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[DATALAD] Recorded changes

Lucas Gautheron 8 months ago
5 changed files with 1368 additions and 1 deletions
  1. 329 0
  2. 28 1
  3. 63 0
  4. 841 0
  5. 107 0

+ 329 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+functions {
+    real confusion_model_lpmf(array[] int group,
+        int start, int end,
+        int n_classes,
+        array[,] int vtc,
+        array[,] int truth,
+        array[] real age,
+        array[] real clip_duration,
+        array[] matrix lambda,
+        array[] vector lambda_fp
+    ) {
+        real ll = 0;
+        vector [4] bp;
+        real lambda_chi;
+        vector[16384] log_contrib_comb;
+        int n = size(log_contrib_comb);
+        for (k in start:end) {
+            for (i in 1:n_classes) {
+                log_contrib_comb[:n] = rep_vector(0, n);
+                n = 1;
+                for (chi in 0:(truth[k,1]>0?max(truth[k,1], vtc[k,i]):0)) {
+                    bp[1] = truth[k,1]==0?0:poisson_lpmf(chi | truth[k,1]*lambda[group[k-start+1],1,i]);
+                    for (och in 0:(truth[k,2]>0?max(truth[k,2], vtc[k,i]-chi):0)) {
+                        bp[2] = truth[k,2]==0?0:poisson_lpmf(och | truth[k,2]*lambda[group[k-start+1],2,i]);
+                        for (fem in 0:(truth[k,3]>0?max(truth[k,3], vtc[k,i]-chi-och):0)) {
+                            bp[3] = truth[k,3]==0?0:poisson_lpmf(fem | truth[k,3]*lambda[group[k-start+1],3,i]);
+                            for (mal in 0:(truth[k,4]>0?max(truth[k,4], vtc[k,i]-chi-och-fem):0)) {
+                                bp[4] = truth[k,4]==0?0:poisson_lpmf(mal | truth[k,4]*lambda[group[k-start+1],4,i]);
+                                int delta = vtc[k,i] - (mal+fem+och+chi);
+                                if (delta >= 0) {
+                                    log_contrib_comb[n] += sum(bp);
+                                    log_contrib_comb[n] += poisson_lpmf(
+                                        delta | lambda_fp[group[k-start+1],i]*clip_duration[k]
+                                    );
+                                    n = n+1;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (n>1) {
+                    ll += log_sum_exp(log_contrib_comb[1:n-1]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return ll;
+    }
+    real model_lpmf(array[] int children,
+        int start, int end,
+        int n_recs,
+        int n_classes,
+        real duration,
+        array [,] int vocs,
+        array [] real age,
+        matrix truth_vocs,
+        array [] matrix actual_confusion,
+        array [] vector actual_fp_rate
+        ) {
+            real ll = 0;
+            vector [4] expect;
+            //vector [4] sd;
+            for (k in start:end) {
+                expect = rep_vector(0, 4);
+                //sd = rep_vector(0, 4);
+                for (i in 1:n_classes) {
+                    expect[i] = dot_product(truth_vocs[k,:], actual_confusion[k,:,i]);
+                    expect[i] += actual_fp_rate[k,i] * duration;
+                }
+                ll += normal_lpdf(vocs[k,:] | expect, sqrt(expect));
+            }
+            return ll;
+        }
+// TODO
+// use speech rates to set priors on truth_vocs
+data {
+    int<lower=1> n_classes; // number of classes
+    // analysis data block
+    int<lower=1> n_recs;
+    int<lower=1> n_children;
+    array[n_recs] int<lower=1> children;
+    array[n_recs] real<lower=1> age;
+    array[n_recs] int<lower=-1> siblings;
+    array[n_recs, n_classes] int<lower=0> vocs;
+    array[n_children] int<lower=1> corpus;
+    real<lower=0> recs_duration;
+    // speaker confusion data block
+    int<lower=1> n_clips;   // number of clips
+    int<lower=1> n_groups; // number of groups
+    int<lower=1> n_corpora;
+    array [n_clips] int group;
+    array [n_clips] int conf_corpus;
