavelength, # take time from first to last, and divide by dimension T GDMfreq = (float(time_frame_last) - float(time_frame1)) / num_frames GDMfreq = round(GDMfreq*1000) # unit is ms, rounded meta_info.update({'GDMfreq':str(GDMfreq)}) measurementtime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(AcquisitionDate) # now add the time of the first frame, since measurement start time ie equal for all measurements in one loop measurementtime_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(time_frame1)) measurementtime = measurementtime + measurementtime_delta # StartTime, e.g. 10:05:04 StartTime = measurementtime.strftime('%H:%M:%S') meta_info.update({'StartTime':StartTime}) # UTC, e.g. 1623229504.482 UTC = measurementtime.timestamp() meta_info.update({'UTCTime':UTC}) # from here, information that is not available in .tif for saved ratios if int(meta_info['SizeC']) == 2: meta_info.update({'dbb2':dbb}) # copy filename also into column dbb2, since it is dual wavelength # binning info, e.g. '1x1' Binning = root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Channel/d:DetectorSettings", ns).attrib["Binning"] meta_info.update({'Binning':Binning}) # this format is for two-wavelength recording, # so I take exposure time for frame 3 and 4 # just in case the very first one would be strange ExposureTime_ms = float(root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane[3]", ns).attrib["ExposureTime"]) ExposureTime_ms_340 = int(1000*ExposureTime_ms) # value in Andor is in seconds ExposureTime_ms = float(root.find("./d:Image/d:Pixels/d:Plane[4]", ns).attrib["ExposureTime"]) ExposureTime_ms_380 = int(1000*ExposureTime_ms) # value in Andor is in seconds ExposureTimeStr = str(ExposureTime_ms_340)+'/'+str(ExposureTime_ms_380) meta_info.update({'ExposureTime_ms':ExposureTimeStr}) meta_info.update({'Lambda':"340/380"}) #most likely this is FURA else: #single wavelength, ie. SizeC==1 meta_info.update({'dbb2':'none'}) # copy filename also into column dbb2, since it is dual wavelength meta_info.update({'ExposureTime_ms':'unknown'}) meta_info.update({'Binning':'unknown'}) meta_info.update({'Lambda':"ratio of 340/380"}) #most likely this is ready made ratio ##example for meta_info now: # {'ID': 'Pixels:1-0', # 'DimensionOrder': 'XYCTZ', # 'Type': 'uint16', # 'SizeX': '336', # 'SizeY': '256', # 'SizeZ': '1', # 'SizeC': '2', # 'SizeT': '100', # 'PhysicalSizeZ': '1000', # 'SignificantBits': '16', # 'AcquisitionDate': '2019-08-14T14:44:29', # 'Binning': '4x4', # 'GDMfreq': '34', # 'ExposureTime_ms': '13', # 'dbb': '190815_h2_El/A_3.tif', # 'Label': 'A_3.tif', # 'PsSzX': '1.3', # 'PsSzY': '1.3', # 'StartTime': '14:44:29', # 'UTCTime': 1565786669.06601} lst_row = self.convert_metadata_to_lst_row(measu=fle_ind + 1, fle=fle, meta_info=meta_info, default_row=self.get_default_row()) return lst_row def get_animal_tag_raw_data_mapping(self, files_chosen: list) -> dict: if len(files_chosen) == 0: return {} else: parents = [pl.Path(fle).parent for fle in files_chosen] assert all(x == parents[0] for x in parents), f"Tif files specified for constructing measurement " \ f"list file do no belong to the same directory: " \ f"{files_chosen}" return {parents[0] files_chosen} def get_importer_class(LE_loadExp): if LE_loadExp == 3: return TillImporterOneWavelength elif LE_loadExp == 4: return TillImporterTwoWavelength elif LE_loadExp == 20: return LSMImporter elif LE_loadExp == 21: return LifImporter elif LE_loadExp == 33: # single wavelength TIFF return P1DualWavelengthTIFSingleFileImporter # works also for ratio files, not yet tested for other single file tif formats elif LE_loadExp == 35: return P1DualWavelengthTIFSingleFileImporter else: raise NotImplementedError def get_setup_extension(LE_loadExp): """ returns the file extension of raw data file of the setup specified by :param int LE_loadExp: value of the flag of the same name :rtype: list """ importer_class = get_importer_class(LE_loadExp) return importer_class({}).movie_data_extension