@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from ChildProject.projects import ChildProject
-from ChildProject.annotations import AnnotationManager
-from ChildProject.metrics import segments_to_annotation
-import argparse
-import datalad.api
-from os.path import join as opj
-from os.path import basename, exists
-import multiprocessing as mp
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import pickle
-from pyannote.core import Annotation, Segment, Timeline
-import stan
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'main model described throughout the notes.')
-parser.add_argument('--group', default = 'child', choices = ['corpus', 'child'])
-parser.add_argument('--chains', default = 4, type = int)
-parser.add_argument('--samples', default = 2000, type = int)
-parser.add_argument('--validation', default = 0, type = float)
-parser.add_argument('--output', default = 'model3')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-def extrude(self, removed, mode: str = 'intersection'):
- if isinstance(removed, Segment):
- removed = Timeline([removed])
- truncating_support = removed.gaps(support=self.extent())
- # loose for truncate means strict for crop and vice-versa
- if mode == "loose":
- mode = "strict"
- elif mode == "strict":
- mode = "loose"
- return self.crop(truncating_support, mode=mode)
-def compute_counts(parameters):
- corpus = parameters['corpus']
- annotator = parameters['annotator']
- speakers = ['CHI', 'OCH', 'FEM', 'MAL']
- project = ChildProject(parameters['path'])
- am = AnnotationManager(project)
- am.read()
- intersection = AnnotationManager.intersection(
- am.annotations, ['vtc', annotator]
- )
- intersection['path'] = intersection.apply(
- lambda r: opj(project.path, 'annotations', r['set'], 'converted', r['annotation_filename']),
- axis = 1
- )
- datalad.api.get(list(intersection['path'].unique()))
- intersection = intersection.merge(project.recordings[['recording_filename', 'child_id']], how = 'left')
- intersection['child'] = corpus + '_' + intersection['child_id'].astype(str)
- intersection['duration'] = intersection['range_offset']-intersection['range_onset']
- print(corpus, annotator, (intersection['duration']/1000/2).sum()/3600)
- data = []
- for child, ann in intersection.groupby('child'):
- #print(corpus, child)
- segments = am.get_collapsed_segments(ann)
- if 'speaker_type' not in segments.columns:
- continue
- segments = segments[segments['speaker_type'].isin(speakers)]
- vtc = {
- speaker: segments_to_annotation(segments[(segments['set'] == 'vtc') & (segments['speaker_type'] == speaker)], 'speaker_type').get_timeline()
- for speaker in speakers
- }
- truth = {
- speaker: segments_to_annotation(segments[(segments['set'] == annotator) & (segments['speaker_type'] == speaker)], 'speaker_type').get_timeline()
- for speaker in speakers
- }
- for speaker_A in speakers:
- vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_explained'] = vtc[speaker_A].crop(truth[speaker_A], mode = 'loose')
- vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_fp'] = extrude(vtc[speaker_A], vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_explained'])
- vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_fn'] = extrude(truth[speaker_A], truth[speaker_A].crop(vtc[speaker_A], mode = 'loose'))
- for speaker_B in speakers:
- vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_fp_{speaker_B}'] = vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_fp'].crop(truth[speaker_B], mode = 'loose')
- for speaker_C in speakers:
- if speaker_C != speaker_B and speaker_C != speaker_A:
- vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_fp_{speaker_B}'] = extrude(
- vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_fp_{speaker_B}'],
- vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_fp_{speaker_B}'].crop(truth[speaker_C], mode = 'loose')
- )
- d = {}
- for i, speaker_A in enumerate(speakers):
- for j, speaker_B in enumerate(speakers):
- if i != j:
- z = len(vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_fp_{speaker_B}'])
- else:
- z = min(len(vtc[f'{speaker_A}_vocs_explained']), len(truth[speaker_A]))
- d[f'vtc_{i}_{j}'] = z
- d[f'truth_{i}'] = len(truth[speaker_A])
- d['child'] = child
- d['duration'] = ann['duration'].sum()/2/1000
- data.append(d)
- return pd.DataFrame(data).assign(