+    array [n_clips,n_classes] int<lower=0> vtc_total; // vtc vocs attributed to specific speakers
+    array [n_clips,n_classes] int<lower=0> truth_total;
+    array [n_clips] real<lower=0> clip_duration;
+    array [n_clips] real<lower=0> clip_age;
+    int<lower=0> n_validation;
+    // actual speech rates
+    int<lower=1> n_rates;
+    int<lower=1> n_speech_rate_children;
+    array [n_rates,n_classes] int<lower=0> speech_rates;
+    array [n_rates] int group_corpus;
+    array [n_rates] real<lower=0> durations;
+    array [n_rates] real<lower=0> speech_rate_age;
+    array [n_rates] int<lower=-1> speech_rate_siblings;
+    array [n_rates] int<lower=1,upper=n_speech_rate_children> speech_rate_child;
+    // parallel processing
+    int<lower=1> threads;
+transformed data {
+    vector<lower=0>[n_groups] recording_age;
+    array[n_speech_rate_children] int<lower=1> speech_rate_child_corpus;
+    array[n_children] int<lower=-1> child_siblings;
+    array[n_speech_rate_children] int<lower=-1> speech_rate_child_siblings;
+    for (c in 1:n_clips) {
+        recording_age[group[c]] = clip_age[c];
+    }
+    for (k in 1:n_rates) {
+        speech_rate_child_corpus[speech_rate_child[k]] = group_corpus[k];
+    }
+    for (k in 1:n_recs) {
+        child_siblings[children[k]] = siblings[k];
+    }
+    for (k in 1:n_rates) {
+        speech_rate_child_siblings[speech_rate_child[k]] = speech_rate_siblings[k];
+    }
+parameters {
+    matrix<lower=0>[n_children,n_classes-1] mu_child_level;
+    vector [n_children] child_dev_age;
+    matrix<lower=0> [n_recs, n_classes] truth_vocs;
+    // nuisance parameters
+    array [n_recs] matrix<lower=0>[n_classes,n_classes] actual_confusion_baseline;
+    array [n_recs] vector<lower=0>[n_classes] actual_fp_rate;
+    // confusion parameters
+    // confusion matrix
+    matrix<lower=0>[n_classes,n_classes] alphas;
+    matrix<lower=0>[n_classes,n_classes] mus;
+    array [n_groups] matrix<lower=0>[n_classes,n_classes] lambda;
+    // false positives
+    vector<lower=0>[n_classes] alphas_fp;
+    vector<lower=0>[n_classes] mus_fp;
+    array [n_groups] vector<lower=0>[n_classes] lambda_fp;
+    // speech rates
+    vector<lower=0>[n_classes] alpha_child_level; // variance across recordings for a given child
+    matrix<lower=0>[n_classes-1,n_corpora] alpha_corpus_level; // variance among children
+    matrix<lower=0>[n_classes-1,n_corpora] mu_corpus_level; // child-level average
+    vector<lower=0>[n_classes-1] alpha_pop_level; // variance among corpora
+    vector<lower=0>[n_classes] mu_pop_level; // population level averages
+    vector<lower=0>[n_classes-1] alpha_pop;
+    matrix<lower=0>[n_classes,n_rates] speech_rate; // truth speech rates observed in annotated clips
+    matrix<lower=0>[n_speech_rate_children,n_classes-1] speech_rate_child_level; // expected speech rate at the child-level
+    real<lower=0> beta_sib_och; // effect of n of siblings on OCH speech
+    vector [n_speech_rate_children] child_dev_speech_age;
+    // average effect of age
+    real alpha_dev;
+    real<lower=0> sigma_dev;
+    // effect of excess ADU input
+    real beta_dev;
+model {
+    //actual model
+    target += reduce_sum(
+       model_lpmf, children, 1,
+       n_recs, n_classes, recs_duration,
+       vocs, age,
+       truth_vocs, actual_confusion_baseline, actual_fp_rate
+    );
+    for (k in 1:n_recs) {
+        for (i in 1:n_classes) {
+            if (i == 1) {
+                actual_confusion_baseline[k,i] ~ gamma(alphas[i,:], alphas[i,:]./mus[i,:]);
+                //actual_confusion_baseline[k,i] ~ gamma(alphas[i,:], alphas[i,:]./(mus[i,:].*exp(delta_chi_age'*age[k]/12.0))); //'
+            }
+            else {
+                actual_confusion_baseline[k,i] ~ gamma(alphas[i,:], alphas[i,:]./mus[i,:]);
+            }
+        }
+        actual_fp_rate[k] ~ gamma(alphas_fp, alphas_fp./mus_fp);
+    }
+    for (k in 1:n_recs) {
+        real chi_mu = exp(
+            log(mu_pop_level[1]) + child_dev_age[children[k]]*age[k]/12.0/10.0+beta_dev*(mu_child_level[children[k],2]+mu_child_level[children[k],3]-mu_pop_level[3]-mu_pop_level[4])*age[k]/12.0/10.0
+        );
+        (truth_vocs[k,1]/1000/recs_duration) ~ gamma(
+            alpha_child_level[1],
+            alpha_child_level[1]/chi_mu
+        );
+        real och_mu = exp(
+            log(mu_child_level[children[k],1]) + (child_siblings[children[k]]>0?beta_sib_och:0)
+        );
+        (truth_vocs[k,2]/1000/recs_duration) ~ gamma(
+            alpha_child_level[2],
+            alpha_child_level[2]/och_mu
+        );
+        (truth_vocs[k,3:]/1000/recs_duration) ~ gamma(
+            alpha_child_level[3:], alpha_child_level[2:]./mu_child_level[children[k],2:]' //'
+        );    
+    }
+    for (c in 1:n_children) {
+        mu_child_level[c] ~ gamma(
+            alpha_corpus_level[:,corpus[c]],
+            (alpha_corpus_level[:,corpus[c]]./mu_corpus_level[:,corpus[c]])
+        );
+    }
+    alpha_child_level ~ gamma(2,1);
+    target += reduce_sum(
+        confusion_model_lpmf, group, n_clips%/%(threads*4),
+        n_classes,
+        vtc_total, truth_total, clip_duration, clip_age,
+        lambda, lambda_fp
+    );
+    mus_fp ~ exponential(1);
+    alphas_fp ~ gamma(2, 1);
+    for (i in 1:n_classes) {
+        lambda_fp[:,i] ~ gamma(alphas_fp[i], alphas_fp[i]/mus_fp[i]);
+        for (j in 1:n_classes) {
+            mus[i,j] ~ exponential(i==j?2:8);
+            alphas[i,j] ~ gamma(2,1);
+            for (c in 1:n_groups) {
+                if (i==1) {
+                    lambda[c,i,j] ~ gamma(alphas[i,j], alphas[i,j]/mus[i,j]);
+                    //lambda[c,i,j] ~ gamma(alphas[i,j], alphas[i,j]/(mus[i,j]*exp(delta_chi_age[j]*recording_age[c]/12.0)));
+                }
+                else {
+                    lambda[c,i,j] ~ gamma(alphas[i,j], alphas[i,j]/mus[i,j]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //delta_chi_age ~ normal(0, 0.1);
+    // speech rates
+    mu_pop_level ~ exponential(4);
+    alpha_pop_level ~ gamma(8, 4);
+    alpha_pop ~ gamma(10, 10);
+    for (i in 1:n_classes-1) {
+        alpha_corpus_level[i,:] ~ gamma(4, 4/alpha_pop[i]);
+        mu_corpus_level[i,:] ~ gamma(alpha_pop_level[i],alpha_pop_level[i]/mu_pop_level[i+1]);
+    }
+    for (g in 1:n_rates) {
+        real chi_mu = exp(
+            log(mu_pop_level[1]) + child_dev_speech_age[speech_rate_child[g]]*speech_rate_age[g]/12.0/10.0 + beta_dev*(speech_rate_child_level[speech_rate_child[g],2]+speech_rate_child_level[speech_rate_child[g],3]-mu_pop_level[3]-mu_pop_level[4])*speech_rate_age[g]/12.0/10.0
+        );
+        speech_rate[1,g] ~ gamma(
+            alpha_child_level[1],
+            alpha_child_level[1]/chi_mu
+        );
+        real och_mu = exp(
+            log(speech_rate_child_level[speech_rate_child[g],1]) + (speech_rate_child_siblings[speech_rate_child[g]]>0?beta_sib_och:0)
+        );
+        speech_rate[2,g] ~ gamma(
+            alpha_child_level[2],
+            alpha_child_level[2]/och_mu
+        );
+        speech_rate[3:,g] ~ gamma(
+            alpha_child_level[3:],
+            (alpha_child_level[3:]./(speech_rate_child_level[speech_rate_child[g],2:]')) //'
+        );
+        speech_rates[g,:] ~ poisson(speech_rate[:,g]*durations[g]*1000);
+    }
+    for (c in 1:n_speech_rate_children) {
+        speech_rate_child_level[c,:] ~ gamma(
+            alpha_corpus_level[:,speech_rate_child_corpus[c]],
+            (alpha_corpus_level[:,speech_rate_child_corpus[c]]./(mu_corpus_level[:,speech_rate_child_corpus[c]]))
+        );
+    }
+    child_dev_age ~ normal(alpha_dev, sigma_dev);
+    child_dev_speech_age ~ normal(alpha_dev, sigma_dev);
+    beta_sib_och ~ exponential(1);
+    alpha_dev ~ normal(0, 1);
+    sigma_dev ~ exponential(1);
+    beta_dev ~ normal(0, 1);