- corpus = corpus,
- )
-stan_code = """
-data {
- int<lower=1> n_clips; // number of clips
- int<lower=1> n_groups; // number of groups
- int<lower=1> n_classes; // number of classes
- int group[n_clips];
- int vtc[n_clips,n_classes,n_classes];
- int truth[n_clips,n_classes];
- int<lower=1> n_validation;
- int<lower=1> n_sim;
- real<lower=0> rates_alphas[n_classes];
- real<lower=0> rates_betas[n_classes];
-parameters {
- matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[n_classes,n_classes] mus;
- matrix<lower=1>[n_classes,n_classes] etas;
- matrix<lower=0,upper=1>[n_classes,n_classes] group_confusion[n_groups];
-transformed parameters {
- matrix<lower=0>[n_classes,n_classes] alphas;
- matrix<lower=0>[n_classes,n_classes] betas;
- alphas = mus * etas;
- betas = (1-mus) * etas;
-model {
- for (k in n_validation:n_clips) {
- for (i in 1:n_classes) {
- for (j in 1:n_classes) {
- vtc[k,i,j] ~ binomial(truth[k,j], group_confusion[group[k],j,i]);
- }
- }
- }
- for (i in 1:n_classes) {
- for (j in 1:n_classes) {
- mus[i,j] ~ beta(1,1);
- etas[i,j] ~ pareto(1,1.5);
- }
- }
- for (c in 1:n_groups) {
- for (i in 1:n_classes) {
- for (j in 1:n_classes) {
- group_confusion[c,i,j] ~ beta(alphas[i,j], betas[i,j]);
- }
- }
- }
-generated quantities {
- int pred[n_clips,n_classes,n_classes];
- matrix[n_classes,n_classes] probs[n_groups];
- matrix[n_classes,n_classes] log_lik[n_clips];
- int sim_truth[n_sim,n_classes];
- int sim_vtc[n_sim,n_classes];
- vector[n_classes] lambdas;
- real chi_adu_coef = 0; // null hypothesis
- for (c in 1:n_groups) {
- for (i in 1:n_classes) {
- for (j in 1:n_classes) {
- probs[c,i,j] = beta_rng(alphas[i,j], betas[i,j]);
- }
- }
- }
- for (k in 1:n_clips) {
- for (i in 1:n_classes) {
- for (j in 1:n_classes) {
- if (k >= n_validation) {
- pred[k,i,j] = binomial_rng(truth[k,j], group_confusion[group[k],i,j]);
- log_lik[k,i,j] = binomial_lpmf(vtc[k,i,j] | truth[k,j], group_confusion[group[k],j,i]);
- }
- else {
- pred[k,i,j] = binomial_rng(truth[k,j], probs[group[k],j,i]);
- log_lik[k,i,j] = beta_lpdf(probs[group[k],j,i] | alphas[j,i], betas[j,i]);
- log_lik[k,i,j] += binomial_lpmf(vtc[k,i,j] | truth[k,j], probs[group[k],j,i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- real lambda;
- for (k in 1:n_sim) {
- for (i in 2:n_classes) {
- lambda = gamma_rng(rates_alphas[i], rates_betas[i]);
- sim_truth[k,i] = poisson_rng(lambda);
- }
- lambda = gamma_rng(rates_alphas[1], rates_betas[1]);
- sim_truth[k,1] = poisson_rng(lambda + chi_adu_coef*(sim_truth[k,3]+sim_truth[k,4]));
- }
- for (k in 1:n_sim) {
- for (i in 1:n_classes) {
- sim_vtc[k,i] = 0;
- for (j in 1:n_classes) {
- real p = beta_rng(alphas[j,i], betas[j,i]);
- sim_vtc[k,i] += binomial_rng(sim_truth[k,j], p);
- }
- }
- }
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- annotators = pd.read_csv('input/annotators.csv')
- annotators['path'] = annotators['corpus'].apply(lambda c: opj('input', c))
- with mp.Pool(processes = 8) as pool:
- data = pd.concat(pool.map(compute_counts, annotators.to_dict(orient = 'records')))
- data = data.sample(frac = 1)
- duration = data['duration'].sum()
- vtc = np.moveaxis([[data[f'vtc_{j}_{i}'].values for i in range(4)] for j in range(4)], -1, 0)
- truth = np.transpose([data[f'truth_{i}'].values for i in range(4)])
- print(vtc.shape)
- rates = pd.read_csv('output/speech_dist.csv')
- data = {
- 'n_clips': truth.shape[0],
- 'n_classes': truth.shape[1],
- 'n_groups': data[args.group].nunique(),
- 'n_validation': max(1, int(truth.shape[0]*args.validation)),
- 'n_sim': 40,
- 'group': 1+data[args.group].astype('category').cat.codes.values,
- 'truth': truth.astype(int),
- 'vtc': vtc.astype(int),
- 'rates_alphas': rates['alpha'].values,
- 'rates_betas': rates['beta'].values
- }
- print(f"clips: {data['n_clips']}")
- print(f"groups: {data['n_groups']}")
- print("true vocs: {}".format(np.sum(data['truth'])))
- print("vtc vocs: {}".format(np.sum(data['vtc'])))
- print("duration: {}".format(duration))
- with open(f'data_{args.output}.pickle', 'wb') as fp:
- pickle.dump(data, fp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
- posterior = stan.build(stan_code, data = data)
- fit = posterior.sample(num_chains = args.chains, num_samples = args.samples)
- df = fit.to_frame()
- df.to_parquet(f'fit_{args.output}.parquet')