+ 28 - 1

@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ matplotlib.rcParams.update(
+from collections import defaultdict
 import pickle
 import datalad.api
@@ -69,6 +71,18 @@ def extrude(self, removed, mode: str = "intersection"):
     return self.crop(truncating_support, mode=mode)
+def children_siblings(corpus):
+    siblings = pd.read_csv("input/siblings.csv")
+    siblings = siblings[siblings["corpus"]==corpus].set_index("child_id")
+    siblings = siblings["n_siblings"].to_dict()
+    n = defaultdict(-1)
+    for c in siblings:
+        n[c] = siblings[c]
+    return n
 def compute_counts(parameters):
     corpus = parameters["corpus"]
@@ -201,7 +215,12 @@ def rates(parameters):
     metrics = pipeline.extract()
     metrics = pd.DataFrame(metrics).assign(corpus=corpus, annotator=annotator)
     project.recordings["age"] = project.compute_ages()
-    metrics = metrics.merge(project.recordings[["recording_filename", "age"]])
+    project.recordings["siblings"] =
+        children_siblings(corpus)
+    )
+    metrics = metrics.merge(
+        project.recordings[["recording_filename", "age", "siblings"]]
+    )
     metrics["duration"] = metrics[f"duration_{annotator}"] / 1000 / 3600
     metrics = metrics[metrics["duration"] > 0.01]
     metrics["child"] = corpus + "_" + metrics["child_id"].astype(str)
@@ -261,6 +280,9 @@ def compile_recordings(corpus):
     project.recordings["age"] = project.compute_ages()
+    project.recordings["siblings"] =
+        children_siblings(corpus)
+    )
     annotations = am.annotations[am.annotations["set"] == "vtc"]
     annotations = annotations.merge(
@@ -292,6 +314,7 @@ def compile_recordings(corpus):
         child_id = _annotations["child_id"].max()
         age = _annotations["age"].max()
         duration = (_annotations["range_offset"] - _annotations["range_onset"]).sum()
+        siblings = _annotations["siblings"].max()
         if duration < args.duration * 3600 * 1000:
@@ -331,6 +354,7 @@ def compile_recordings(corpus):
         rec["children"] = f"{corpus}_{child_id}"
         rec["corpus"] = basename(corpus)
         rec["age"] = age
+        rec["siblings"] = siblings
@@ -372,6 +396,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         [speech_rates[f"speech_rate_{i}"].values for i in range(4)]
     speech_rate_age = speech_rates["age"].values
+    speech_rate_siblings = speech_rates["siblings"].values.astype(int)
@@ -393,6 +418,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         "n_unique_clips": data["clip_id"].nunique(),
         "speech_rates": speech_rate_matrix.astype(int),
         "speech_rate_age": speech_rate_age,
+        "speech_rate_siblings": speech_rate_siblings,
         "group_corpus": (
             1 + speech_rates["corpus"].map(corpora_map).astype(int).values
@@ -415,6 +441,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         "children": recs["children"],
         "vocs": np.transpose([recs[f"vtc_{i}"].values for i in range(4)]),
         "age": recs["age"],
+        "siblings": recs["siblings"].astype(int),
         "corpus": children_corpus,
         "recs_duration": args.duration,

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import pandas as pd 
+from ChildProject.projects import ChildProject
+from os.path import join as opj, basename
+corpora = [
+    "input/bergelson",
+    "input/warlaumont",
+    "input/winnipeg",
+    "input/lucid"
+dic = {
+    "input/bergelson": "confidential/original/bergelson_dict.csv",
+    "input/lucid": "confidential/original/lucid_dict.csv",
+    "input/warlaumont": "original/warlaumont_dict_matched.csv",
+    "input/winnipeg": "confidential/original/winnipeg_dict_matched.csv"
+correspondance = {
+    "BER": "input/bergelson",
+    "ROW": "input/lucid",
+    "SOD": "input/winnipeg",
+    "WAR": "input/warlaumont"
+projects = [ 
+    ChildProject(corpus) for corpus in corpora
+for project in projects:
+recordings = pd.concat([
+    projects[i].recordings.assign(corpus=corpus)
+    for i, corpus in enumerate(corpora)
+recordings["its_filename"] = recordings["its_filename"].str.replace(".its", "")
+aclew_id = pd.concat([
+    pd.read_csv(opj(corpus, "metadata", dic[corpus])).assign(corpus=corpus)
+    for corpus in corpora
+aclew_id["its"] = aclew_id["its"].str.replace(".its", "")
+aclew_md = pd.read_csv("input/aclew_md.csv")
+recordings = recordings[["corpus", "child_id", "recording_filename", "its_filename"]].merge(
+    aclew_id[["corpus", "its", "aclew_id"]],
+    how="inner",
+    left_on=["corpus", "its_filename"],
+    right_on=["corpus", "its"]
+recordings = recordings.merge(aclew_md, how="inner", left_on="aclew_id", right_on="aclew_id")
+children = recordings.groupby(["corpus", "child_id"]).agg(n_siblings=("number_older_sibs", "max"))
+children = children.reset_index()
+children["corpus"] =

+ 841 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@

+ 107 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@